Unity – A plan in action
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   A plan in action
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Fri Mar 26, 2010 @ 10:48pm
Location   Deck 65 - Secondary Ops
Tag   SD17 - 11:05
Cordova replaced the panel to the communications console and smiled, glancing at his watch. He had been busy during the last 45 minutes, making subtle changes to the stations operations and sensors and also the defense sub-routines, taking extra care to use the command codes that he had gleaned from Captain Tahir and only affect minor systems, not wanting to alert security or operations to any major changes. he had tagged the command staff and had been monitoring their positions as he went.
He tapped at the small transmission device he held and signaled to Hartsfield.

"Hartsfield, what is the situation with the Trojan? They are now 15 minutes behind schedule!" He spoke with a hushed voice, even though he was alone in the secondary Operations room.

*COM* "Apparently there had been a delay. They are under orders to maintain radio-silence in order to avoid detection." Elliot responded as he checked his information for the umpteenth time. He did not like delays or anything that went against an already established plan. However, he had no choice but to trust Raymond and his crew's ability.

*COM* "The more important question is how far along the team on the planet has come with their goal. All parties need to be in sync. As soon as we get the Romulan device we can relay the information necessary to them and then . . ." he said with a pause as he thought about what was at stake. " and then . . .this will all be over and nothing more than a bad memory." He replied.

If it was true that the artifact on the planet could change history, then the Dominion War would never have happened, Cardassia would be nothing more than a Klingon outpost, but most importantly, the Maquis colonies would have their independence.

Cordova shook his head. "I have not heard from them either. I have a feeling that things may not go according to the plan as well as we would have hoped. I am reading reports that our ship has been reported as being in the vicinity and we need to start to make our move, before DS5 and her staff have a chance to bring things along faster than we want them too. Commanders Davies and Villiers are all over the station, Gabriel is pulling in net, trying to ascertain exactly what the current level of security is and now we have a patrol escort flying around the station. From here, I can see exactly what is going on, but I cannot make any command directives, or I will be discovered. Are you able to contact our people on the planet?" He asked as he strode over to the tactical console.

Elliot looked at the padd in his hand as he responded. "I'll make sure the other team goes forward with their plans. We can't afford for any delay, not now, not when we are so close." Elliot responded.

As Hartsfield replied, Anthony had already began to compile a small insignificant subroutine to disable the internal sensors to the docking bays, allowing unregistered ships to remain so.

"What is the status of things on your end? Once the team is onboard, will you be able to prevent the station's backup security protocols from coming online? The last thing we need is for someone to re-take the station from some tertiary deck." Elliot replied.

"Several subroutines are in place to give us the better advantage, unless of course, there are factors that we have not been made aware of. The docking bays are just about ready and the training warheads are in situ should the commander decide to take a more aggressive approach with the guardian platforms. We have Trago awaiting orders in the communications array, should we need him." He Cordova advised as he moved to the final console, Security, "I will stay here in secondary ops, until the Trojan has been brought in."

"Fine, have Trago go ahead and deal with the communications array and the guardian platforms. We just need them blind and defenseless long enough for us to obtain the Romulan Core's information." Elliot stated as he placed the phaser in his holster and began to make his way down the ladder. He knew that the Trojan was going to begin its assault any minute now and he needed to be ready.

"We're going to put this plan into action." he added.

"We certainly are." Cordova replied.


Anthony Cordova
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Elliot Hartfield
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