Unity – Drawing Lines
by Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Drawing Lines
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Jan 24, 2010 @ 9:15am
Location   Deep Space 5 - Outside Intelligence Offices
Timeline   SD 17 - 0830 (Directly after "One step at a time")

As they left the intelligence office, Flynn move to catch up to the flight officer, "Lt. Dunham!" She called out, "Could you wait up for a second please?"

Dunham turned to face Flynn, he had his hands stuffed in his pockets and was chewing rhythmically on a bit of gum. “Sure no probs,” he said with a smile.

She pulled her cover on as she caught up with the other man. She drew alongside him and said quietly, “Would you mind if we walked and talked for a moment? I have a couple of other issues that I wanted to talk to you about.”

Dunham chewed on his gum thoughtfully; he frowned slightly giving the captain a puzzled look. “Sure, lets walk and talk, I’m heading back to the barn it’s the same direction as the barracks.”

“Thank you,” she said, and began to walk with him down the long corridor. After a few moments of silence, she said, “I want to thank you Lt. Dunham, for trying to keep order during the meeting. People could stand to learn from your attitude.”

“Thank you kindly Ma’am” said Dunham with a nod of his head, “It’s important that we maintain the line of communications between our departments, we are after all on the same side."

As they entered the turbolift, she said quietly, “And that’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” She reached out and punched the emergency stop control next to the door. As the lift shuddered to a halt and the lights darkened, she turned to the man.

“Mr. Wallace is taking this mission shall I say, a little too personally,” she said in a somber tone as she fixed Dunham with a serious gaze through the shadows, “This is blinding his judgment to the bigger picture, and is going to end up getting people killed. He doesn’t seem to understand the proper amount of preparation that goes into planning an operation like this, and people are going to die because of it.”

Dunham nodded somber agreement, “if you need star fighter wing Marine Captain, will be there for you. If it goes pear shaped, you comm me and will get you out of there.”

“Much appreciated Lieutenant,” she said and was silent for a moment, “just so long as you understand what the goal is.” She went silent again, then said, “And you know what? Screw what Wallace said, I’m sending the transports. He’s not going to be there, having his boots on the ground…my Marines are. And I would rather them have all the tools at their disposal than make do with whatever you can just stuff on that old tin can of his.”

Dunham gave a smart curt nod. “That’s your prerogative of course Captain.”

“You’re going to be one of the commanders on this mission, aren’t you?” she queried the Lt. “If so, I want you to start thinking very carefully about how closely you follow his orders...and I hope that you will at least consider the opinions of the Battalion Commander I am sending as well.”

“Indeed I will” said Dunham with a smile and another polite nod. “I do understand the mission at hand, and it is my hope that we can resolve this as quickly and by getting as many people home as possible.”

“I’m going to start a paper trail anyway,” she said with a huff, as she reached over and reengaged the lift, which began moving downwards again, “So if that asinine fool’s tactics get my Marines killed, I’m not going to be stuck with the blame.”

Dunham smiled to himself, folding his hands behind his back, “Don't be too harsh on the Lieutenant, after all he’s Intel and a spook. He is just trying to do what he feels is the right thing.”

“Maybe so,” she said quietly as the lift came to a stop on the Promenade. She stepped through the open doors and turned to face Dunham, “Well…I leave you here Lt. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me…and for taking what I’ve said into consideration.”

"If you need us, just call." said Dunham with a nod.

The hatched closed and Miranda turned on her heel, and moved onward to her next destination.


Marine Captain Miranda Flynn (NPC)

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader