Judgement – A cunning plan
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Min Zhao & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   A cunning plan
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Min Zhao & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Sat Apr 16, 2011 @ 1:46pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 37 1145
Ahjess paced the length of the bar, his tight trousers creaking slightly, teeth grinding as he stalked and turned and stalked and turned. "She's not coming. She's not coming and those geriatric little bitches are going to have the last laugh."

"Calm down," Jessica was sorting new chips into trays for each table. "Its not twelve yet, and even if she doesn't, can you blame her. Those guys must have been on something, she got banged up pretty good."

Min gingerly entered the BoD with some of the other staff. She was still stiff and sore from last night and was hoping she could swing some lighter duty this evening if possible. She didn't expect it but it would be a nice gesture.

Going over to the small group where Ahjess was pacing she glanced around. "Morning everyone."

The young man's relief at seeing her was palpable. "I'm glad you're here. We need you to do something."

Jessica rolled her eyes, despairing at her friend's lack of social grace this morning. She pushed a chair out with a foot. "What he means is, we're glad to see you back and doing okay. And we'd like to ask you a big favour." She looked over Min's dark head for confirmation.

"Yes. I'm glad your okay." Ahjess muttered. "Sit down. Please."

Min took the seat that Jessica had offered and sat down. She looked at Ahjess and then at Jessica. "Thank you. Now you were saying something about a favour?"

Edward walked in, yawning. He hadn't had a good night's sleep. Er, correct that - morning's sleep. He approached his fellow employees, noticing the new girl seated in a chair. Huh... they must be talking with her about the granny brigade. He was already impressed with her from the events from the night before, and thought she had quite a bit of spunk. She'd be perfect for this little sting.

"Mind if I sit in on this?" he asked.

"Not at all, since its sort of our idea," The trill said before turning back to Min. "You see, one of our tables got fleeced last night. We think it was one of the Granny Brigade that come in most nights. But we have no proof. So we'd like you to try and...get to know them, so we can figure out who it was."

Min nodded. "Some sort of undercover sting operation. How do you plan to get me close to them?"

"Well," Ahjess admitted. "We were thinking of dressing you up to look Granny-ish. Then you could flirt with Edward, slap his butt a bit, that sort of thing."

Min shook her head. "I don't know the first thing about being a granny. I can probably fake about 10-15 years but beyond that..."

"A little makeup, a wig - you don't have to act geriatric," Edward chimed in. "Most of those women are cougars, and they do their best act like they're twenty years younger than they really are."

"I'm still not sure. Cougars or not, I'll flounder if they start talking granny stuff." She paused. "Put me in as a younger woman, say late 30's, and pass me off as one of your regular guests. That role I can fake."

Ahjess looked unsure. "We could give it a try. But it could be risky. They're turning into semi-regulars themselves."

"How long have they been coming here? If it's been a few weeks, maybe a month, I can say I've been away on business. More then that could get tricky."

Ahjess looked unhappy. "They've been in about four or five times since we opened, usually Mondays and Thursdays." He drummed his fingers on the bar. "Got it!" he banged his hand down on the marble surface to emphasize the point. "I could tell them you were a regular at Krupps - that's a Ferengi bar on Starbase H42, where Jess and I used to work before Yolanthe asked us to come here. It would explain why you're new. You're here on business, and surprised on seeing me, come over to say hi." he looked from Min, to Jessica, to Edward. "Does that work?"

Min nodded. "I had a few hours downtime there once when the Orion made a layover between assignments a few years back."

The truth of the matter was she'd actually spent very little time exploring the station, having spent most of it fooling around in a rented holosuite with her lover. She knew very little about the place aside from the bar that they made mention of.

Edward nodded. "That works for me. The one you'll have to watch for, she usually sits on my right. Can't miss her; she's practically glued to my hip and her hand mysteriously finds it's way in my pocket." He rolled his eyes with a look of consternation.

Ahjess tried to hide his smirk, and failed. "At least its not in your zipper." Jessica leaned around Min to slap him on the arm.

Min grinned. "I'll keep an eye out." She looked around. "So what's the plan?"

Ahjess shrugged. "We get you some kit, make sure you can manage the makeup on your own. Then I suggest you go home and get some rest before tonight, because for a bunch of menopausal hags, they party hard."

"What time do they normally show up? I'd like to show up after they're already settled so they can see our conversation."

Edward glanced from Ahjess to Jessica and back as he said, "Sixish? Somewhere around the dinner hour." He didn't wear a watch with his costume so he was guessing.

The Trill croupier nodded. "Sounds about right to me".

Min nodded. "Then let's get started shall we?" She rubbed her hands together. "First things first, the clothes."

Jessica pointed up to the Mezzanine. "To the batcave." She got off her stool. "I promise when I'm done, neither of you will recognize her..."


A JP between

Ahjess and Jessica
Croupiers, The Box of Delights
NPCs by Notty


Min Zhao
Server, Undercover Mole :)


Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy Extraordinaire
Box Of Delights - DS5
(NPC by Charlene)