Beg, Steal or Borrow – Reflection
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Reflection
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat May 16, 2009 @ 12:16am
Location   Davies' quarters
Timeline   SD8 20:25
NOTE: As of this time, unless it's an emergency, Commander Davies is not to be disturbed


He ripped his clothes from himself before the doors had even sealed.
"Computer, seal room, no communication unless deemed urgent. Start shower cycle, 45 degrees, 15 minute harsh cycle." His orders came as he kicked off his shoes and removed his pants. Standing naked in the middle of the undecorated quarters, his hands on his hips, he took several deep breaths.
~ Had better days, had worse ~ His thoughts finally clearing.
The day had been hard, but by far not the worst day of his command career, just different. He had wanted so badly to be outside in the middle of the battle, flying a ship and barking orders at tactical, helm and engineering. A station was a total different animal but he was also on a leaning curve with both station and command staff.
He sighed as he made his way into the sonic shower, allowing some of tensions to dissipate.

It was nearly 20 minutes before he resurfaced, feeling somewhat refreshed and padded to the replicator, ordering a light salad and baked potato with a hot tea. He carried the meal to his desk and began to read some of the damage reports from the day. He was very surprised to find the damage minimal, despite the Admirals fears that DS5 had looked a great deal worse from the outside, but considering the shields had failed for a few moments at the height of the attack it was very light.
He forked a piece of lettuce and shovelled it into his mouth and for the first time, he felt a twinge in his neck from the pinch that T'lan had given him. He smiled to himself, wondering what the Commander was doing at this very moment.
Reading more reports, he was more than satisfied that the final casualty figures had shown that although there were many cuts and grazes, he was rather dismayed at the number of casualties from trampling and public disorder. He tutted a she read further, about several breakins to shops on the promenade. He typed a response from Dorian, to be investigated the following day.
He tapped at the screen, awarding commendations for the crew who had supported the station, especially noting Commanders Da'nal and Monteros and also Lieutenant Dunham.
He sliced the potato with his fork and placed half into his mouth, causing his cheeks to bulge as he chewed.

He tapped at the screen, sending it back into the desk out of the way, as he finished his supper.

"Tomorrow is another day." He said aloud as he pushed the chair backwards and wandered to the small picture window onto the space dock and saw the admirals ship docked alongside the Freedom.
He felt a little sad, he was about to lose a damn good commander and a good ship too, but such was life on a station. Looking up, he saw another 3 ships, all being repaired.
"Yep, today is gone, tomorrow is coming, but how long will I be here!" He drank from the cup, emptying the contents in just a few mouthfuls and wiping his lips with the back of his hand, the cup finding a vacant spot on the ledge beneath the window. He stepped backwards, flopping onto the bed. His hands snaked behind his head as he watched the blue flares sparkle on the ceiling.

"Computer, darken window, lights off." He said as the room became enshrouded in darkness and with a minute, his thoughts began to wander to another time, when war was not a weekly occurrence and drifted into a light sleep.


Commander David Davies