Unity – Distant memory
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Distant memory
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Fri Jun 04, 2010 @ 8:09am
Location   Chintaka prime (c. 2375)
Timeline   During the Dominion war

The Argo shuttle was jolted again, the pilot made an futile attempt to keep the ship from getting slammed into any harder, "Thirty seconds to drop, everyone to the rover!" a voice called out. Another jolt rocked the ship, Jarred strapped his helmet one and pulled the goggles over his eyes, he looked over too the left, the four other starfleet personnel looked more nervous than he felt, he spoke up "This is the easy part, not getting blown up during the drop is the hard part."

He garnered a few stairs from one gentleman who had the crimson marking of strategic operations or command turned pale. Jarred just grinned, "Here we go!"

The Argo made a sudden decent followed by a sudden rush of air filling the back cargo area as the rear door opened and the rover launched out of the back, followed by a quick thud, the marine driving the rover struggled to regain control. Jarred grabbed onto a hand hold he looked over to a Vulcan who was holding a tricorder, "We are twenty kilometers from the objective, bearing zero-nine-one."

A mortar round exploded less than five meters away, shrapnel flying every where pelting the rover, Jarred looked over at the other marine monitoring communications, "Tell the Argo to be ready to pick us up in a hurry." The marine nodded, Jarred turned his focus to the terrain in front of him. As the rover thundered over land he checked his weapon for the third time, this wasn't a normal mission, they had less than an hour to break into the lab that was on the planet recover the necessary data and get out.

"We go on foot from here, marines keep the engine running, lets move." Jarred lead the small team on foot too their objective, keeping low as the ensuing firefight raged on nearby. "Charges!" someone passed him a small bag, he opened it, he carefully placed the explosives on the door and stood back, "Clear!"

The door was rather violently pulled out of the wall in a blast of fire, smoke and compression, the four men raised there rifles and started to move into the building only to have the entrance blocked by four Jemhidar soldiers charging out, one of the other starfleet officers fired downing a jemhidar, Jarred fired hitting another, the third tackled Jarred and attempted to smash the butt end of his rifle into Jarreds' head, he reached for a knife on his vest an drove it into the chest of his attacker, it fell limp, Jarred rolled out from under the attacker to only see another charging at him, he raised his phaser and fired striking the warrior in the chest.

"Lets move we have less than three minutes!" Jarred said as he ran into the building, "Wheres' the lab?"

The vulcan spoke again "Down this corridor, to the left." he jestured

The quartet ran down the hall, and forced open the door in the lab. It was empty, "What the hell?" Jarred exclaimed

"It appears that our information is inacurate or out of date." the vulcan commented.

"Or we have a security leak, lets get out of here." another man commented

"No arguement here, lets get out of this place!" Jarred remarked as they exited out the door.

Jarred pulled the pin on a couple of gernades and rolled them back into the room, as he ran down the hallway he heard the gernades explode, jarred smiled "ok lets leave a calling card and get back too the ship."

As they started to arm the demolition charges Jarred looked up, "Uh guys, I found the lab."

They opened the door and looked around, it was a scean of total carnage, the lab had been struck by a stray mortar round during the initial assault, they set to work downloading computer files, and setting explosives everywhere they could, Jarred looked up at the group, and just pointed too the exit and they started to run.

As the four officers ran the building behind them erupted in a cloud of fire and smoke, chunks of concrete and metal flew through the air. "Team one to base, mission accomplished."


Lt Jarred Wallace
CIO DS5 (intel operations 9th fleet c 2375)