Unity – In transition
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero

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Title   In transition
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero
Posted   Thu Mar 11, 2010 @ 7:54pm
Location   USS Castor - Approaching DS5
Timeline   SD17 11:45

“Jayfe, can you get me a mocha please? Tasha enquired, reading over the transmitted reports and was feeling severely depressed.
Her conversation with Ayren earlier that morning had both raised and lowered her spirits and she was going to miss her unofficial counsellor.
They were alike in so many ways and Tasha classed the diplomat as a good friend, a confidante and even a guide.

“Hot and sweet?” He called back from the crew area already out of his seat, having laid down the PADD novel he was reading and just a step away from the replicator.

“Please.” She responded, rubbing her eye with the back of her hand.

“Coming right up.” He said in his cheery manner.

Tasha smiled to herself, grateful that Jayfe had accompanied her on the way back to DS5 and knew that he also had plans to leave DS5 temporarily.

She leant back in the pilot seat and closed her eyes, listening to Jayfe humming a tune to himself as he waited for her order of a coffee.
She had found herself drinking more coffee since getting back to Earth and she knew it would not be long before she would have to put aside this new found habit and return to tea.
Pictures danced in her minds eye, of Roman and of Chinari. They were 2 very different men. Roman was straightforward and open, while Chinari was guarded and secretive, but he had a certain charm about him that she could not put her finger on and she was a little disappointed that the Captain of the Sarek had decided to head onto Jouret rather than hold the planned trial at DS5, but her reasons were quite valid, a neutral territory would indeed be a better place for a trial, or as H’Rhar had put it, a ‘Hearing’. This obviously meant that she would not be seeing Chinari any time soon.

“Penny for them!” Jayfe remarked as he stood at her side, holding a steaming cup of coffee.

Her eyes flicked open as her head turned and her hand reached out for the cup.

“DS5, the Sarek and Commander Kentar, if you must know.” She said with a grin. “Thanks.” She added as she brought the cup to her nose and breathed deeply on the aroma. “Smells wonderful.” She praised his brew that he had programmed into the Castors databank.

He chuckled. “I didn’t expect you tell me.” He responded and began to turn away.

Tasha shook her head. “I have no secrets Jayfe, besides, we have practically lived together for nearly 3 weeks in all and you probably know more about me now than I know about myself!” She teased, taking a cautionary sip of the Mocha.

“Aye, and you know me as well.” He smiled back at her and started out.

“Jayfe, can you take the seat for a while, I need to concentrate on these reports and they don’t make the best reading.” Tasha called after him.

Jayfe spun about and poked his head back around the doorway. “If you need me too.” He replied.

Tasha nodded as she lowered the cup. “If you would. I really need to get my head back into the station and with Ayren now on the Freedom, we’re lacking any real diplomatic staff and also a new XO aboard that I know nothing about, I guess you could say that I am off the pulse. Did you know Davies had demoted you to Science assistant for instance?” She said as she turned the seat about 90 degrees to allow Jayfe to take control.

Jayfe shook his head. “I did and I consented. It is only fair to have someone who is on the station to give 100 percent.” He said as he slid into the pilots’ seat and adjusted to his liking. “I don’t mind, besides it’s one heck of a lot less responsibility and I can assist Mr Tovan in more ways than he could me.” He admitted.

Tasha shrugged her shoulders. “As long as your happy with it, but there are still things going on over there that I am not entirely happy with and when we get back I intend to have more than a word with Commander Davies!” She said as she turned on her heel and moved towards the crew area, cup in one hand and the PADD in the other.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Jayfe Devero