Intermission – The Approval Process
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   The Approval Process
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Sun Sep 22, 2013 @ 6:28pm
Location   Executive Officers Office
Timeline   SD73

Malak had set up a meeting with Saria and Karen after their brief discussion. The request had been standard so meeting at the Executive Officer's office would have made the most sense. His hands behind him as he arrived right before the actual office itself. His eyes glancing for Saria - It would be an interesting conversation to say the least.

Saria crossed Malak's eyes at the same time, and nodded slightly. Her hand went from her side toward the chimney of the office door. She pressed it, and soft chirp was heard simultaneously.

"Come in," Karen replied and the doors parted to reveal the Trill ... Trills. She made a mental note to double check at some point what the plural was. "Coffee?" she asked as she waved to the seating area. With the news she had received earlier Karen felt more relaxed than she had done since she'd been asked to come to this backwater as a temporary measure - temporary having stretched from weeks, to months and beyond.

Malak smiled to the woman faintly and did bring up his hand for her to go first. He followed in and noticed Karen. His head dipping, "Commander.." He offered. His eyes going to where she motioned, he moved to sit, "Not for me, no. Thank you."

Karen waited for the other to reply.

Saria snapped out of her little trance when she heard the Commander's voice. "No, thank you, Commander. I'm not really a coffee person to be honest." She looked at Malak again, and cleared her throat. "Lieutenant Muz and I are here to ask for your permission. The permission to grant us a leave of absence, Commander." She handed over the PADD she held for a while to the Commander. "It's about my symbiont. Rex isn't really... well, lately. So I have to take a special ritual on my home planet, Trill, along with Lieutenant Muz."

"Have a seat," Karen replied as she took the padd giving the summary a cursory glance. "I can understand why you need to go, but why does Lieutenant Muz?"

"Lieutenant Muz's symbiont plays a role in the ritual. His symbiont will guide mine trough it, and it's usually only done by symbionts which are "good friends" with each other. In this case, it's Lieutenant Muz." Saria replied.

"Oh?" Karen was not aware that there was any particular bond between the two. "Is this an association made since Muz arrived at the station or is it a longer association between the symbionts themselves?" the answer did make a difference - if there was another joined Trill who could fulfil the role required then that would be the preferable option, one that did not leave DS5 two officers down.

Malak somewhat wondered if he should find it odd that he was used to being talked about in the Third person. He slowly spoke up,"Lieutenant Rex is more adept at the actual process then I - she has had far more experience through out the generations. The link , wether in the past or current, is still there. It's not about the length of time as it is about friends." He pauses a moment,"It's not exactly the same but.." He tries to find a way of discussing it,"While here, you may have a close friend who is a better friend to you then someone you've known since your child hood.. It works similarly."

Saria nodded, and looked at Muz. "You took the words right out of my mouth, Lieutenant." She smiled, and turned her attention back to the Commander. "It is something that I'm not completely sure about, Commander. As Muz and I have had some thought-sharing experienced since he arrived on the station, I feel that I know him much longer than I actually can imagine."

"I can't claim to understand how you feel," Karen replied with a slight twitch of one eyebrow. She was, due to her own special news feeling in a generous mood, there was also another reason for what she was about to agree to. "I note the medical report. The CMO deems the issue serious enough for the return to Trill as well as the supporting note from the counselor recommending that a 'known' be allowed to accompany you," this she said with a nod towards the Padd. "You've leave to go, but I need an estimate of your absence."

That was definetly easier then he thought it would be. Malak watched the woman a moment almost caught by surprised and nodded his head,"That would depend on the resources that we wanted to expend. A Runabout would mean - a day or so? A transport would take longer."

Karen was sceptical at that estimate being as they were on the edge of explored space, "Allow yourself a week there and a week back. How long will you require in the caves?"

"That..would depend." Malak offered with a slight smile and shrug,"It can be relatively quick, a few hours - or take a day or two.." He leans back,"If I understand correctly.."

"Be sure to communicate if it will be longer. I can't let two of our officers be absent indefinately," not with the Captain already on medical leave for the forseeable future. "Is there anything else?" Karen asked.

Malak slowly stands as the woman talks and shakes his head,"No Sir. We'll leave as soon as possible."

"Good luck with your journey. I hope we see you returned in good health soon," Karen said to the Trill.