Things Past – Things Past - Incognito - Part 2
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Things Past - Incognito - Part 2
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Jul 31, 2011 @ 11:01pm
Location   Somewhere on the Edge of Federation Space
Timeline   2374

The next few hours were spent in awkward silence. About two hours in 'Henry' started to read something off a monitor. It had his full concentration, and every now and then he would make notes on a Padd about what he was reading. Whatever it was though it was making him a little frustrated judging by the look on his face. It wasn't until Carisel got up and headed to the replicator to get a drink that she could get a clear look at what he was reading. It appeared to be on the application of field trauma and first aid. A basic module that every cadet had to pass to graduate, but something the medical graduates could do with their eyes closed.

"Want some help with that? I used to be a doctor." she quipped, pretending to be nonchalant about the offer, which was a genuine olive branch underneath.

"Ok." Said Rick, glad for the help but now curious as to why someone so young only 'used to be a doctor' He past her his notes "Can you help me with this" He showed her the section on first aid and Medic work.

Chelsea whipped through the questions like a hot knife through butter. She was after all, in her last year at the Academy and already on the doorstep of the Medical Specialty Master years.

She took the trouble to explain why she had answered as she had and was in her element in a teaching role. She planned to take up a position as a teacher at the Cochrane Memorial Hospital once she was qualified. She had plans to make it to a Professorship by the time she was 40.

Chelsea Adams had loads of plans. The sky was her limit. All she needed was to just tick off the time until she was older and more qualified. Living the wild student life was not for her, she had studies and ambitions to get on with. It occurred to her once or twice that she might be missing something but the right person had never offered an opening to the right path at the right time, so here she was. Aiming for the idyllic..... the ideal of someone twenty years older than herself, the ideal of her mother, who she desperately wanted to impress, somehow...... somewhen.

She leaned over the padd, absently helping Rick, having forgotten that she didn't like him at first.

Rick found her help oddly.....helpful, intuitive and he began to glean an element of understanding for a subject he had no clue about. He had to grudgingly admit to himself that she really knew her stuff, but as they continued he had to scratch that and say to himself that she was in fact amazing at the this sort of stuff, maybe she wasn't the stuck up bitch she took her for.

He was about to answer a revision question she had posed when a beep beep noise could be heard on the small bridge. Rick mimicked the sound "beep beep beep" as he looked for where it was coming from. His eyes searched over the flight control system, and widened when he found what he was looking for. He hit the console a couple of times to get the beeping to stop, when it didn't he wen't "AH....oh dear."

"Where does it teach first aid for ships?" she asked, looking slightly concerned. "Is it broken?" To Chelsea, continuous beeping sounds that made the operators say *oh dear* were usually medical monitors, announcing the failure of systems. She assumed it was indicating an engine malfunction of something of that nature.

Rick laughed "Is it broken? Awwwwww Bless." It was a friendly ribbing at not meant as an offence. But then Rick had to be serious but also slightly a sarcastic fighter jock. "No its not Broken sweetheart....we're being chased by two Jem'Hadar fighters"

"Sweetheart?" she began to sting under the patronising comment but then realised what *else* he had said. "By the Prophets! Can't you go invisible or something?" she said in alarm, forgetting the giveaway of the Bajoran expression.

"This is bucket of bolts tramp freighter not a Klingon bird of prey. And when did you start......." His words were cut off as the ship got hit by two lances of phaser fire. Ricks hands dexterously typed on the LCARS interface. The ship banked hard left. Then corkscrewed through open space swerving from side to side as it dodge more fire. Rick finished his sentence "......being Bajoran."

"I didn't" she gripped the seat as the craft did impossible gymnastics under his dextrous touch. Her breath was literally taken away by both.

When she was able to speak again she finished a cover story. "Last I looked, Bajorans didn't come in green. But for the record, since you obviously *know* I'm not really family are Terran." She didn't mention that was only one side of her actual heritage and that she had more family on Bajor.

"Fair enough.....well we are not out of the woods yet." The ship banked again the flipped on its back, as two torpedoes streaked across its hull, Rick then looped the ship so it was behind the Jem hadar fighters "Ever fired phasers before?" he asked lining them up in the ships sights.

"Fired? Er.... how about no." she said as her stomach did the same loop as the ship and she turned a little more green.

"Bloody hell fire!" said Rick as a torpedo hit the ship shaking it violently. Sparks flew burning Ricks face a little. But he didn't have time to care, he arched the ship sharply then reversed the field polarity on the warp necles creating an inversion loop in the static M9 warp field. This spun the ship on the spot and brought it to a dead halt. Rick then fired the ships weapons the phaser arc hit the Dominion vessel straight on, however this only aggravated them. "Ok, weapons ineffective....Henry needs a new strategy!"

"Henry!! If we're going to die, could you please kiss me.... I don't want to die a virgin!"

"Honey! We are not going to die. I promise you that!" He whacked the ship into full reverse jolting it. He wiped blood from a cut on his forehead. He calibrated the standard polarity sphere with multineural flow of the warp core. Then he realigned the multisynaptic warp reaction chamber with rubindium emulator so as to readjust the lexorian injectors with particle nullifier. The effect slammed the warp engnes way past their maximum capacity of warp five. The battered freighter shot like a arrow out of a bow through space and was heading straight to a gas giant. "When I say now, I want you to open the airlocks to all the cargo pods!" he had to shout over the loud rattling noise that the hull was making.

"Ohmigod, omigod, ohmiGOD!" she muttered. ~I've been sent out here with a lunatic!~ When he said *now* she grabbed at the lever that he had shown her and yanked it into the open position. The ship shook more, if that was possible, for a few moments and there was a lot of thudding and crashing as pods hit the doors on their way out.

Rick had timed his order to coincide with the freighter entering the upper atmosphere of the gas giant. He hoped that the Tinarium gases in it would scramble their sensors and that the two incoming photon torpedoes would hit their ejected cargo rather than the ship, making it look like they had been worked but Rick had to power down the whole ship deep in the gas giant. The two dominion ships flew away, believing their target destroyed. On the bridge the two starfleet cadets where left sitting in the dark, the ship creaking like a World War Two U-boat deep under water. They had to wait a moment while the dominion ships left sensor range.

Chelsea shivered from the adrenylin rush wearing off and from the cold that descended on the ship with it's power off. She wrapped her arms around herself and her teeth began to chatter together. She was still muttering. "Omigod" but very quietly now, like someone going into shock.

Rick got up quietly from his chair. he took off his coat and wrapped it around Chelsea's shoulders. He then put one reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Shhhhh it will be ok. We just have to wait it out for a few minutes then we can get out of here."

"Wwwhere dddid yyyou llearn tto ffly llike tthat?" she managed to shiver out.

Rick got out a survival pack out. He took one of its silver foiled thermal heated sheets, wrapping that around her as well for more warmth. He simply replied "Battle of Midway" with his charming smile.

Chelsea didn't have a *clue* what that meant, it just made her all the more convinced that he was a lunatic. Still, he had a nice smile, kind eyes and he flew like an eagle on speed. She was growing a fascination for the loony.



Cadet Chelsea Adams
Carisel The Orion


Cadet Rick Dunham
Henry the Vulcan