Beg, Steal or Borrow – [Freedom] Interrogation - Part 2 - Mind Meld
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   [Freedom] Interrogation - Part 2 - Mind Meld
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Sun May 17, 2009 @ 7:26am
Location   USS Freedom - Brig
Timeline   On the way back to DS5
Please be advised that the following post contains scenes which are a little beyond the general rating of this simm. If you are likely to be offended by such content (language, torture etc), please skip this post.



"Thank you," T'Pal said to Elek and turned her eyes to the XO. "I am ready for the mind meld," she informed her. She would have to be careful not to let on that she had experience in conducting forced mind melds, no one on this ship knew anything about her background as an agent and who she worked for. And she preferred it that way.


"Be careful," Mari warned, "Both with yourself and with the Romulan. If something were to go wrong...we would need proof that he was not killed purposefully," she said with meaning, holding T'Pal's gaze steadily.

In fact, the hybrid couldn't really wait to start the procedure. It was possibly one of the worst experiences one could subject another to and to do that to a Romulan bIHnuch [coward] was indeed something T'Pal looked forward to.

"Don't worry about that, lieutenant. If he did ...perish.... it would be because he committed suicide. Romulans have been known to do that during interrogation," T'Pal said matter of factly, letting the XO know that she was able to kill him and keep tem off the hook. "However, I suggest we *prevent* him from doing that, at least for now..."

She motioned to the brig officer. "Pass me the restraints so I can start with this taHqeq," she said coldly and stepped into the interrogation room."Do you agree to a mind meld?" she asked indifferently. She only asked him because she had to.

Nniol turned to the brig officer himself, "Do you understand a word that creature is saying?" he asked in unaccented Standard, his question rhetorical, "I think its something about the creature's teeth, it can't form words like a normal thinking being ..."

His lips split into a grin as he turned to T’Pal. He raised an eyebrow as his gaze fell to the restraints; he was taller than her, bigger than her … the susse-thrai (bitch) wouldn’t stand a chance without them. “I’ve never been mind-raped by a quilyr (a hairy, vicious, tusked animal) before,” Nniol said. “And long after you’re done, I will find you and return the violation, blow for blow … I'll look forward to that ... if I can somehow restrain myself from vomiting over your fallen body, that is.”

Inspecting him like one would an insect, T'Pal's cold eyes sized him up. "I guess you've never been held captive by a quilyr either.." she sneered softly.

"I've never fucked one either, but you can have the honour of being the first to endure a sentient being," he said very softly.

T'Pal laughed softly in his face. "What you want to fuck what you perceived to be a quilyr? I can imagine you will be desperate... no sentient woman would spread her legs for you...." she said as softly.

"I'm not talking about a sentient woman, I'm talking about you," he said with an even gaze. "And you'll yield whether you want to or not."

"Down boy...down." she said as if speaking to an oversexed dog. "So much passion. Tsk... Tsk .. Tsk..... and it all for nothing," she said mocking him. "Must be very frustrating. we will provide you with a blow up doll.. that is if you could still manage of course." The more emotion she could elicit from him the bettter for the mind meld.

"I wonder what your superiors would say if they heard just how you got caught... holding a Starfleet comm badge like a real smart ass," she said with a disdainful chuckle. "Oh by the way... the restraints are not to keep you from attacking me, although I soo wish you would, then I can break every bone in your body.... no, they are to keep you still during the meld.... You see, we don't want you to been thrashing about... they say it can be quite... excrutiating. Unfortunetely we can't keep you from pissing and shitting" she said imagining the stench.

Nniol got to his feet, "Of course I will, I'd hate to deprive you of your dinner," he said.

"No, your dinner, I will make you eat it when you face will be in it not long from now," T'Pal said with cold indifference.

"I'm not afraid of you ... whatever you are. Tell me, who raped whom ... it was the Vulcan, wasn't it?" he asked stepping closer, "all that icy calm that you fail to emulate broke suddenly - denial of life is a sin - and he ... she ..." Nniol's chuckle deepened as he watched her expression confim his suspicion.

T'Pal wanted to crush this insect in front of her, and her eyes flashed her disgust, but she remained in control of her emotions. "Sit. Down" she commanded icily. "Or wait, I am not sure you were trained properly..... " With a swift side kick, true to vulcan martlal tecnique, her foot connected with a nerve bundle on he side of his hip joint, bruising the sciatic nerve with considerable force, resulting in his leg to buckle instantly. It was followed up with a kick seemingly aimed at his groin, but it hit his solar plexus, sending him into the chair. "Now that is ...Sit..... Down...." she said as she applied the restraints. "See?'That wasn't so difficult," she said with fake warmth.

As his chest rose and fell Nniol couldn't help but laugh as he flexed his fingers, a rasping unpleasant sound given the blow he had just taken, but a laugh all the same. "You're too emotionally involved to be an effective torturer. That bothers you, doesn't it," he said. "Is this the method your mother used?"

T'Pal looked him over and gave him a short, cold laugh with a look of acted surprise. " That wasn't torture...I merely needed you to sit down," she said half bored, her mind was already on the next step. "If I wanted to torture you, you would have looked slightly different by now," she said with all the calculated emotion gone. There would be torture, she would make sure of that.

"I can see why me sitting might make it easier in theory, but you're an abomination; unless you can perform miracles, I'll just sit here until you're done."

"Yes you will indeed sit there.. you are not going anywhere ..." she said coldly. She drew a chair closer and sat down in front of him. Slowly and deliberately she placed her fingers on the side of his face, slightly different from the traditional way.

Nniol ground his teeth together, "How do you live with yourself, knowing that the hate you feel for both sides of your being are despised just as much by every member of the component species?" he hissed as her fingers burned into his skin. Resistance was not part of his plan, at least no more than enough to let her believe that she had broken through and seen something he didn't want her to see.

"My mind to yours, your mind to mine..." she said to focus her mental energy in a current that would penetrate his consciousness. Instead of the usual trickle at first, she unleashed a torrent of consciousness, resulting in considerable pain. But she had more in stall.

The position of a Vulcan's fingers when doing a mind meld was crucial the success of the meld and were places on bio-electrical and nerve trigger points. The order, the positions the pressure, each one significant. There were a number of ways to do this and the Vulcans had perfected the order and positions to cause the least possible discomfort to the other participant, physically as well as mentally. These points, when used in this manner tended to be extremely sensitive.

Nniol stiffened, a sudden tension through his upper body, "v'rhaen-ao'au," he told her, the look in his eyes every bit as deadly as the words, "You're going to have to do better than that if you think you are going to break me," he added through clenched teeth, the tendons in his neck taut and bulging with the effort.

Now, none of these considerations were employed by T'Pal. She went for maximum impact, and maximum pain. In fact, with in a few minutes, the places of contact on Nniol's skin would start to crawl....sting and then burn, until it would feel as if the side of his face was on fire... literally, while she relentlessly bombarded his mind with her own consciousness. Unleashed like this, it would cause small blood vessels to first contract, then to erupt in the brain.

Of course, if this was sustained long enough, the subject would perish....

T'Pal wasn't looking to repeat the questions he had already been asked, she was looking to see if they corroberated with his actual memories. And they were easily accessable. Too easily. "Who prepared you for this?!" she demanded increasing the amount of pain she was causing.

He writhed, turning his head as he tried to dislodge her fingers, "Its. Because. You're. Too. Fucking. WEAK!" the last word torn between a roar and a scream as Nniol's arms pulled against his restraints, the tension of muscle across the bone too intense for a body to endure for long.

Any decent doctor would have interrupted the meld, but of course, there wasn't one there. T'Pal accessed his memories and they were mostly confirming what Nniol had said before. Only, accessing them was like leaning against a door, you were expecting to provide resistance, and then it opened with surpring ease.

"Who are you working for?" T'Pal asked. By now he would be close to passing out and she made room with her legs not to be contaminated with the inevitable release of bodily fluids. If anyone would have watched the meld carefully enough, would have realized that T'Pal knew exactly when to expect that to happen.

Quite slowly and deliberately Nniol began to laugh as he stared at her through humourless dark eyes, he strained again and this time his laugh became a scream when his left ulna drawn too tight against his restraints gave way under the strain, its snap followed closely by the echoing crack of the radius. He remembered nothing more.

T’Pal’s head jerked backwards, causing her to fall back in the chair. “QI'yaH!” She exploded and flew up, pacing for a few minutes like a caged animal. “The peTaQ was weaker that I had anticipated! Qu'vatlh!!” she growled. Nniol had passed out moments before she was going to release the pain to prevent him from loosing consciousness. With her head bowed and her hands in her sides, she stood, settling her mind and her breathing. “Get him to the brig and get the CMO here,” she ordered the security officer outside the brig. “That is if we have one,” she grumbled.

With utter disgust she stared at the slumped figure on the chair and the puddle that was forming as his sphincter relaxed and released the contents of his bladder on the floor.

Looking in the direction of the observation room to the XO, she tapped her comm badge. “T’Pal to Da’nal. I need to speak with you,” she said. "And you, Lieutenant," she added to Rodriguez.


Ael'Riov Nniol i-Illiae tr'Illialhlae (going to wake up with one storming headache) NPCd by Louise

Lt T'Pal

Lt Mariposa Roderiguez

(Cross posted to USS Freedom)