Judgement – Comrades and cohorts
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Comrades and cohorts
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Tue Oct 26, 2010 @ 9:06pm
Location   Promenade - Lower level
Timeline   SD34 - 20:30hrs

Sotar hunched his back, and, with the enthusiasm of a legless Vole, sighed. He was confused. Why would Arrienye bargain a date with that Human slime ball in the middle of our drink!

Arrienye was oblivious to Sotar's internal musings as they made their way over to their table. Setting her drink down, she took her seat once more and crossed her legs.

"Why did we even engage in conversation with that scuzzbucket?"

"You didn't. I did. I nudged him while passing through to go get out drinks. I accidentally made him spill whatever he was drinking and he insisted I not only buy him a drink, but drink it with him."

Sotar made a disgusted grunt. "He's Human... In a nearly non-Human bar... "

"Maybe he's a xenophilliac. Wouldn't be the first..." Arrienye noted, sipping her ale.

"He's a trouble maker. Did you see how he was intently trying to get on my nerves! He asked with an exaggerated hand gesture.

Arrienye chuckled. "Yes, I noticed that. Quite an arrogant little person, wasn't he?"

"Little." Sotar repeated.

She shook her head, motioning for the waiter for give them both a refill. "Are you alright?" she asked, noting how tense he was. "He's gone now."

Sotar responded with a minimal grunt.

Arrienye raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" she asked, genuinely curious now.



Sotar tried his hardest not to shout out his anger at Lance, so replied simply with "Nothing."

"Why are you acting like this? He's just one out of line human, we see them every day!" Arrienye told him. "Are you still mad because you lost?" It was the only thing she could think of that he might be mad about. Of course, they'd never held any grudges on account of winning or losing in their session, but maybe this was a first.

"No, its just... It’s just... I detest Humans intruding into my life, all the fucking time. The Federation. This station. They're always there!"
"We're on a Federation outpost, of course they're always there!" Arrienye said. "And you shouldn't let them get to you," she said. She didn't like aliens anymore than he did, but she was learning to adapt. She moved from her seat to the one next to Sotar's. "You'll just wear out your nerves if you do."

"They're already gone." He said. "I seriously hate Humans. If I had it my way I'd replenish the entire military force of Cardassia and wipe them out!"

"That's a little extreme, don't you think?" Arrienye asked. She didn't like them, but she wasn't about to advocate genocide. "You tried that with the Bajorans and look where that gotten you?" she asked, then regretted it.

Sotar stayed silent for a moment, as he passed Arrienye a look that could kill. "Never, ever, joke about the occupation around a Cardassian."

"Didn't mean to. It just sort of slipped out," she said, looking down at her drink, feeling uncomfortable.

He made a noise, letting Arrienye know she was off the hook.

She smirked, and then grinned at him, sipping her drink. She was actually glad he wasn't mad at her. It would've spoiled the evening, really.

"I'm going to remember that comment in our next session. You wait. I'll mop the floor with you."

She chuckled. "You wish," Arrienye told him, looking up at him again. "Whatever little thought keeps your hopes up," she teased. A pause passed comfortably between them before she spoke again. "So, that human. He was rather insistent wasn't he?"

"More than most."

She nodded in agreement. "Good thing I got rid of him."

"For now?" Sotar said, reminding her of his argued drink.

"Hm?" she asked, confused for a moment.

"Didn't you promise him you'd go and share a drink?"

"Ah, yes," Arrienye remembered. "No problem with that, it's just a drink."

"He's a persistent Human. It showed in his stride." Sotar said with wisdom in his voice.

"What? You think I made a mistake?"

"Well... No." He finally admitted. "I'm just annoyed. It'll pass."

"No reason to be annoyed. It's just a drink...Right? Or does he think this is a date?"

"He probably thinks the latter."

Arrienye sighed. "Oh well. Maybe a date wouldn't be so bad. Even if it a human. I can see what all the fuss is about with interspecies dating this was, since everyone seems to be doing it." Elements know this may be the only chance I'll get. No other takers, after all she thought to herself.

Sotar attempted to hide his sigh. "Yeah. Just don't let him go further than he needs to, okay? The thought of a Human even having the nerve to touch a Romulan, or a Cardassian... The thoughts sickening."

Arrienye smirked. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were concerned about me," she teased, her blue eyes mischievous.

"I'm concerned for your cleanliness." He teased back.

Arrienye was half way to swallowing her drink when he said that and she nearly choked. Letting out a laugh/cough, she looked over at him. "You're kidding right?" she laughed.

"Joking with a hint of seriousness. You don't actually want to be touched by a Human right?"

Instead of answering, Arrienye took a moment, looking deep in thought, mulling the idea over in her head.

"Your not serious!" He said, a little shocked that she even considered the thought.

Arrienye couldn't hold it in any longer and let out a heartfelt laugh. "Of course not..." she said, shaking her head. Then she seemed to go back to her previous thought. "No, probably not," she corrected.

"You’re disgusting."

"Oh come now, I said 'not'. Besides, disgusting as it may be, the human wasn't as ugly as most," Arrienye defended. "As if you never did it," she told him, remembering quite clearly seeing him with one of Ibalin's girls.

"They came on to me!" He retaliated.

"And he came on to me," she pointed out. "And you sure as hell didn't say 'No, get away from me, you horrid, disgusting thing!'" she imitated him, or tried to. "You were too busy looking down that little piece of fabric she had thrown over her chest.”

"Okay, I yield!" He held his hands up in mock surrender.

"Exactly, so don't judge me. This is no different," she told him, sipping her ale.

"Okay... I'm sorry." Sotar finished with an overly apologetic tone.

"Well you don't have to be. Your concern is appreciated. And besides, I'd probably need to be pretty drunk to go through it in the first place," Arrienye admitted. She was surprised at his protectiveness. She didn't know he cared that much. Of course, it could be an act. But it didn't seem like it.

"That sounds like the beginning to a really bad joke. ’A drunken Romulan and a Human walk into a bar... "

"I don't drink much on the first date," she told him with a smirk. "But, that aside, maybe a date will do me good. Will tell me if I've missed anything since the last time."

"Last time?"

"The last time I went on a date," she clarified.

"I knew that, I mean with whom."

"Someone back on ch'Rihan," Arrienye answered simply, not giving any details.

"Ah." Sotar realized.

Arrienye nodded, looking around the bar for a moment before resting her drink on the table looking over at her companion. "Well, since we seem so intent on spending the evening talking about romance, what about you?" she asked, actually curious.

“Nothing’s on with me, romantically." Sotar replied.

"Oh, come now, there has to be something. Someone somewhere," she smirked. There was always someone a person had their eye on! Even if it wasn’t serious.

"No... " He lied.

"Hah," she said, noting his tone. "I knew there was someone. But that's fine, you don't have to tell me," she said, acting casually uninterested, looking around obviously, playing it up.

"Seriously! There’s no-one!" He lied again.

"Fine!" she said back, obviously not believing him. "You don't have to tell me."

"I don't plan to." He retorted, with a large grin spread across his face.

She made a face, actually pouting a little. "Fine..." she repeated, sipping her drink. “I knew there was someone," she said with a grin then. "Otherwise you wouldn't have said that."

"There is no-one!" He protested, one last time.

"Yes, keep telling yourself that," she teased, nodding patronizingly.

A moment passed between them and Arrienye spoke again. "Oh come on! Give me something!"

"Make me?" He responded curtly.

Arrienye gave him an "Is that a challenge?" look.

"You know it is." Sotar said aloud, knowing that look.

"Alright...how about this. I trade you one question for another one? You get to ask me anything you want about me and I have to be honest, and you tell me something about this mystery you have?" It was more than Arrienye would offer anyone else. Much more, since she was known to be a very private person.

"Fine. Do you have an attraction toward anyone on this station?"

Arrienye jaw dropped slightly, but she had expected that. Giving him a 'touche' smirk, she nodded. "Yes," she admitted simply.

"Okay... Your go."

"Tell me what you're attracted to on whoever your mystery is." She had planned to ask who it was straight out, but once he'd been rather discreet and non-invasive with his own question, she had changed her mind.

"Eyes." He replied quickly. "Who is the person your attracted to?"

"Oh, no! We only one question each!" Arrienye told him with a grin.

"Oh you... " Sotar was interrupted abruptly by the sound of his communicator clicking on, and Getal's words coming through. "All Cardassian staff under my command, form up in the barracks now!" Getal's words screamed down the line.

"Well, he sounds as joyful as ever," Arrienye said sarcastically, finishing her ale as she realized it was time to leave.

"I do hate him sometimes." He sighed as he stood and bowed respectfully. "Another time Arrienye."

"See you next session." She bowed back. "And say hello to your mystery for me," she added with a relentless, teasing smile before lifting her arms up in mock defense.

"Oh I'll get you." He said, as he walked off toward Getal, and the shock he was about to receive.


JP by

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Glen Sotar Telet