Interlude – Whatever it takes...
by Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran

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Title   Whatever it takes...
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran
Posted   Wed Jul 07, 2010 @ 3:23pm
Location   Cardassian Consulate
Timeline   A shortwhile proceeding 'For Mutual Benefit'
Denat felt a lugubrious wrench in his stomache, twisting hatefully at his seldom but destructive path. His walk was uneven, but stern. His stance was shakey, but poised. His armour was stifling, maybe it was the package he was carrying, or maybe it was the granted gift of being an oracle and seeing a few minutes into the future.

Denat entered the turbo-lift quickly and let the doors close. "Cardassian consulate."

Half-way, "Halt!" he barked. 'This doesn't feel right' the voices told him. "Continue" he requested.

The turbo-lift acknowledged its customary cheerful bleep as it arrived at the destination; all Denat could do was curse its cold cheeriness in his head. He stepped of and looked around. The faint humm of the dampeners was the only deafening roar, but no-one else was occupying the Embassy. Denat walked calmy towards masters office and rung the bell. Patiently he waited. Satisfied that the room was empty, Denat whispered to the comm. "Computer, override door 11-c authorisation Meran Berta Berta Kril Loitre.

The doors swung open and Denat checked once more that the room was unoccupied. He strode to the desk where the Dictator was sitting with a sick smile. Denat had no expression, he blinked and master vanished. Standing alone, Denat took the fabric from Isha out of his disclosed pocket inside his armour and gently lay it on the table, he then whisked the fabric from the counter that allowed the broken kotra pieces to form an ellaborate pattern across the desk. He took the intact piece from his other pocket piched between fabric aswell, and stood it in the middle of the small toy-town of crystal. Denat ran out of the office and into his quarters where he laid almost dyeing for Tharek to find the kotra pieces.

Then, in the middle of the fantasy, he heard Thareks voice coming down the corridor and passing his quarters. It would be 4 seconds until he heard something he knew Tharek would never shout...


A post by:

Gilnn Denat Meran
Chief Embassy Security Officer