Judgement – Frustration and Duty
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Frustration and Duty
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Mon Nov 07, 2011 @ 11:32pm
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   SD39 - 15:30

((Main Engineering – DS5))

As the Engineers walked down the wide passageway from Reactor 2, they could hear nothing except for the massive hum of the Reactor behind them and their footfalls. That is until they reached the large double door into Main Engineering. The doors opened at their approach. Applause erupted all around the room; from the Core Control Station to the Engineers training room to the 2nd level banister above them.

The men were dumb struck and stopped just inside the large chamber. Lt. Kramer, Ens. Hanson and Ens. Walters just stood there and looked at each over and smiled a little. Kramer looked down at their uniforms that were splashed with blood from the terrible accident severing Ens. Drakes arm. That didn’t seem to bother the crowd that continued to grow.

“I certainly didn’t expect this.” Kramer finally commented to the two standing with him.

The applause stopped quickly and completely when the Lieutenant Commander walked out on the platform from the Chief Engineer’s office. "Please, don't stop on my accord." Freeman stated dryly. "Applaud the ruining of our non casualty record for station maintenance that's been in place for two years. Something I am just proud of." He also decided to clap his hands slowly to add to his dissatisfaction. It was a side of him that hadn't been shown for a long, long time. And all it took was one person's lack of common sense. Luckily his Assistant had been a fast thinker, and used the Emergency Transport system. "Lieutenant, my office NOW." He added emphasis toward Kramer. "AS for the rest of you." He paused. "Use the training you've been given and keep the casualties to minor scratches from reaching into tool chests." He turned and walked into his office.

Those that had gathered around quickly dispersed. The sarcasm from the Chief was a big let down to Kramer and to others it seemed. Kramer hung his head low a little, still standing there with the 2 Ensigns. Ens. Walters patted Lt. Kramer on the shoulder and said, “You did the right thing boss.”

“Thanks.” Was Kramer’s simple reply, “You two go get cleaned up and report back to training. Looks like I’m headed into the fire.” Not waiting for a response, Kramer stepped up onto the platform and towards the Chief’s office. Along the way he got several reassuring nods and winks from crewmen.

Entering the Commander’s office, Kramer came to stand at attention in front of the desk. He wasn’t one to make excuses or go on and on with explanations. He would take his licks.

"Alright Lieutenant, explain exactly what happened down there." Bruce asked his assistant.

Kramer took in a deep slow breath, still at attention, "Sir, I believe this is all my fault. I did not make sure the team was adaquately trained."

"That goes with out saying Vincent, but I didn't ask that I want to know what happened." Bruce cut in gruffly.

Then Kramer added frustratedly, "The honest truth is that Ens. Drake was a moron and stuck his hand in an unsafe place without permission, cause he thought he was smarter than everyone else."

"This puts me in a tough spot Lieutenant. Your record isn't marred in any way and I don't want to be the one to mark it. However, I don't see a choice. You took a group of unprepared Ensign's into an extremely dangerous part of Engineering. One has a severe injury that luckily is being taken care of, and the other two I'm sure are traumatized at what happened. Not to mention the time that now needs to be spent decontaminating that area. Can I ask what were you thinking?" Bruce finally put out the question as he couldn't come up with an answer himself.

Kramer didn’t know what to do, but explain fully. He wasn’t in the habit of blaming others. Kramer began, “These officers had shown the insight to assist with the repair. We had gone through the detailed procedures on the training holo-deck , just hours before. I have no excuse for Ens. Drake’s rash action.“ A feeling of being pressed to the wall came over him as he stood before his superior. "I wasn't trying to impress them." He hesitated, then went on " . . . just trying to give them the encouragement first hand experience can provide."

"Well, I don't see anyway around it. Everyone here will know that you potentially endangered a crewman but it won't be noted, remember to be careful. However on your record it will be noted you thought quickly and saved a subordinate's arm."

Kramer felt like continuing to blame the idiot for putting his hand where he had been told not to and why. He was fuming now, but knew that he was better than that. He tried to not let it show, but he was sure that the frustration shown on his face. He would take responsibility for his actions and those around him as a good Starfleet Officer should. Kramer simply and calmly responded, “I understand.”

"Now its up to you to go tell Ensign Drake he is being put on administrative leave for two weeks. Hopefully he will learn his lesson in that time. And Lieutenant, thank you for keeping your calm down there, you're dismissed." Bruce ended getting to work on the paper work this stunt gave him.

Even though Kramer was still at attention, he stiffened a little and responded, "Yes Sir." He did an about face and walked out of the Chief's office.

This incident had really hurt him. He had done everything he was expected to do, yet he understood that in leadership you are still responsible for the idiots around you. 'Definately a learning experience.' Kramer thought to himself. Walking out into Main Engineering, no one looked his way. For now, he was bad juju. Looking down at himself and seeing that he was still covered in blood, he realized he needed to get cleaned up and then go check on HIS personal problem.


LTCDR Bruce Freeman
Chief Engineer


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief Engineer