Judgement – Post Post-Mortem
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Post Post-Mortem
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Tue Nov 02, 2010 @ 6:55pm
Location   Pathology Lab, Sickbay
Timeline   SD35 - afternoon 16:00
Chelsea had heard about Lance's behaviour during the Autopsy. She was serious about her warning but apparently there had been no violent behavior this time, only bad temper.

~Only! Bad temper is bad enough!~ she thought as she put her head round the door of the lab and peered in, hoping to find Kaelin.

Her hope was answered as she saw the tall Deltan sitting at his desk, examining something with the micro-scanner and typing on a PADD. The lab was quiet, the silence only broken temporarily by a small beep from one of the machines running various tests around the medium sized room.

"Good afternoon, Ensign" Chelsea began. "How are you finding things now you're settling in?" she asked, moving further into the lab and peering at one of the tests that was going on just to her right.

Kaelin looked up from his work to look at the CMO. "Oh, good afternoon, Commander," he greeted back. "I'm settling in pretty well. Things have been going pretty smoothly so far," he told her. He didn't want to bring up the incident in the autopsy room. It had been settled and Kaelin never enjoyed digging up things that were settled.

"I've seen your latest reports." Chelsea went on. "In particular this morning's autopsy. Nasty case. Klia was a nice girl."

"Yes, I heard. I didn't know her personally," he said with a slight tone of regret. "Hopefully we'll find the person responsible soon," Kaelin added. "Would you like to sit down, Commander?" he offered, motioning to the seat on the side of the lab table he was working at. "I'd offer you something but, well, we're in a lab." It was standard regulations, of course, that no food or beverages were allowed where they were.

Chelsea held out her hands in recognition of the impossibility of refreshment. She knew the rules, naturally. "No, no, of course not!" she acknowledged, brushing away Kaelin's apology. "Thanks" she added, taking the seat he offered.

"No problem, Commander," he said, shaking his head slightly as he swished his seat a bit to face the CMO. "So, you're here to talk about the incident in the lab today, right?" he asked her suddenly. He could feel she'd come with a purpose and, as he always kept his work in great order, that was the only thing he could really think she'd wish to speak to him about. He usually kept to himself, so it wasn't like he got into conflicts often.

"No" she replied in a level tone. "I came to see how you're doing, because that is due, and also to talk to you about your findings at the autopsy. If you'd like to talk about what you call 'the incident' - then naturally i will listen and if it requires my attention or action then I will offer those. Would you like to tell me what happened, as no-one else has done so?"

"It was nothing, really. I was prepared to begin the actual autopsy when Dr. Murdoch stepped in and stated quite clearly that he, being the Chief surgeon, was to do it. To avoid arguments, with the help of Mr. McBain's help, I stepped aside. As for the results, I've read Dr. Mudoch's findings. There's nothing out of the ordinary, apart from what one would expect from a body with this cause of death."

"I'm sorry that Dr Murdoch treated you like that, I'll have a word with him." Chelsea said. "It's important that we all work as a team to utilise all of our talents to the best end. Now, I'm sensing a *but*....? Nothing out of the ordinary.... but....? Did you find anything "

"I'm still going through the tissue samples from her organs. I will forward you the full report, but so far, I haven't found anything. The liver and the lungs are in excellent condition."

"So no narcotics then? Naturally you did all the bloods, I'm sure." Chelsea was thinking this out.

"Yes, the blood is clean," Kaelin nodded, not in the least insulted by her inquiry. She had to make sure all her people had their bases covered, after all.

"Good work, Ensign. Thank you." Chelsea swung her legs on the stool, still thinking. "I knew Klia, although not well. It's a bad feeling to think of her knifed in the back......... of anyone to come to such an end." she said regretfully.

Kaelin's gaze softened as he looked at her, feeling her grief. Reaching out, forgetting himself a moment, he placed his hand over hers on the lab desk, sharing her pain. It was instinct that drove him, the will to help the people around him, even through times of emotional turmoil. "Don't be sad. I'm sure we won't let her be forgotten. We'll find who did this to her." His voice was soft and he gently caressed the back of her hand.

"Thank you" Chelsea replied, making an effort to cheer up. "I'm sorry to be so maudlin. We certainly won't let her down. Please, keep up the good work."

Raising a smile and waiting until the end of what she had to say to move away. Chelsea had no wish to rebuff the kind act of compassion even though it did surprise her a little. She knew so little of Deltan society and customs, she realised and resolved to make an effort to do more research. She owed it to Kaelin.

"When you're done here. Perhaps you might like to share a coffee in my office?" she offered, resolving to make more of an effort to get to know her Pathology Specialist when they both had more time.

Standing up, the CMO turned to leave.

"Uh..." Kaelin recoiled, suddenly shy and looking up at her with strangely innocent eyes. "Is...is that appropriate?" The question popped out before he really knew what he was saying. He'd tried to distance himself, wanting to stay true to his oath, but it was difficult in situations like the one he'd found himself in with Chelsea moments ago.

"Of course!" Chelsea replied gently. "I have coffee and meetings with all my staff. I wasn't proposing anything untoward. Just a friendly chat, half work, half social."

Kaelin smiled. "Alright. I can do that," he nodded. "It'll take me another few of hours to go through all this, so, then I'll be sure to drop by. See you then, Commander." With a nod, Kaelin turned back to his work.


A JP Between:

Ensign Kaelin
Pathology Resident


Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams