Beg, Steal or Borrow – Breaking the Ice - Pt II
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Colonel James Darson & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Breaking the Ice - Pt II
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Colonel James Darson & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Wed Feb 18, 2009 @ 8:58pm
Location   Deck 14 - Conference Room
Timeline   SD8 10:35
Davies watched them silently as they took their seats. The atmosphere was already tense and David hoped that the ambiance would lighten as the caped marine swung himself into a chair, like a little comedy relief, whilst the man who Davies could only assume was the Chief Engineer was still holding who was obviously the stations Chief Medical officer in some hushed conversation.

"Gentlemen, please." He motioned to the number of vacant seats at the table and lifted his tea and emptied the contents.


"Sorry sir, had an incident in a work area and just wanted to make sure my crew member was doing alright." Bruce explained his delay and then took his seat.

Ryan nodded in agreement with Bruce's explanation. "Sorry sir..." he nodded and moved to his seat.

Darson strode out of the turbo lift, cloak slithering around his feet. He swung himself expertly into the chair and looked around silently, gauging the attitude of everybody at the table.

Da`nal had remained silent as the exchange had taken place getting a feel for those assembled and waited for the the other officer took their seats. Looking to Davies he offered his solution to the current dispute. "Sir if I may, Commander Rakka came to me before her departure and asked that I watch over Security until her return. As her request happened just prior to this meeting I'm sure it will come to as a surprise. If this is an acceptable solution I can assure you that I fix 'any' problems that may exist.

"YES! There we go, that's the best idea I've heard so far." Rianni smiled, "If we need someone to run security in Rakka's absence this guy would be a great choice."

Nodding to the officer, though such support being a relative stranger at this table, and without even having met is unusual, but appreciated. "I am honored."

Darson nodded and waved his hand trying to gain their attention, "Yes, yes, we're all honored by your choice to take on the burden of Security. I'm sure you'll bear it well until Commander Rakka gets back. But for those of us who came late to this little party because they were either drunk, wrestling a tiger in the holodeck, or some combination of the above who are you exactly?"

Turning to the Major, looking him in the eye to gauge the man. The man was blunt and to the point with the look of an accomplished warrior. Not doubt he had voiced the question that was on the minds of almost everyone here. "I am Lieutenant Commander Da`nal of the House of Varal. Formerly of the USS Tempest were I served as Second Officer and as the ships Chief of Security. I reported for duty this morning as Chief of Strategic Operations."

"A pleasure to meet you Commander," Darson said gravely, but in a faintly polite tone, which was somewhat unusual for him. "I'm sure that you'll do the station a good service in your dual positions."

He turned to face Davies and adjusted his tone so it was more sugary, “And you must be Commander Davies, Captain Tahir's replacement. I am Major Darson, the Marine Commanding Officer on Deep Space 5, as well as the Captain's confidant. Feel free to tell me anything, and you can rest assured it will kept secret, and resolved if needed."

Davies was about to respond, but Dorian was far quicker than the Commander.

Gabriel chimed in after Darson had adjusted his cape for the umpteenth time. "Yes, placing the Klingon in charge of Security for the time being would be an acceptable decision." He added.

Its appeared what he had been told had been more than confirmed. Looking over sharply in Gabriel's direction. "You will refer to me by my Rank and or name. Is that CLEAR...LIEUTENANT?" Without even waiting for a reply he turned to Commander Davies his tone changing immediately from condemnation to calm respect. "Sir, it is extremely obvious that Lt. Gabriel here is in need of a.....refresher course in proper protocol and procedure. However I'm sure we were not called here today for departmental disputes. I'm sure there are much more pressing matters that require our attention. Although in order to facilitate his re-education, and since Strategic Operations as well as Security relies upon Intel for proper planning and decision making. I would submit that Intel be realigned as a subdivision of Stat Ops and the Lieutenant placed the under my 'direct' command....for the time being."

"Again, a wonderful idea." Rianni smiled, "I would be glad to help with this task, too, Commander."

T'Lan spoke up, "I would like to remind everyone present that it is the Executive Officer's discretion to discipline Lt. Gabriel. I will be the one to discipline him accordingly." She looked at Commander Davies. "With your approval Sir? For now, we must focus on the purpose of this meeting."

Everybody wanted to be somebody else or to at least be in a different department. Was that how it worked aboard a station?
He was aware of the situation outside DS5 and that the Romulans aboard would be needed more than ever at some point and he had a feeling, things said now, would not be forgotten n a hurry.

Not intending to overstep his bounds or imply that he would exclude those above him, though seeing how that could have happened, Da`nal sat up straight in his chair as he nodded. "Agreed, Commander."

Claire sat back and watched the discussion with interest, making mental notes as it progressed.

~ A Klingon, a Romulan, and a Vulcan, all working together. The Galaxy had not seen this type of unity since the Battle of Cardassia. ~ Gabriel thought to himself.

"Amazing isn't it," Gabriel said while reclining in his chair and paying special attention to the incensed Lieutenant Commander. He had managed to do some research on the younger man and discovered that his blood was not purely Klingon.

"tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'e'" Gabriel said with a slight smile as he leaned forward in his chair towards the man. Gabriel had become quite familiar with Klingon culture during the time that he was stationed on Qo'Nos at the Federation Embassy. However, he had not had contact with an authentic Klingon since his time there, it seemed as if he'd have to settle for Da`nal for the time being.

With a huff he shook his head slowly. "Yes I can speak Klingon Lieutenant. Though out of respect for those here that do not speak Klingon I use standard. I can see why you are still a junior grade after...", glancing at his padd as he confirmed in information, "...over a decade in Starfleet."

Gabriel's smirk turned into a broad grin as he continued to engage the young officer who appeared eager to engage him in a battle of wits. "That's right, you are one of those types that are always bucking for a promotion. I guess it makes you feel validated and accepted amongst humans. Well, let me share a bit of wisdom with you that you might not have fully realized since you were a young little scrapper when it all took place." Gabriel said as he leaned in close and looked Da`nal in the eye.

"More cadets and non-commission officers had the honor of sacrificing their lives to protect the Federation than any other classification of Starfleet Officers. Make sure you remember that later on tonight when you are polishing those pips on your collar." Gabriel said as he slammed his hand on the table and spun around to face the current-Commanding Officer.

"All of this has been entertaining, but that is not why we are here. First, we have a Cloaked Romulan Task Force that is sitting outside of our station's doorstep and they are well within weapons-range. Second, we have no clue where she came from, why she mentioned the Borg, nor do we know if there is a connection between the two." He said as he pointed at Rianni, "Third, the Federation's most successful attempt at producing a vessel with Transwarp capabilities was stolen and then ransacked by pirates. While we do have the vessel, we have no clue as to what those pirates intend on doing with those schematics nor if they plan on selling them to another entity." Gabriel aid as his smile faded away and his typical demeanor returned.

Valid points, but grossly exaggerated. David wished he had a whistle to blow, to call the children back into the classroom after playtime, which back in his youth, his teacher would do to him.

"Ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls." Davids' Welsh accent coming through, "If we can call to order, the last few minutes have been highly entertaining, enthralling an enlightening, but the reason I called this meeting, was to get to know you." He shook his head and forced a grin. "I think I am getting the general picture of life here." His smile dropped, "And I don't like it!"

David stood up and swung himself behind the chair and pushed it back with a scrape under the table then stood, leaning on the back.

"Call yourself Federation officers? I have to admit, I heard certain aspects of the crew on DS5 and except for Ms. Monteros," He faced her, "I hope I got that right? Ms Monteros here and Da'nal, the Captain spoke highly of you all, even you Mr. Dorian." He studied their faces and basked in the momentary silence.

"Well, to be honest, from what I see so far, I can't say that this crew will ever find a commonality."

David eased his head around to the intelligence officer. "Mr Dorian, you are trying to blame every department and alien life form for something," He rose his hand to signal it was his turn to speak, "which is nothing more than theft of property that was not even star fleet property to begin with. It belonged to the university that is upon the station. The culprit was caught, incarcerated and at the behest of the Captain, was delivered into her fathers custody. The Flenetian government made a more than generous donation to the university and they still have blueprints on how to build a new drive! Now its admirable that you are still looking into it, but it was a security issue. Your department should now be more interested in a ship that had apparently collided with one of the Romulan vessels outside and took shelter here. Why? because I need intelligence on what that ship is and who the hell is the pilot and where is he now!"

David turned to the Klingon Commander. Da'nal, Dorians record is plain for all to see and the fact that he is still a Lieutenant Junior Grade, bears no semblance on the fact that he has refused promotion on more than one occasion. Now when we have finished slandering each other, can we work together to formulate some sort of plan for the future, where we can at least be civil, if not individually to each other, but when at a staffed meeting, please." He tagged on the end as he glanced at the chronometer upon the wall.

Darson rapped his armored knuckles on the table and said calmly, “I demand the floor, regardless of whose turn it is. Commander, while I believe that the speech you just made did contain many valid points, I’m afraid I must concur with Mr. Gabriel’s assessment of the situation…with the exception of the parts relating to Commander Monteros, even though I still have no idea what she’s doing here…no offence Commander.” He nodded his head slightly in acknowledgement to the Romulan woman.

"Major, you have a valid point and strangely enough, I do have a tendency to also agree with the Lieutenant, some of the points he raises are legitimate to the safety of this station. I doubt that the Romulans are in an aggressive stance." David rounded.

“However, as hard as it may be for some people in this room to accept it, Mr. Gabriel is partially correct,” He continued in the calm tone, tapping a finger on the hard surface of the table, “I can understand your doubts, considering that you are not privy to some of the information we are. That being said, the Romulans in question do appear to pose a significant risk to this station and all who are onboard. I am taking steps to minimize the ‘threat’. I have deployed reinforced fighter patrols, and have upped the security at key strategic points on the station…among other things.”

T'Lan spoke, "We should not rule out the possibility of a diplomatic solution Commander. I will contact the Romulan Consulate onboard the base and request the removal of these warships. It is advisable that we refrain from an incident that would become the catalyst for a war."

Darson turned slightly to look at her, "Commander, it wounds me that you would think that I, a man of impeccable character, would look for an excuse to start an intergalactic incident," There was a short pause.

"Fine...I don't believe me either. But, I can assure you that I don't go around starting wars for the heck of it. I assure you that these are merely strategic deterrents. Rattling the sabre as it were. I don't object to a diplomatic resolution, but I do have a responsibility here."

Da`nal looked to Darson nodding. "I must concur with the Major. We should tighten security and take appropriate defensive measures. Perhaps even conducting sweeps as the the docking bay door are opened. We should also make preparations in case diplomacy fails."

Ayren had been in a meeting that had significantly delayed her. As the door whispered open to let the the half Betazoid in, her senses were assaulted with the feelings of the staff and she halted. After a brief moment she stepped further into the room as she looked around the table. "I apologize for my delay," and nodded to the station commander whom she had informed by text message of her meeting. She had not met anyone there personally except Da'nal, whom she greeted with a brief smile. Obviously her entrance had interrupted a conversation and she refrained from introducing herself, but took the only available seat and lowered herself in it.

T'Lan spoke, "You have arrived just in time Ms. Kelan, however I would like to stress that you take note of when a Senior Staff Meeting is held more carefully. That and your abilities in your diplomatic capacity is needed. Currently we are tracking a cloaked Romulan Task Force nearby the base, they are not a threat to our defense, but we need to commence negotiations for the removal of these Romulan Warships."

The last thing Ayren needed was a reprimand, and one eyebrow raised in controlled annoyance. "I don't need to be reminded of importance of a staff meeting, Commander. If if was at all possible I would have been here," she said coolly. After a brief pause focussed on the issue at hand, "I am aware of the situation." She had spent a few days on the missionary ship and had made a contact there, which she could not reveal in this forum. "I will assist in any way I can, Commander" she said. ~seems more diplomacy is needed right here though~ she thought to herself, careful not to project as she sensed the other telepath.

Claire sat up straight in her chair and spoke. "I would like to help as well. I have no pressing matters to attend to."

David nodded in agreement with all the points raised.
"Very well. Medical needs to be on alert, that's your department Doctor." Turning to look at Gabriel and Da'nal, "As agreed, we tighten security, Lieutenant Gabriel, Commander Da'nal, work with security and the diplomatic section. We do not want to rankle the Romulans into anything. Lieutenant Freeman?" He looked towards the Chief Engineering Officer, not entirely sure of his name, "I want to be sure that the four guardian platforms are fully functional and I would also like to see these 'Hologramatic' defences in action at your earliest convenience. Commander Monteros, as you are new to flight, I would think you need to familiarise yourself with station protocols, as do I." He admitted. "Major Darson, I believe your new Executive officer arrives this morning, at least that is what my transfer list reads, so I shall leave that to you. Is there any order of business, that needs attention, to be discussed?" He enquired, still standing against the chair.

"None from Engineering Sir." Bruce added when the commander stopped talking.

Darson shrugged and said, "Nothing important. But if you're taking requests, I need a permit for a nightclub...and some parking validated. But that can wait if you have pressing issues to attend to."

Da`nal Shock his head lightly. "Nothing here Commander," looking to each as he mentioned their names, "if I could see Major Darson and Mr. Gabriel briefly after we are finished here."

David nodded, his eye caught by T'Lan. "Very well ladies and gentlemen. You know what you need to do. If anybody needs me, you know where to find me. Doctor, meet me in the Observation lounge. Dismissed." He said as he pushed himself back from the chair and watched each member leave, except for Darson, Gabriel & Da'nal whilst T'Lan stood at the door, waiting for him and he strode over, leaving the three officers in the briefing room.


CO: Cmdr David Davies

XO: Cmdr T'Lan

MCO: Major James Darson

CSOO / ACSO: Lt Cmdr Da`nal

CMO: Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

CAG: Lt Cmdr Monteros'th'Khellian

CDO: Ayren Kelan

CIO: Lieutenant J.G. Dorian Gabriel

CEO: Lieutenant Bruce Freeman

Counselor: Lieutenant JG Claire Mackenzie
By Zorana