Interlude – Making a Splash
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Making a Splash
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Thu Jul 15, 2010 @ 3:53pm
Location   Consulate War Room
Timeline   SD26
Rianni had been setting up her presentation for a few minutes now as she awaited her father and aunt's arrivals, hoping she could make her case convincingly enough to persuade them to begin the campaign she was proposing, ~If this works, not only will the entire sector be safer, but relations between the Empire and the Federation will be better than ever before. All I got to do now is sell them on it.~

R'Vek entered the room not long after his daughter finished setting up, studying her movements for a second in an effort to find out what was on her mind. He'd made a career out of studying others and learning their motivations, though in truth women had always been a lot harder to figure out than men, though nowhere near as hard as the Breen, ~It's those damned helmets, can't see a bloody thing!~

He walked behind her stealthily, placing a hand on her shoulder and causing her to jump just a bit before spinning on him with her hands at the ready, "I'm sorry." He laughed, putting his hands up in a gesture of mock surrender, "Stand down, huh?"

"Oh, sorry, Daddy." Rianni laughed, "You startled me."

"erie'Riov," R'Vek began, she was going to have to get used to addressing him by his rank on duty and now was as good a time to start her on that as any, "didn't you say this was a matter of military significance?"

"Oh, yeah." Rianni replied, she caught his meaning instantly, "My apologies, Admiral. And, yes, this is a matter of military and diplomatic significance, Sir."

"Well, care to let me in on it, erie'Riov?" R'Vek asked, "Or are we waiting for the Ambassador?"

"Yes, Admiral." Rianni nodded, "The Ambassador will want to be here for this."

"Very well then." R'Vek nodded, taking a seat and waiting.

Isha arrived soon after, disparate thoughts running through her mind. Her discussion in the course of the party with Proconsul tr'Vainlli had left her surprisingly uneasy, and she was unsure why as he had agreed with her proposed actions around both Deep Space Five and the Cardassians. "EnRiov tr'Khellian, erie'Riov," she said with a nod as she sat. "Shall we begin" she suggested.

"Of course." Rianni nodded, she could tell Isha was unhappy about something but she wouldn't press, "Straight to the point then. What I would like to do, in an effort to make Romulan Federation relations better and to make the DS5 region a little safer place for both powers to operate, is begin a sustained campaign against pirates in the region, hopefully with the assistance of DS5's air group."

"What do you have in mind, Sub-Commander?" R'Vek asked, he liked the idea of taking it to the pirates as hard as possible, but he liked details.

"Increasing our patrols and actively looking for pirate vessels, for one." Rianni replied, "Also, with the right intelligence I think we can find some of the pirate camps and strike against them there as well. I believe a sustained campaign of three months will decrease pirate activity in the region by half, especially if we can get Federation assistance."

"And if you can't?" R'Vek, ever the pragmatist, asked.

"Then we fight them for a couple extra months and do it ourselves, Admiral." Rianni answered boldly, "My crew is up to the task and I know our troops are also."

"That's quite a confident prediction, erie'Riov." R'Vek nodded, turning to Isha, "Your thoughts, Ambassador?"

"The co-operation of the Federation would be essential," she said, "without it they would question our interest in cleaning up this area of space. If I were Starfleet I would suspect that we wished to reduce piracy because the pirates had come close to uncovering some covert operation of ours. In order to allay such suspicion we must appear open and conduct a joint operation."

"Which is why I want my own people." Rianni replied, whether Starfleet had kicked her out or not that was still her wing, "Plus we all know and trust Rick Dunham, and there's nobody in that wing that has any problem taking orders from me."

"What about that Micklin fellow?" R'vek asked, just to see how Rianni would react, ~Handling the difficult ones is essential to being a good commander.~

"Andy has a problem taking orders from anybody." Rianni stated matter-of-factly, "But he knows, as I do, that we can still lose this region of space to piracy if we don't do something decisive and now. He'll do whatever I need him to do."

"Tell me, do we have any covert operations in the same area in which the pirates are located?" Isha asked. It was quite possible that they did and if so Isha wanted to know at least the minimum so that she had an idea what she was supposed to deny if the question was asked.

"Nothing important enough so as to provoke Federation or Klingon interests." R'Vek replied.

"What about Cardassian interests, EnRiov?" Rianni asked.

"It takes nothing to provoke a Cardassian, or his interests." R'Vek stated, sending a knowing glance to Isha as he did, though he really knew nothing and was hoping his bluff would make her spill. "However, since you're worried, there is an underground listening post in the area, something we placed to keep an eye on the pirates ourselves several years ago. My friend, Riov R'Shae is in command, I'll inform him so he can make his people even scarcer."

"It isn't a matter of worry, its a matter of expediency. I don't require details, only enough knowledge to give appropriate responses should any questions arise," she said.

"If anyone asks, which I very seriously doubt anyone will, you can either deny it outright or say that the listening post was a team of forward observers there to keep an eye on the pirates for us." R'Vek suggested, "Either way, it's best we keep this listening post under our hats for now."

"Can I get information from them if I need it?" Rianni asked.

"Of course you can." R'vek nodded, "I arranged it with R'Shae that he would communicate only with you outside of normal channels. You'll find his help invaluable as I always have, I'm sure."

"Was there anything more?" Isha asked briefly grasping one long polished fingernail between her teeth.

"No, Madam Ambassador, not at this time." Rianni concluded.

"Well, then in that case I think there's really nothing left to do but put this in the erie'Riov's very capable hands and have her get the ball rolling on this thing." R'Vek offered, "And then we can start grabbing a few headlines."

Isha rose. "You should both know that the adoption will take place in two days time. I recently received the communication that my mother has left ch'Rihan with her entourage. She will not be staying long, but there is still a lot to prepare," she told them.

"Of course." R'Vek nodded, he'd caught the hint that they needed to get busy, and by they, it meant him, ~Well, I should help out, I am her father after all.~

"Okay, well, if you need to go we're really done here, Madam Ambassador." Rianni said, "I'll just get my crew ready, run some drills, stuff like that so we'll be prepared for go time."

"Good, erie'Riov." R'Vek nodded, "You do that."


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian

erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian