Lieutenant Vincent Tan’s Personal Log - Secret Diary of a Starfleet Command Spy 1

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Title   Secret Diary of a Starfleet Command Spy 1
Author   Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Sat Apr 25, 2009 @ 7:31am
SD8 1700, Junior Officer's Quarters Deck 27

"Commander Vincent Tan's log, supplemental.

"It never occured to me this morning that the allegations I have been sent here to investigate could be true. I have always had faith in my fellow Starfleet officers. I adhere to a certain gentlemen's code and expected the same from them. It distrubs me that I could have been wrong.

"The scene that greeted me upon arrival at Deep Space Five was one that deeply shook me. A starbase is a monumental structure, one of the finest and most technically advanced products that the Federation can create. There have been many times on long missions that the mere knowledge of proximity to a starbase meant safety and support. Seeing one so badly damaged by a only a handful of Romulan ships came as a huge and disconcerting shock.

"My shuttle pilot helpfully informed me that the shields appeared to have failed. This was later confirmed by the temporary Commanding Officer, one Commander David Davies. Captain Tahir is currently off the station and Mr. Davies is her locum replacement. I believe that if there is a conspiracy on DS5, it is unlikely that Mr. Davies is part of it. Whilst I cannot be sure of this yet, I believe that his friendly demeanour towards me this afternoon was genuine and I hope to be able to take advantage of that relationship and garner as much information as possible. It helps that we are of similar age - I believe he may even be younger than I am.

"My direct superior officer, the Chief of Strategic Operations, a Klingon named Da'nal, is currently commanding the USS Freedom. My knowledge of Klingons is limited to what I have read about their anatomy and physiology in textbooks and a few passing acquaintances on duty. But I believe a member of that proud and honourable race would not be very likely to be involved in anything untoward. Not only would it be against their character, I believe that diplomatically a Klingon would be unwilling to risk the damage the relationship between the Federation and Klingon Empire. In addition, I do not believe that it would serve the Klingon High Council's interests to assist the Romulans. Perhaps Da'nal's promotion and command of the Freedom is simply a method to remove him from DS5 and "clear the path", so to speak, for any sabotage and future illegal activities?

"Whilst Admiral Uhlan is in the area, supposedly patrolling and field-testing the Thor, I have yet found a way to make direct contact with him. Our communications would require a high level of encryption and a method of transmission. Whilst a method of encryption is available to me - one which I will be using on these logs - my only journey to the Communications Department so far, neaarly resulted in my capture.

"I was stopped by a rather large, dark gentleman in the uniform of an intelligence officer. Without introduction or a statement of purpose he proceeded to threaten me with death. I recall the exact phrase he used was "how about I just shoot you and figure out the rest later?" Shackled by this threat and my low rank, I was not able to question why he himself was there and whether or not his purpose was more legitimate than mine. Surely, such an outright agressive and possibly homicidal character could not be considered trustworthy. I will endeavour to find out more on his identity and background and I will report my findings to Admiral Uhlan when I can.

"I have not been on DS5 for more than an hour, but already I have myself two things to investigate. One hopes that the shields and this intelligence officer would be all for me to investigate. But one must also be realistic. I have a feeling the more senior officers I meet and the longer I stay on Deep Space Five, the greater my suspicions of treachery shall become."