Beg, Steal or Borrow – You?
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   You?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 10:00am
Location   DS5
Timeline   SD8 - unknown
As she waited for the floor to stop moving Verelan Iawaain grasped the nearest storage rack with both bands and screwed her eyes closed. She had no idea where she was or how she got here, only some strange and hazy memories and the very certain knowledge that she had to find someone.

She did not know the uniformed woman who had given her the dull oversized shirt that she now wore over her own clothes, who had guided through the maze of corridors to an access hatch. When she had asked why, the woman had merely winked at her leaving Iawaain to wonder why a human was assisting her.

Then she had emerged here.

Iawaain’s eyes blinked open and for the first time she took a look at the dusty disused space. It was narrow and equipped on one side with shelving tied into the bulkhead for support; the other wall was less solid, a temporary division perhaps.

There did not appear to be a door but a thin line of light glowed from the far end of the room; Iawaain approached it and found that she was able to push the partition wall aside and squeeze through the gap into the room beyond.

She found herself in a well lit space among packing cases, the gap she had come through barely visible. Iawaain pushed the nearest case back against the corner to mask her entrance then she padded across the floor, indifferent to the contents of the crates and boxes that surrounded her.

As the door opened Iawaain pressed against the wall, holding her breath; there was a man, his back was turned. Slowly she bent her legs and inched her hand out toward a crowbar that lay on top of a wooden crate feeling the cold touch of the metal beneath her fingertips.

He was occupied muttering something, his attention switching between the padd he held and contents of a shelf as Iawaain drew the weapon towards her; she could not be found until … he turned.

“You,” Iawaain exclaimed, dropping the crowbar. It fell to the floor with a clang and for a second she wondered if her expression was as surprised as his.

She did not know why, but this was who she was meant to find.

“You must be Verelan,” the man said looking her up and down. “You’re late,” he added, “and we don’t have much time.”


Verelan Iawaain, former Tal’Shiar agent

And …

NPCd by Louise