Cascade – ...But you're on a station
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt

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Title   ...But you're on a station
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Posted   Wed Dec 05, 2012 @ 3:28pm
Location   Engineering
Timeline   SD69, 0200H


Abby was having trouble sleeping, especially after her mum and dad had another argument about her wishes to join starfleet. She thought that her dad had changed his mind but instead it was clear he was hoping that she would change hers.

Abby had spent the good part of an hour wondering around the station and soon found herself probably where she shouldn't be. Engineering. From her time on Aleron and when she was at the Massachusetts college of science and engineering she got herself familerised with basic engineering tools and consoles just in case she needed them on her civilian aid missions into the city but still she didn't really have a clue what she was doing when she started to tap at one of the consoles.

It wasn't before long the screen began flashing red and making a beeping noise "Oh no!" she said quietly but thankfully she managed to reset what she had done. Looking around she couldn't see anyone and gave out a sigh of relieve as she turned to walk out a figure loomed in front of the door and spoke in a very demanding voice.

"What are you doing here?!" David said.

Abby looked down at the floor as if she had been sent to the head masters office and her dad was giving her a good spill on how school and education was important trying to impress the head master with how much of a good example he was and after the Engineer stopped talking she lifted her head and looked back directly at him "I am sorry, I was just having a look. I didn't mean to break anything". Today was just not her day.

David sighed. He tapped some of the keys on the console. He looked over at the girl and gave a slight smile. "You're lucky you didn't start a station wide red alert. I'm David. What's your name?" David reached out his hand while smiling at her.

Abby looked the man up and down he was wearing a yellow uniform with only one pip meaning he was an ensign, he had brunette hair with deep brown eyes and was a lot taller than herself "I am lucky indeed" she said taking his hand with a soft touch and shaking it, "My name is Abby-Mae most just call me Abbby or Abs" she said.

"What is it you do down here then?" she asked still surveying the man, who couldn't be much older than herself.

"I'm the propulsion specialist here on the station. That means I deal with starship propulsion systems but I also do basic engineering maintenance around the station." David answered. "Let me ask you this, what is it you do down here?" David asked with a bit of sarcasm.

She smiled at his sarcasm, "Apparently making a Engineer Ensigns night shift slightly more enjoyable" she joked, " hang on If your a propulsion specialist how is it you're on a station? Surly you would be more suited on a ship?"

"It's really just a title at this point. I've been fulfilling duties as a an engineer despite my specialty being propulsion. I am a warp enthusiast though. I sometimes help with docked ships and fix or improve their systems. I also spend my personal time working on my own designs and my own engine. It's kind of a personal project..." David said.

"So you're smart as well as handsome." She smiled flirtiosly "Tell me more about your engine idea" She asked. Abby always enjoyed making conversation especially with new people but she always loved to add some flirting.

David felt a bit awkward. This girl could be his sister. What would Saria do if she were here? David thought. "I'm attempting to build an engine that could just be a hair under transwarp and maintain at that speed for long flights." David explained without trying to get too into it. This was however, an 18 years old girl. What would she know? David thought.

"Hasn't that already been tried?" she countered when she was at college transwarp was one of the subjects that had been tossed int he air after the experiment with the USS Excelsior Failed.

"I'm incorporating the newest telemetry with all tests to break transwarp. I'm even using information on all races in the starfleet database who posses transwarp technology. It's quite a bit of research. I also have to get over the the major issue of hyper-evolution." David explained.

"At a guess that part is going well?" she quirried knowing that Hyper-Evolution is pretty much impassible however there were ways that it could be done. "What idea's do you have for it?"

"Not sure as of yet. Still compiling some of the information. Anyways, what about you? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?" David asked. He started to tap some keys into the control panel. "We can keep talking, I'm just doing some standard diagnostics and monitoring of the systems."

"I hope their of the Engineering systems" she said sharply, "I'm a bit of an artist and enjoy to Paint alot I also have a passion for horse riding" she replied.

"Horse riding? Do much of that on the holodeck I suppose?" David sounded interested.

"Sadly yes however when I was on earth I used to own my own horse and me and my mum would go out riding for hours" she smiled to herself, "Do you have any hobbies other than creating a new type of engine?" Abby asked inquiringly, "I mean in your spare time to of course"

"I enjoy rock climbing in the holodeck. I also spend some of my time socializing with some of the crew. Like Lieutenant Rex, she's the Chief Science Officer. Ever since the spatial anomalies, I have more time on my hands to explore the station and meet new people." David replied.

"Rock climbing sounds fun!, I done it once before when I was younger but that was way younger. I'd probaly like to go again maybe you could take me sometime" Abby sat herself down on of the stools in engineering.

"Hey now, don't get too comfortable. It's 0200 hours, you should get back to bed." David said.

She frowned "I think I am old enough to know when I should be in bed don't you think? Anyway surly you would prefer the company?" She felt she was becoming unwelcome but she was willing to push this engineer further.

"Maybe we could do something when I'm off duty?" David asked. "I really should get back to work." David tried to sound friendly, he'd love to chat but work took precedence in his mind.

She smiled "I think that would be nice and appropriate I guess" she said finally submitting.

"That'd be great." David went back to working. "I'll see ya later."


Abby-Mae Wyatt
Daughter of Gny Sgt Luke Wyatt

David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist