Judgement – Unforeseen Circumstances
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Unforeseen Circumstances
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Mon Jan 10, 2011 @ 8:17am
Location   The Pirate Ship Serpent's Tooth
Timeline   Sd 36 0500

Lianej stepped back from the power generator for the new cloaking field, displeasure creasing her features. After the prisoner transfer to the Ghost, and a tense hour handling his psychotic paramour's paranoid tendencies, she had hoped for a good nights rest. She wasn't getting it. "What's the assessment?" The warping of the power conduits could be seen with a naked eye, but she was no expert on just how bad that was.

Druff, the Lurian engineer cleared his throat with a little bark. "Its got one, maybe two more uses left, based on that last raid. Maybe three if we're lucky. The power draw is extremely uneven."

The Boslic pirate gave it a moments thought. "And how much to repair it?"

The Lurian handed her a padd. She looked at his fastidious notes, all the break downs, a choice of spendings and projected returns. Also in silence she handed it to her Bolian purser, who scanned it, then said thoughtfully. "We could cut the share."

Lianej shook her head, "Gish, we've just announced it. There'll be a mutiny if we cut it now."

"Then we need another prize." he replied simply

She went still, considering her options. staring into the shield generator whilst she contemplated actions and consequences. "Alright then. Gish, find us a safe harbour that has the facilities Druff needs. N'Kal," Her romulan first officer straightened from his lounging on a nearby console. "Alert the watch commanders that shoreleave is postponed 48 hours, then get long range sensors looking for a suitable target. I want a cargo vessel, minimum crew, minimal chance of passengers. I want to be in and out fast."

Her first officer and lover snapped off a lazy salute, and headed for the bridge. Lianej trudged back to her state room, and tapped the console there. "Comms, get me a channel to our friend on DS5." If Lady Luck was with them, then he would be able to offer up a suitable target, and her problems would be over as quickly as they started.


The Crew of the Free Vessel Serpent's Tooth
NPCd by Notty