Unity – Hunter-Romeo
by Colonel James Darson

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Title   Hunter-Romeo
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Wed Dec 09, 2009 @ 5:22pm
Location   DS5 - Marine HQ - Communications Suite
Timeline   SD 16 - 2010 Hours

Deep in the bowels of the station, in the Marine Command and Control Center, several technicians were diligently monitoring various systems and communications. Suddenly, one of their consoles began to beep, demanding attention. The Marine occupying the station, a female corporal by the name of Emily Mann, leaned over it and began to manipulate the controls.

A transmission was apparently coming into them on Marine channels from a fighter patrol somewhere outside the system. Not unduly worried, she checked the database for the squad’s flight plan and mission orders. As they were being queued up she slipped on her headset and with a practiced hand flicked them onto the right frequency, =^= “Hunter-Romeo-1, this is Delta-Sierra-5. What can I do for you today?” =^= she said in a quick and efficient tone. With her MOS of 136-A (Real Space Communications Operator) she was quite prepared to provide a superior communications experience with whomever was calling.

The voice came back grainy, audio only, =^= “Delta-Sierra-5, this is Sergeant T’Val, Squad leader, out of the 16th. I’d like to speak to the Commanding Officer of the garrison. It is a matter of urgency, and I would prefer to speak to him or her directly.” =^=

Mann frowned to herself. This was not what she had expected. She manipulated the field controls to see if she could strengthen the signal, =^= “Hunter-Romeo-1, I’m sure that I can help you with whatever you need.” =^=

=^= “Delta-Sierra-5, whom am I addressing?”=^=

With the beginnings of irritation in her voice, she said, =^=“Corporal Mann, 6th Combined Operations Group, Signals and Communications.” =^=

=^= “Corporal Mann, what I need to talk to the Garrison Commander about is of a potentially highly volatile nature, something that may result in an intergalactic incident. So unless you have the authority to help me out with this, I suggest you get me the CO now.” =^=

The worst part was, Emily mused heatedly, was that she delivered it in that typical monotone that Vulcans were famous for. She thought about it for a moment and then said, quickly, =^= “Hold one, Hunter-Romeo-1” =^= She waved the signal officer on duty, a gruff looking Klingon Master Sergeant, over and explained the situation to him in hushed tones.

He grunted and shook his head, but did not hesitate as he turned away anyway to call Lt. Flynn to the Communications room. With Lt. Brady gone, and Colonel Darson away on combat maneuvers with the Klingon and Cardassian detachments, Captain Flynn had been designated the acting Marine Commander for the time being, so the full responsibility of every Marine on the station and in Deep Space 5’s jurisdiction fell squarely in her lap.

About 60 seconds later, the door to the communications suite hissed open, and a very overworked Captain Flynn stepped through, holding a cup of strong coffee. She had forgotten just how horrible it was to be the Commanding Officer of what was basically the equivalent of a regiment. Especially being one on such a complicated station such as this one.

She walked over to the other pair and addressed the signal officer, “Master Sergeant, what do we have?”

The Master Sergeant saluted, “Ma’am. We have a squadron of Broadswords doing combat maneuvers in deep space, Sector 097-B2. They opened communications frequencies with us approximately 3 minutes ago, and requested to speak to the Commander of the Garrison. The squadron leader says that she has important information for you that is very sensitive.”

Flynn sighed and rubbed her suddenly aching temple. But she turned towards Mann and said, “Alright, put them through.”

As Mann worked, the Master Sergeant gave Flynn a couple of pieces more of information, “Ma’am. You will be speaking with Sergeant T’Val, call-sign Hunter-Romeo-1.”

Flynn nodded just as there was a burst of static over the speakers. Mann gave her a thumbs up, and she began to speak, =^= “Hunter-Romeo-1, this is Delta-Sierra-5-Actual, Captain Flynn. You wanted to speak with me? =^=

=^= “Captain. Could we speak privately if possible?” =^=

Flynn groaned mentally and rolled her eyes. But she acquiesced and plucked the headset from the offering hands of the Corporal, who encrypted the signal, before leaning back and taking her hands off the panel. Flynn said, =^= “Alright, you’ve got me, alone. Can you please tell me now what is going on?” =^=

=^= “We were doing scheduled training maneuvers out of outpost 17-Bravo when we began to receive a distress call. It appears to be Cardassian in origin.” =^=

As she listened, Flynn gestured to Mann to see if she could improve the signal quality, but received a negative reply. Mann had already tried, but there was too much solar interference from stellar bodies in the area.

Flynn frowned at the Sergeant’s words, =^= “A distress call you say? What’s the problem? Does it appear to be a fake of some sort? And why haven't we picked it up?” =^=

=^= “Negative, Captain. The distress call appears to be legitimate. However, it is extremely weak, we ourselves are on the edge of communications range and they are not answering hails. And furthermore...the distress call states that they are under attack by Starfleet vessels.” =^=

Flynn froze, =^= “Hunter-Romeo-1, confirm that you said ‘under attack by Starfleet vessels’” =^=

=^= “Confirmed Captain. Please advise.” =^=

She bit her lip and thought about it for a minute. There was so much politically charged tension onboard that the wrong move could spell disaster for the Federation. Should she just let this go? Pretend it never happened? Presume it was some sort of ambush sent by the Cardassians or worse?

Suddenly Darson’s voice appeared in her mind, lecturing her for being weak. She shook her head to clear it. That settled it though, what would Darson do?

Immediately she said back to the pilot, =^= “Hunter-Romeo-1, this is Delta-Sierra-5-Actual. Consider yourself diverted. I am going to issue you new tasking orders. Proceed to the site of the distress call, declare your presence, and evaluate the situation. ROE is tight for this; do not fire unless you are fired upon. Especially if there are Starfleet ships in the area. When you arrive in system, contact us again on a secure channel for a sitrep. Do you copy?” =^=

=^= “Acknowledged, Station.” =^=

=^= “Good. Before you warp out, transmit to us the distress call log. I have a feeling we’ll need it.” =^=

=^= “Roger. Hunter-Romeo-1 Out.” =^=

As the channel closed, Flynn turned back to Corporal Mann who was still sitting at her station paitently, “Coporal, are we receiving data traffic from Hunter-Romeo?”

“Yes Ma’am. It’s coming in now. What would you like me to do with it?”

Flynn fished a PADD from a pocket in her uniform, “Seal the file and put it on here. After you’re done, check to make sure that the records of it are secure.”

Mann nodded and set diligently to work, handing the PADD to the Captain when she was done. Flynn took the PADD and then set off to the Intelligence Offices to see Lt. Wallace. However, before she even got out the hatch, she received a summons to report for a senior staff meeting. Although slightly annoyed by the timing, she was happy that this would at least save her the time of searching for the erstwhile Lt.


Captain Miranda Flynn, Corporal Mann, Sergeant T’val
Played by James Darson