Things Past – Brothers
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Brothers
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Fri Jun 27, 2014 @ 12:25am
Location   Main Lounge, USS Cavalry
Timeline   SD 86 1930 hours

"And here's Gwen practicing her scales. And here she is going to school for the first time. Oh and this is her coming home from school the first time!"

Ordinarily a parent regaling someone with the minutiae of their childrens every waking moment would be enough to send the average person into a coma. But Drakt hung on Wyman's every word, only occasionally taking a drink from his beverage.

"She is growing up so much Steven. And as much as seeing these pictures warms my heart, it also causes me to miss her all the more." Drakt finally said, his voice dropping as a glum haze fell over him.

Reaching over the table to pat the Zarnac on the shoulder, Steve gave his friend a warm, albeit crooked smile. "You know, you could always transfer to DS5. There's no chief of intelligence. And with all the foreign embassies aboard you could have a field day engaging in spookery."

"Steven, my job does not involve active surveillance; not anymore. I am little more than a glorified paper pusher. I take reports from my analysts and pass them up to Captain Harrison. Field work is better suited to younger officers." Pausing to sip his drink, Drakt dropped in, "And I am not exactly able to engage in covert activities. I do not exactly blend into a crowd."

"You don't blend in among Zarnac either. You're way too recognizable."

Such a statement seemed odd, as Zarnac generally looked identical to the untrained eye. Indeed, many a times the three Zarnac officers aboard the Cavalry were confused for each other. But Wyman had enough experience with Drakt and his kind to be able to differentiate using many of the subtle cues Zarnac use.

"Indeed. If Magnack taught us anything, it is that my people know me very well." Though Drakt had mentioned it, Wyman knew not to continue that line of conversation. The Magnack incident was very much a debacle Drakt would rather forget, even setting aside the level at which it was classified.

"Well, we don't have a full time chief of security. You could always go back to your roots." DS5 did have an acting security chief, but Steve wasn't exactly very high on Lieutenant Trellis; especially after he almost vented Steve and his family into space. Granted, Steve could see the reasoning - the station had just been bombed and the affected sections needed to be sealed to maintain the structural integrity of the station. It wasn't personal. But that didn't make Steve like it, not even a little.

Pushing his empty glass to the side of the table, Drakt sighed. "Steven, as much as I would love to pick up and rejoin you; to continue the adventures we had on the Hyperion - we're not the same men we were back then. My duty is here, to Captain Harrison and to the rest of the crew. You have taken a mate and have a child. We have both settled down in our own way. Adventures are best left to those with nothing to lose."

Smirking at just how morose his best friend had become, Wyman none the less couldn't help to agree. "I guess you're right. Justifying jumping out of shuttles and fist fighting terrorists is a lot easier when you don't have a daughter depending on you. Or a goddaughter."

At that, Drakt chuckled under his breath. "I never said we could not have fun."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5

With special guest star

Cmdr. Drakt, Son of the Thirty-first House
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Cavalry