We All Fall Down – Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes...
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes...
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Thu Jun 12, 2014 @ 7:37pm
Location   Chief Engineer's office
Timeline   WAFD Day 1 0800

"What the hell are you listening to?" Welshy inquired after letting herself into her husband's office and finding herself assaulted by a strange melody.

Steve didn't look up at her. He was slouched down in his chair, arm stretched across his desk, fingers drumming along to the beat. "Changes. David Bowie, 1972 - off his album Hunky Dory. I thought it was appropriate."

Setting down the PADD she was carrying, Welshy eased into one of the other chairs. "You mean our new commanding officer? Also known as the supposed Romulan spy? I heard through the rumor mill that she used to be an ambassador."

Glancing at his wife out of the corner of his eye, Wyman ceased his drumming to pick up the PADD and thumb through the reports. "Is that what they're saying in the enlisted mess? Because Lebowski told me that she's actually two Zarnac in a Vulcan costume. You know - one's sitting on the others shoulders? I think I like his theory better. Because then if she tries something I can punch her in the gut and actually be hitting someone in the snout." A devilish grin pierced his stolid demeanor. "So does that mean there's more than one bit of baseless gossip floating around the lower decks?"

Eyes narrowing from the moment he said the part about two Zarnac in a Vulcan costume, Ceridwen shook her head in mock disdain. "No, it means that Lebowski is probably overdue for a section eight. The guy already acts like a character in a Coen brothers movie, why not add some crack pot theories into the mix, too?"

Squinting thoughtfully and cocking his head to the side, Steve considered that for a moment. "Lebowski is a bit of an odd duck, isn't he? Nice guy. Good engineer. VERY strange, though..."

"Anyway, I'm not here to gossip about the new boss - as tempting as that may be. We're taking the main computer core offline for scheduled maintenance at 1300. And the lateral sensor array at grid 2-9-5 went down about ten minutes ago. The other arrays on that side of the station compensated, so we don't have a blind spot; but I sent a team down to figure out what's wrong anyway. They should have word on whether or not it needs to be replaced within the next couple hours." At that she gestured to the PADD Steve was still holding, "And that's the revised duty roster for the enlisted crew for next week. I had to make some tweaks since Hopkins is going on maternity leave."

Eyes bulging, Wyman exhaled. "Finally having the twins, huh? I do NOT envy her - one is more than hard enough. Worth it, but hard enough. Anyway, I'll let the captain know about the sensor array and that the computer might be a tad slow for a couple hours. Keep me posted?"

Ceridwen got up from the chair and headed for the door. "I always do. Dinner tonight - how does plomeek soup sound?"

"Sounds like I married a comedian."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer


SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Engineer's Mate.