We All Fall Down – Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans

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Title   Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 1
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
Posted   Thu Jul 03, 2014 @ 7:19pm
Location   OPS
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 15:00

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis looked around the OPS and smiled to himself as he glanced across the area. He was somewhat excited for the chance to test out the Guardian Platforms before Starfleet Command. The brass back on Earth had sent the "big-wigs" as human called them to view the modern upgrade to the station's security system.

To the port-side of the station, Trellis could see one of the station's Guardian-class defense platforms - masterpieces of Starfleet reverse engineering - and an improvement from the Cardassian equivalents originally seen at the First Battle of Chin'toka. While the knowledge ended up being of little use in the war itself - as the platforms around Cardassia Prime were never engaged - it was no doubt a direct design ancestor of those platforms themselves.

Isha recognized the technology. She'd researched it extensively through the years when she'd thought there was a chance that her husband and their eldest son were still alive. She'd have been commanding a Warbird herself if she hadn't been heavily pregnant with Alasna (as Isha named her daughter privately).

It was a marvel, but this was no time to be maudlin. A senate trial could not daunt her and there was no way she was going to let this demonstration weigh on her mind - no matter who was observing.

Isha raised her head and uncurled her fingers.

She cast her eyes over the stations - the crew appeared ready.

She scanned her console - all traffic immobilized - the only ship in range a void test target.

Isha stared straight ahead.

"Stations, report."

"Captain, tactical is reporting in with all systems in the green. The Guardian platforms are in rest mode and can be activated and controlled from here." Trellis announced over the typical hum of the area.

"All Ops stations report ready and standing by," Lieutenant Lenora Dell, the Acting Head of Ops followed Security's annoucement with own. "All Holo generators are on-line and operating at 99.2% efficiancy"

"All systems online. Power flow is stable. Phasers and torpedo launchers aboard the platforms are on stand-by. Attitude control systems are green." Ceridwen called out from the engineering terminal. Despite her years of service, she suddenly felt very insignificant being the only non-commissioned officer involved in the test. There was no time for such thought, though. "Engineering reports all station systems are functioning within normal parameters."

"What exactly am I looking at?" Talla asked, as she stepped down to the command area. She had been invited onto DS5 and had opted to do so while her crew was on leave. She'd left Kentala in Kentar's capable care while she had this brief time for herself.

"Commodore, we are going to first demonstrate the guardian's mobile capabilities. Unlike its Cardassian predecessors, these platforms will have the ability to pursue and engage oncoming threats to the station." Trellis stated to the Senior Officer.

Lieutenant Trellis added. "The newly designed platforms have image-rendering sensors that allow them to visualize the incoming vessels and compare them to any recognized Federation or allied vessel. If the vessel is identified as a hostile or unknown vessel, then the platform will engage the target." Trellis said proudly as he observed the three platforms power-up and begin preliminary actions to begin to identify nearby vessels.

"Is there a compensation for holographic counter measures?" Jarred tossed out looking up from a display.

"The platforms are designed to differentiate between energy readings from holographic projections and solid materials." Trellis responded. The platforms would not be of much use if they could be easily fooled by a hologram.

"And as a back up there's a light/mass comparator running in the background on the stations sensor grid, sir." Crewman Lash was Ops' resident Holographic specialist. "It relies on accurate intel on enemy ships, but we update with Starfleet Intelligence daily during normal operations, and more often during alerts."

Jarred held back a laugh "We'll see."

The hatch hissed open and Colonel Darson entered, armored as always but without his cloak. Deep in discussion with one of his marine adjuncts, “Look,” he said to junior officer, “get the shipment of new Mk. 1 carbines squared away and start doing the quality testing. It should have been certified out of Starbase 34, but it never hurts to double check. After that, choose fifty of the ones with the best production records and hand them off to the head armorer for PWS. I understand there is a backlog what with the maintenance to the Mk. 17 rifles, but put this right after that. Then put in a transmission to Visili on Risa. Apparently there was an order that was stopped at customs, see if you can get a status update and maybe grease the wheels if need be…use the discretionary fund that was allocated for those kinds of situations. Dismissed!” The officer saluted and left.

Darson turned to the brouhaha of the room and gazed around it. Technology trials were always high-tension, with the need to impress senior officers. His vision lingered on Isha, located prominently in the center, before sweeping across the rest. Apparently no Marine flag officers were present, which may have explained why he was requested to view the test today. He moved up to stand next to Jarred, “Mr. Wallace a pleasure to see you again. It has been too long. So, did I miss anything? Any of the explosions? And- Wait a second…” he turned to regard Jarred with suspicion, “…Weren’t you dead? I could swear that you were dead at some point. Oh god. Did you…did you come back as a zombie to haunt us from beyond the grave? To feast on our delicious brain parts? Am I going to have to cut off your head? Because you know, I would be honored to.

"It's hard to stay dead when the price on your head is worth collecting, plus you did a lousy job on your speech at my funeral." Jarred laughed.

Trellis ignored the humorous ramblings of the Colonel and focused on the readings ahead of him. Everything from his perspective seemed prepared to engage. He did one last check on the energy readings for the phaser cannons on the three platforms before swiveling in his chair.

"Captain, Commodore, we are ready to begin the trials on your mark." He said proudly.

Sidling up to get a better position, a finally satisfied Doctor sh'Tagras moved onto one of the sides of OPS. Scanning the room she was amazed so many people seemed so on edge about what, as far as she had heard, was a relatively simple weapons test. She was surprised, however, when she saw her former Commanding Officer standing alongside her new CO. She would have to try and catch up with her after all this was over. She glanced towards the door back to the relief room. Maybe she still had time to get another mug in before all the fun started. Hearing the announcement by the Security officer she sighed. 'Maybe not then.' she thought to herself as she tried to seem attentive.

The edges of Isha's lips twitched - how could she have forgotten about Darson. Always the one for theatrics. Her gaze lingered on the marine commander for a moment - would he be the one to answer the one question she needed ...

Her eyes snapped on as she heard Trellis signal their readiness. She glanced at their guest. "Would you like to do the honours, Commodore?"

The Andorian smiled at her host and shook her head, her antennae twitching lightly. "No Commander, this is your station. I'm only here to observe."

Isha blinked. The movement made her uncomfortable. She'd felt the same when she'd briefly encountered the new CMO. For a few seconds Isha's teeth gripped the base of her mouth.

She tasted blood as her bite released.

Isha nodded her acknowledgement to the Commodore.

"Trellis, Dell, begin."

This was the boring part of the demonstration - sitting there staring at system readings until her eyes felt like they were about to bleed. But Ceridwen knew full well that any moment now, things would get interesting.

Trellis nodded as he turned back around in his chair as he began to activate the Guardian Platform's tactical display. "Platforms 1 through 7 are online, performing scanning sequence." Trellis called out as he went through the preliminary sequence.

As the platforms detached from the station and began to scan the area, Trelllis noticed something unusual on short-range sensors.

"Captain, it appears there is a vessel entering the immediate area of the station," Trellis reported as he continue to monitor the movement of the platforms.

TBC ...

Lieutenant (JG) Leonora Dell
Acting Head of Operations
(NPC by Notty)

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman (NPC by Lt. Cdr. Wyman)
Engineer's Mate
Deep Space 5

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security
(NPC by Thom)

Lt Jarred Wallace

Various cadets
(Npc'd by Andy)