Judgement – Making Entry
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Making Entry
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 2:43pm
Location   Docking bay 95
Timeline   SD38 0000

Hidden in the shadow of a big storage crate, T'Pal watched the guard through the small computer screen dropped in front of her left eye. The built in scanner confirmed that he was the furthest from the others. She had been observing the ship in its private docking bay for the last thirty minutes. From the flat bag on her back, she pulled a small electronic device, which after activating it, released it. The movement detection camera would follow the device for three seconds, giving her the chance to get over the crate and down the other side, and make her down to the guard's position. Once there, she could enter the interior of the ship through an air vent to his right

Now it was time to move.

Her lithe body moved with the agility of a cat, up on the crate, up another one and onto the steel truss, ran along it and down the other side, just before the camera scanned the area. The guard never even saw or heard her. The neck pinch disabled him. He should wake up and not remember what happened. That was all the time she needed. No need to raise the an alarm. She disappeared through the airvent and made her way deeper inside the ship.

The ship was not busy, she could detect only a few beings moving around the corridors. There were more life signs loitering within cabins, probably asleep, from the lack of movement. The schematic on her HUD showed that she had entered towards the rear, near the engine rooms and nacelle access .There were three decks above her head, and on this one, she picked up only a single life sign, probably a duty engineer, half asleep, since the Asecepalus was docked and quiet.

In a jeffrey tube junction she halted to get her bearings. From the layout she scanned, the medical facility was one deck down, towards the port side. There was a person in what seemed to be a small laboratory. The only way she would know was to confirm it visually. The vent going towards the medical facility would be too narrow for her, so she would have to find another way in.

Quickly she made her way to the deck where the sleeping quarters were. When the corridor was clear, she entered it silently and followed her scanner to where there was only one female life sign. The panel was simple enough to open, but the door was not properly closed and she slithered in. It was dark inside, so the occupant didn’t see who was coming into her quarters. She nearly screamed but the neck pinch worked again. T’Pal put on what seemed to be a uniform of some kind over her suit. The crew was relatively small, so they could know one another, but that didn’t bother her too much. She only wanted to be indistinct enough to reach her target and get out.

As silently as she went into the quarters, she came out again. Avoiding walking into someone, she made her way to the sickbay, here and there walking in the opposite direction, or turning her side, reading a panel or dipping her head when she encountered anyone she couldn’t bypass. It did mean that she had to disable a very nice looking young man and drag him into a small storage room, but so far so good.

And then it seemed all hell broke loose. A dozen armed guards turned out of several rooms, and appeared from other decks, all heading towards sick bay. Then her target appeared, his wheelchair whirring, and behind him, an imposingly muscular human, wearing nothing but his pants and a vest, dragging a dishevelled young orion woman behind him by the hair. "We should have gone straight to surgery." The large man was saying.

"And have him loose his stomach in the middle of transplant?" Glaston muttered. "This wasn't entirely unexpected. And Gwen has already been sedated and secured, so I'm sure you can handle everything from here, North."

They passed by where T'Pal was lurking, and thundered down to the next deck, and sick bay.

T'Pal saw the opportunity and simply jogged after them, her target mere metres in front of her. Since she could not plan the assassination in detail, she had to think on her feet. Her fingers curled around the hand weapon, hidden under the loose blouse. If she could get a clear shot, the weapon would soundlessly release a microscopic *bullet*, which would on entry through the skin of the target, release nanites which would attack the heart muscle and cause death about five to seven minutes later or even longer, depending on their programming. That would give the assassin enough time to get away long before the victim would die.

The big muscular man was in the way and their were just too many people, so she went to plan B. She wouldn't be able to use a stealth entry through vents, they were to narrow for her. she needed to look for a way into where her target was going. The commotion moved into the sickbay area and she followed it.

"Where are you going?" a guard asked T'Pal.

"What do you mean, where am I going, can't you see, you fool!" she answered, indicating with her head inside sickbay.

"You are late! The others are scrubbing already!" he said and literally pushed her inside. She followed a few rushing individuals towards the OR, just seeing people gathered around a gurney with a young woman unconscious on it. The group, covered in scrubs and masks despite the active sterilization field made off-colour jokes as they watched vital signs. Unobtrusively she took a set of scrubs from the shelve and donned it, following the others. Someone complained that they were a set short, but T'Pal went into OR before she could even hear the outcome.

On an empty biobed lieing head to head with one with the young woman they were loading up Arthur Glaston's Medical files. Soon he would be on that grey pallet, unconscious and oblivious to the angel of death that was waiting for him. Now she just had to look for the right moment.


Security Consultant of sorts

NPC's by Notty and Sharon