Beg, Steal or Borrow – Lock it down
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Arrival Kaia & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Lock it down
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Arrival Kaia & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Mon Feb 09, 2009 @ 6:25pm
Location   Docking area
Timeline   sd8 0835
Jarred Led the second squad of marines to the docking port where Kaia’s' ship was. ~This is gonna be tougher than the other one. ~ "Computer Lock out override, Wallace Gamma six three Omega, unlock." As Jarred walked through the umbilical walkway aboard the ship he wasn't sure if he could sense anyone, it was like Major Darson was standing next to him, "Lieutenant, take two men and search the Cargo hold. Corporal, with me. We'll search forward, non-lethal force only, arrest Kaia on sight."

Lieutenant Fawer grumbled to himself at the orders, but didn’t have any reason or authority to contradict him. With Major Darson not here at the moment, the ACIO was in charge, no matter how much he disliked it. As he saw the relatively large micro-frigate come in slowly and dock at the port, he instructed his MP’s to run a final check on their weapon’s and get ready to breach if necessary.

Kaia had just re-docked with the station after running her load-out diagnostics. The sensor readings she had picked up indicated the presence of one or more cloaked vessels orbiting the station. She headed for the airlock and tapped her personal com unit to call Natrina. When Natrina didn't respond, she began to leave a personal message.

"Hey Nat, I just finished some diagnostics on my engines after the modifications, and you'll never guess what my sensors picked up. Did you know there's.... there's... There are a lot of marines in my airlock... I'll get back to you..."

Kaia looked through the viewing portal into the umbilical and frowned. She immediately pulled out her remote cargo tagger and began pressing buttons. As the marines got closer she slipped the tagger back into her pocket and opened the airlock with a quizzical smile.

"Greetings Gentlemen, can I help you?"

"Kaia I'm here to inform you that you're under arrest for possession of stolen technology. I'm not gonna waste time with pleasantries, we’re just gonna strip down this ship and leave you the pieces" Jarred said sternly as a marine Handed him a inner hull panel. "It's you call I'm just fine with either choice."

Kaia blinked. She hadn't actually heard a choice in the words that he spoke. "Um, Hello to you too. Got a warrant?" She asked as she stepped back with a raised eyebrow.

"Two actually, one for your arrest and another to impound this ship, and another two for Natrina and her bar. You're not gonna be able to get out of this one, I do admire the attempts to block my mental abilities, I'm assuming you had a good teacher, or are you a joined trill?" Jarred remarked as two marines gave her a quick frisk, handcuffed her and attempted to escort her off the ship.

"I'm sorry you think there is 'something' from which I would need to get out." She replied, evading the latter questions entirely. She held her escorts back as she read over the warrant. "And didn't you say I had some sort of choice in the matter? In all seriousness your search will be greatly facilitated with my cooperation. This isn't a stock ship. I could shave hours, if not days off your search by showing you the modifications personally rather than let you luddites try to figure them out. Not to mention that a little finesse on your part will save you significant bureaucracy for pulling my ship apart."

Suddenly like a breath of wind from a large and damaging blizzard, Darson glided down the ramp, saying in a cold tone, “You know what Mr. Wallace? I think she’s right. Why waste time hunting for what we want on our own, when we can just have her lead us to it?" He went around and laid both armored hands on her shoulders.

"You'd do that for us, wouldn't you my dear?" He said in a tone laced with cunning, icicles, and faux pleasantness.

"How good of an idea can touching me really be?" Kaia responded with a hint of annoyance towards the newcomer. She hadn't met him before, but judging from the rank pips and demeanor, it had to be a marine, "And what am I to show you if I don't have what you think I do? I can only show you the modifications I have made, not the ones you merely suspect me of having made."

"Since the Major doesn't have the authority to cut a deal, here’s the offer I'll submit to the powers that be, 3 month suspended sentence, and your ship is impounded until the systems can be removed, that’s as lenient as I can get. The other option is you spend 2 years in jail and have your ship and business license taken away forever. Take your pick." jarred stated frankly

"You still haven't convinced me that this isn't a witch hunt." Kaia remarked. "I've got a counter offer. I don't get a sentence, suspended or otherwise, my ship doesn't get impounded because there is nothing illegal on it, and I prove it by providing you with schematics and a tour?"

"Doesn't need to be, the internal surveillance system has still images of you and Natrina on board the legacy, so the question is do you wanna tell the truth or do you wanna spend a very long time in jail? Because my patience is getting really thin. and don't try the 'we found it adrift after the pirates got there story' the time stamp on the still matches the sensor logs which puts you and her on board before the pirates arrived." Jarred was about to explode with anger, he reached for his side arm.

Darson moved quickly, inserting himself between Kaia with the two MP’s, and Jarred and pointed an armored hand at him, “Mr. Wallace,” Darson snarled in a very serious tone, “You will keep your weapon holstered, or so help me, I will relieve you of it.”

Kaia noticed the officer's movement; she spoke with a haughty condescension. "You must be new here, aren't you?" Kaia looked from the Intel officer to the Marine. "Shooting an unarmed civilian who isn't resisting is generally bad for one's career, regardless of its catharsis on your temperment." She smirked. "Check your own records, Fed. Your Chief Security Officer told me to find that ship. The Naussican? I'm sure you know her. A Flenetian radical hijacked it trying to get off the station. They caught the radical but the ship already had a flight plan and zoomed off without anyone at the helm. I volunteered to go after it since my ship's got the best sensor arrays in the sector. I brought Natrina along because she's one of my few friends on the station who happens to have good knowledge of technology. Granted, I didn't tell her everything about what we were doing, but we had reason to be there."

She pointed in Jarred's face. "Under orders from you goddamned Feds." She put her still cuffed hands down and turned towards the Marine.

"We found the ship, boarded, and soon after got attacked by a pirate vessel. I'm damned lucky I brought Natrina along, as some boarders exposed me to some explosive decompression and put me out. I'm not real clear about what happened after that, but Natrina got me and my ship back here in repairable condition. So for that, I'm thankful. And your medical department has the records to confirm that."

Kaia turned back to Jarred with a slowly widening grin. "So as I see it, you're arresting me for doing your job. This whole fiasco is because we made you look bad and you're trying to save face. Is that it? You seem awfully eager to have me sign a confession when I believe I've done nothing wrong. That says to me whatever case you've got is shaky at best, and getting me to play along saves you a lot of wetwork. Guilty until proven innocent? That's funny; I always thought you guys were working for the Federation."

Darson shook his head as he looked at Kaia, “I serve the best interests of the Federation,” he said gravely; and wondering if she knew the difference between the two, “And let us, just for one second, examine this claim that you were doing our job for us. I’ve read the security reports of the incident filled by Commander Rakka. And at first glance, it would seem to support your claim. However, I believe that you somehow managed to trick the good Commander into making it seem like you were doing her errand, but instead played out your own agenda.”

He turned to face Jarred with an annoyed tone, “And contrary to the belief of our Mr. Wallace here, I do have authority to broker a deal...a better one than he is offering right now, and I can make it happen much faster. My superiors have granted me…broad discretionary powers…for resolving this situation in a timely fashion.”

Kaia raised and eyebrow, watched both feds and listened.

Jarreds comm badge chattered,
=/="Gabriel to Wallace, we are going to have a brief conference with Ms. Kerran. I also want you to contact Ms. Kaia and have her join us with Mr. Darson in the Marine Complex, Gabriel out."

He looked at Darson "I've got other pressing matters, you deal with this one then, I'm fed-up with this thief and her little games." Jarred left the ship in a hurry.

"Sounds like we all do, apparently." Kaia said, still smiling. "Perhaps we can have the tour another time..."

ACIO Jarred Wallace


Owner of Xenology Survey Services
Deep Space 5
"No plan, no technology, is so perfect as to truly be idiot proof."


Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer