We All Fall Down – Creating Spanners for Other's Plans.
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ensign Rioan Mellar

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Title   Creating Spanners for Other's Plans.
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ensign Rioan Mellar
Posted   Sat Sep 20, 2014 @ 10:09am
Location   Science Labs
Timeline   WAFD: Day 2 14:00
Not one to sit on a problem, Tahhk had arranged an appointment with the Chief Science Officer at his earliest convenience.

The labs were not a natural environment for the Vulcan – he lacked the patience to excel at Science – as far as intellect went his interests were skewed in the mathematical direction, but perhaps it was his enjoyment of competition that had led to his successful career in security until the command path beckoned.

He looked around. The room was quiet and clinically clean. Tahhk cleared his throat to gain the attention of the occupant.

Rioan had his attention thoroughly wrapped in the notes of the initial research done on the computer core as his music files played quietly in the background. He had some ideas on a visual interface to get into its memory.

Then his train of thought was instantly derailed by the very distinctive clearing of a throat as he looked up.

"I do apologize. I'm just getting up to speed on department projects. What can I do for you?"

Tahhk placed the tea glass, still in the small plastic bag he had replicated after the Cardassian had gone on the bench.

"This is a matter both urgent and confidential," Tahhk explained. "I believe that there is an individual aboard this station who means Commander t’Vaurek harm. I believe that I have secured a sample of this person’s DNA on this glass which he drank from. I would like you to isolate that DNA."

Rioan nodded as he took the glass and placed it upon a sample tray. "That shouldn't be a problem at all. I'll have the results for you in a fairly short amount of time. I assume security has been informed?"

Rioan had a 2nd sense for smelling out what they called in the 20th century off the book investigation. He didn't mind assisting but he did not like going in blindly.

"I plan to design a system that will activate on detection of the individual in question. I am going to require a nose, for lack of a better term that can smell his presence. To be installed in both the Commander’s quarters and her office."

Rioan nodded.

"Installing sensors at the Commanders door and quarters discreetly can be done but it would take about 2 hours. Once I get the dna results I could set up a subroutine in the replicator system. Anyone with the target DNA who use something from the replicator will have their skin turn a harmless but long lasting shade of green. It might not be a bad idea for a secondary tracking system."

Tahhk raised an eyebrow - from what he had seen of the Cardassian such a change would be most irksome. He looked back to the science officer, "Perhaps that would be a little extreme. I thought perhaps a rig to beam any intruder matching the code directly to the promenade would suffice. It would need to act through the comduits also," Tahhk added, recalling the way Getal had sneaked into Isha's quarters.

Rioan nodded.

"Then I suggest we take a bit of earth 21st century espionage with a modern twist". Rioan grinned as he looked at the high browed vulcan.

"I'll explain. The transporters would need something more than DNA to track and beam a particular individual in this case. the sensors will scan for the pattern dna and then spray the target with an invisible and harmless isotope that can help the targeting sensors pick up the indivual and drop him wherever you like. It will also allow us to track him for up to 18 hours before the isotope degrades. What do you think?"

"I believe you have a very innovative mind Mister Mellar. One I approve of."

THe Vulcan paused to clear his throat. "You must never be 'officially' aware of the identity of the person we are tracking," he advised - he was sure the CSO would figure it out of his own accord. "The matter is politically sensitive, but the security of the Commander is paramount to Starfleet and the Federation. Do you understand?"

Rioan nodded as he receives the dna results on his desk monitor. Within a few moments , He had the interior and environmental scanners up for the commanders quarters and office.

"Well, given I have a neither particular love or hate for cardassians. I do believe in a certain amount of loyalty to ones station as well as having the command staff in peril on your first week wouldn't be ideal. Neither would diplomatic hearings. Believe me I do know."

He began resetting the environmental and security parameters within the commander's chambers and office.

"You may not know me well Sir, but rest assured, You have my utmost discretion. Im almost complete updating the sensors and environmental systems to spray the individual with the irridium isotope as soon as they pass the threshold of either office. I can set a subroutine for the transporters to beam the individual .30 seconds to the front of the security offices or to wherever you wish."

Tahhk's brow wrinkled. He too had no general antipathy to the Cardassians ... this one in particular ... well, since his mind meld with Isha Tahhk had a particular hatred for. But that was his alone.

"Not to the security office, but perhaps directly back to the door of the Cardassian Embassy, if you take my meaning," Tahhk said.

Rioan shrugged as he finished the upgrades.

"Well that should do it . I have the irridium isotope programmed to contact the 1st individual the scanner picks up with that particular dna. once it does , you should be able to pick it up on a tricorder. I will get a small alert on my monitors. I can set up one for you. It can make your monitor at your desk flash a green square in the corner for 30 seconds in order to remain inconspicuous. I don't have a lot of influence within your embassy, so you may want to put a proximity alarm by the rear entry as well.

It was Tahhk's studied opinion that no-one had enough influence over the embassies on Deep Space Five. He would like to see them all shut down with the liberties Ambassador's past and present seemed to take around the place.

"We will see how well it works, Ensign. Your assistance, and discretion are noted," Tahhk said though he would prefer that the system would not be required.