Cascade – Final Details
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Final Details
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Jun 29, 2014 @ 8:47pm
Location   Main Security - Chief of Security Office
Timeline   74 - 01:00
Trellis looked up as the Commander walked into his office right on time. "Hello Commander, I see that you have continued to live up to your reputation for punctuality." He said in a jovial mood.

Karen looked at Trellis, her face immobile. "Indeed. Let's not waste any time. This is a sensitive matter and every minute we take suggests danger. The court order," Karen added holding out a padd.

Trellis nodded and began to follow her down the hall. "Commander, I believe that we should use extreme caution in transporting the child suspect. Particularly, in her manner of transportation. I suggest relying upon a civilian transport in order to send her to Starbase 182" He stated.

"That could work. Have you considered her escort?"

"I believe that if we give her a moniker, then we can have her transported to a safe detention center with minimum disturbances." Trellis added.

Karen nodded. "It is my intention to accompany the girl myself. I don't want anyone coming to a deal and landing her in a Cardassian detention centre, plus the implications for the resting Ambassador are dynamite. It needs my full legal attention."

Trellis nodded to the officer standing guard as the two officers arrived.

She pursed her lips, "Is this for the security of the girl or for our other matter?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am, this extra level of security is necessary." Trellis said as he submitted his hand to the scanning device."Considering Commander Rakka's skill, training, size, and her experience as Chief of Station Security, I felt that it was important to remain vigilant until we resolve this." He said with trepidation.

Trellis nodded to the officers and they stepped to the side and deactivated the two security fields that were in place. Trellis knew that the field was designed particularly for the Security Department's more "Intense" detainees. "Please escort the detainee to the chair on the left side of the table." Trellis directed as he and Commander Villiers took their seats at the table.

"Commander Villiers wanted to speak to you in regards to the situation that has taken place and how to resolve the matter. " Trellis stated. He knew that the proper procedure would be to remove the Commander from duty pending a mental evaluation; however, it was not his opinion that was important at the moment.

"Do you wish to say anything?" Trellis asked Rakka. Wondering what was going on through her head, also wondering if she was planning on assaulting anybody else.

The Nausicaan took her seat across the table and glanced between the two of them. "Uh, no... no," she said in a low voice as she crossed her arms. "Wherever Commander Villiers wants to begin is... fine with me."

Lt. Trellis tapped the console gently to activate the recording devices within the room.

"I want to hear your side of the story, Commander Rakka," Karen said. The Nausicaan had a history, there were records of aggressive behaviour that followed her around. It was hard to overlook the nature of her species. Karen wanted to be sure that the most recent incident was caused by the influence of the alien. And that its influence was not being used to excuse behaviour that would lead to any other officer being drummed out.

In the absence of an answer, the 'Commander' was leaving.

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Commander Karen Villiers