We All Fall Down – Operational Hazards
by Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras

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Title   Operational Hazards
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras
Posted   Sun Jun 15, 2014 @ 2:11pm
Location   Main Infirmary
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 14:55
OOC: Set just a smidgin before Who Guards the Guardians. Started out as a tag within that, but thought it was so big it was just breaking up the flow there.


Down in the Infirmary Doctor sh'Tagras' usually sunny disposition was certainly not improved by the addition of cabling and technicians everywhere. Turning to the Boatswain, leading the team down there, who had just knocked a stack of PADDs off her desk while reaching for a tool, she snapped at the Bajoran "For the love of the Prophets, Chief, can't you avoid making any more of a mess down here! I don't even know why you bother hooking my systems up to the rest of this cacophany of idiocy anyway."

The Bajoran shot the Andorian an apologetic glance as he reached down and grabbed the PADDs and returned them to their rightful place. "I'm sorry, Doc, but the higher processing functions for the EMH programme mean that these systems are about the most advanced we've got."

"BAH! That thing's got less higher processing power than a palukoo, Chief. Give me half a day, an ethics release clause, and a few palukoo brains in jars and I could give you a better result. Would also probably improve the personality of the blasted EMH a damned side too." grumbled sh'Tagras as she made her way to her replicator and ordered her customary "Raktajino, hot, triple strength."

Sighing with glee as she settled back down in her chair she raised the mug to her lips and took a large sip. A moment later, following a string of expletives, she hurled the mug across the room, narrowly missing the Boatswain's head as it smashed on the bulkhead, and bellowed at the Bajoran "RELMA! WHEN IN THE BLAZES IS THIS REPLICATOR GOING TO GET FIXED!"

"Sorry, Doc." he replied with a grunt as he tried to finish up his work "We'll get to it as soon as we can, we're just a bit swamped with all this just now."

Grumbling further Melara stomped over to the far side of the room and checked her emergency supply in the bottom of her filing cabinet. El zilcho. "GAH!" She exclaimed. "Is there anywhere on this godforsaken station with coffee which doesn't taste like raw sewage?"

Meryn, whose entire upper body was now inside the bulkhead, called back out to the irate Andorian "Well, you could always try the OPS relief room. I've got the Command level replicators doing a mean Raktajino if I don't say so myself."

The Doctor's eyes lit up with glee. "Now you are talking, Chief!" She answered with a tone of pure delight. Almost skipping out of her office she grabbed her medkit and, pausing only to stop at the nurses' station, she announced joyfully "I'm going to OPS! They have COFFEE! Don't let anyone die until I've had at least one cup... otherwise one of you may."

Once she was clear the Bajoran Chief Warrant Officer poked his head out from her office door and asked the nearest nurse "Is she always like that?"

Two of the nurses nodded glumly and replied in unison "So far... pretty much."

Relma sighed as he moved back into the CMO's office to finish up integrating the EHM's circuitry. Tutting to himself he sighed. "I'm the one on limited duty for being mentally unstable, and some desk monkey decided the angry energiser bunny was fit to be CMO to a station of thousands I worry about this fleet sometimes, I really do."

His thoughts were broken off as his commbadge activated =/="Eirich to Relma, are you ready down there, Chief? Dell and Lash are going to need those processors."=/=

With two final tweaks of the connections, the Bajoran slapped his commbadge and replied. =/="Aye, all ready down here, Ensign. Make yourself scarce though. The blue menace just left here, headed your way."=/=


Lieutenant Melara Tagras
Chief Medical Officer
Deep Space Five


NPC by "Moose"
Chief Warrant Officer Relma Meryn
Boatswain, Deep Space Five