Things Past – Incognito - Part 6
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Incognito - Part 6
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Aug 14, 2011 @ 10:02pm
Location   The Outer Borders of Federation Space
Timeline   2874

Rick started to re-install and load the isolinear data chips into their respective sockets, he then began to load the software. Suddenly sparks flew and systems began to overload. The only reason that would happen would be if the chips had not been cleared properly. "What....." the LCARS displays started to flicker "did you....." the ships systems began to drop off one by one "Do!" the ship dropped out of warp.


"What? You told me to clean them up..." she muttered, alarmed. The baby began to wail too as they were plunged into darkness briefly before a back-up kicked in.

Rick grabbed a torch from the emergency locker and almost slid across the floor to get to the pit in his rush. He dived in head first, followed by a series of curses. When he came back up he held between two fingers a melted isolinear chip. His fingers had burnt from holding it as he held it up accusingly to the 'not Orion.'

"The only reason this would've fused, is if when i sent a new sub-routine through it and there was already one on there."

Chelsea blushed and hung her head. "I'm sorry. I obviously didn't clear them properly." she admitted.

She rocked the squalling baby, trying to comfort him in vain. This was getting very difficult and the temperature seemed to be dropping, or was that her imagination?

"Go aft, and crack open some emergency survival kits" Rick had picked up a tricorder and was waving it in the air trying to get a reading of what was going on. "It looks like we may be stuck here a while until I get the power back on-line." He slumped into a chair his face a mask of concentration as he tried to figure out how to fix the ship.....It was not going to be easy, it might not even be possible.

Chelsea sheepishly did as she was told. "I.... i'm usually meticulous.... you have to be when you're a doctor...." she told him as she took the baby and went to the back to look for the kits with Young Henry balanced on one hip with on arm holding his head against her and one free hand to search with. ~It was you distracting me..... ~ she thought silently, the pout actually showing on the outside but luckily, she was facing away from Rick's now re-semi-submerged line of sight.

Baby Henry continued to object loudly and she had to jiggle him up and down in a largely unsuccessful attempt to soothe him. "It's okay little One, he's not mad with you, only me.... " she muttered softly, trying to think of a little song or something to croon to him in desperation.

"When you're down and troubled
and you need a helping hand" she sang softly.

"and nothing, no nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me
and soon I will be there
to brighten up even your darkest night.
You just call out my name
and you know, wherever I am
I'll come running, to see you again.
Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall
all you have to do is call
and I'll be there, yes I will
You've got a friend....."

The soft tune seemed to fascinate young Henry and he stopped crying and put his head on one side, listening.

~At least that's one problem solved. Now, what about the next 400.... I doubt if singing's going to fix any of those!~ she thought, finally finding the supplies and tugging them out with her free hand, causing an avalanche.

"Oh PAH WRAITHS!!" she spluttered, forgetting not to give away her Bajoran heritage again.

Young Henry wailed with fresh enthusiasm and Chelsea had to try to sing with her teeth clenched as she hopped up and down on one uninjured foot, unable to nurse the other, bruised one that the boxes had all landed on.

"Teardrop on a fragile eyelash
She's looking like a dream
Hoping for some understanding
An answer or at least
A calming word a single sentence
To restore her heart
Aching since the day I left her
Crossing lonely seas

Silent tears of a woman
Make a warrior cry
Heaven, I beg you
Please release hopes from fears."

The baby was unimpressed. Chelsea went on to the chorus.

"This is my elegyyyyyyyy
Do you know what I feeeeeel?
This is my elegyyyyyyyyyyy
Do you believe it's reeeeeeeeeal?
Will I hold you in my arms again?"

"As she hit the high notes Baby Henry's little face lit up and he began to wave his little arms and legs excitedly, almost dislodging himself from her hip so she had to use her one arm to grasp him closer and drop the remaining supplies box to catch his head from flopping alarmingly.

The baby giggled at being serenaded and jogged about. Chelsea breathed a sigh of relief that she'd caught him in time and squatted down with her back straight, trying to balance him whilst picking up the first box. It was as she began to try to come back up again, clutching both treasures, one in each arm, that she realised that the muffled thud she had heard but not really registered when she had hit the first high note, might have been significant.

From her squatting position, treasures clasped, she looked up to see a rather 'less than amused' Rick towering over her, with another lump and cut on his forehead.

"Didn't I fix that?" she asked, looking at his head in a mystified way as she was trying to rise to her feet without dropping the precious cargo nor losing her balance and falling on her rear in a heap.

"Baby Henry *likes* my singing.... I suppose it *is* rather like Klingon Opera the way I miss notes!" she said whilst wincing as she asked a lot of her thighs and lower back in an attempt to force herself upwards rigidly towards a stable standing position again.

It wasn't actually true. She had a very tuneful voice but it seemed more concilliatory to make fun of her own attempts in the light of the suspicion that was now dawning on her that perhaps he had gained that extra thump on the head as a result of the startling reverberence of that long top note she had hit. "Sorry.. the quiet stuff wasn't cutting it with him any more." she tried to explain her way out of even *more* trouble.

"I'm not proving to be the most comfortable mission partner you ever had, am I?" she hung her head, heading off the expected reprimand, knowing full well how much of an understatement that was as she wilted under the stony look on his blood and grime stained face.

It wasn't really a good time to suddenly have the second penny drop, this time about how much effect those eyes were beginning to have on her, but then Chelsea never *had* been noted for her excellent timing. She blushed and finally fell silent, finding a spot on the floor *really* interesting to stare at.

Luckily, Baby Henry knew what to do instinctively. As Chelsea rose upwards, he held out his arms, gurgling for Rick, his jagged baby teeth more prominent when he was grinning and growling in affection. Chelsea invoked the Prophets silently for this to be a sufficient distraction to save her, at least temporarily.

A JP Between:

Cadet Rick Dunham
aka Henry the Vulcan


Cadet Chelsea Adams
aka Cari the Orion