Judgement – Restitution
by Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Restitution
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Oct 25, 2011 @ 7:57pm
Location   Main Engineering, Romulan Consulate
Timeline   Backpost (apologies for the lack of timestamp - will update when I catch up)

Bruce walked over to the first of the four reactors in Main Engineering. Checking the readouts and seeing they were acceptable he walked over to the second and made the rounds for the rest of them. Noting that they are were running smoothly he went to his office. He knew there were a few things that needed to be done that he had noticed the day before but hadn't gotten to them. Sitting down he picked up the Padd that had his to do list. Flipping through the sheets on the Padd a message came up that he had ignored due to the work he had the day before. It was a reminder to thank the Romulan Ambassador and the Consulate for allowing them to use a part of their energy supply. "Well that comes first." Bruce exclaimed to himself and stood up.

He walked over to the turbo lift and made his way to the Consulate. Upon arriving at the reception area he was greeted who he assumed the receptionist. "If possible I need to speak with Ambassador t'Khellian." He requested politely.

"One moment," i-Orinwen replied. The newly automated filter had already identified the visitor and was now verifying that identification, it speeded up the somewhat laborious securoty procedures in operation around the consulate, and specifically the Ambssador. "You may go in Lieutenant Commander Freeman," she said after a minute or two. "The Ambassador has five minutes for you. Step through the security scanner and proceed down the corridor to the door at the end."

The new procedure was faster and required less manpower, but any discepancy in between the identity gleaned by the hidden scanner at the door and the records poled from the station's central database and the first alarm would be raised. The second alarm would sound if the security scanner was triggered and the reception area would be flooded with guards within seconds.

'You would think I was here to cause problems.' Bruce thought to himself walking down the corridor.


The only word that could describe Isha's mood was resigned, until the trial was over, until the Cardassian was dust in space, until the threads of the intricate plan of the Continuing Committee began to weave together she was in a holding pattern. She could expend what energy she had in fighting the situation but it would be a futile effort.

"Whatever does the Chief Engineer want?" she muttered as the notice came through that he was on his way.

Bruce, having gone through the rest of the hall walked into the Ambassador's Office. "Ma'am I now your time is short so I'll make this quick. I wish to thank you for the help you gave us the other night with our power allocation problems. Other duties kept me occupied yesterday or I would have been here then."

Isha paused mid-movement, the curve of her hand coming to a halt just beneath her chin. "I consider Captain Tahir a friend, Lieutenant Commander," she said. Though her use of standard was flawless she still held to the Rihannsu tradition of stating the full title of the man. "had she not been so accommodating in allowing the infrastructure I wished installed then the redundancy necessary to allow you that extra power without draining your own facilities would never have been available in the first place."

She smiled then, the slight curve of a scalpel.

To some the smile probably would have had them quivering in some sort of fear. Probably Bruce too freshly comming out of the academy, but with experience and how he looked at life he barely noticed.

"Well, hopefully everything that had been motified, is returned to its normal state." Bruce replied. "And please if there is anything we can do for you in Engineering, don't hesitate to ask." He added. He knew that the consulate viewed the drain as an inconvenience and wanted to show the Ambassador he knew he had created a debt.

"What a delightful man you are, Lieutenant Commander Freeman," Isha said, still maintaining that cold clear smile. "Of course I will not hesitate should I find the need or opportunity to restore the balance of obligation," she added.

Bruce noted the time on a chronometer and saw that his time was up with the Ambassador. "I see my time is up." He bowed slightly, "I shall leave you to attend to your duties, as I am needed elsewhere myself." He turned and made his way to the door. 'That went better than I thought it would.' He thought as the doors opened and he exited.


Bruce Freeman

Isha e-Khellian i'Ramnau t'Illialhlae
Romulan Ambassador