Unity – Kanar and mixed feelings
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Kanar and mixed feelings
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Tue Dec 29, 2009 @ 5:20pm
Location   Promenade: Casino Royale
Kreallia's violet silk dress made a swishing sound as she moved outside the Restraunt, a high class joint that Kreallia had been to once in San Francisco, Casino Royale. Named after an old earth movie that had been remade dozens of times, and lasted all the way to the 24th century. She wore a violet dress with a shawl of sorts, across her arms, resting on th underside of her elbows and the riffles and waves in the fabric made it that much more pleasing to the eye

Tharek noticed her. Or rather, had a hard time not noticing her. He steadily approached her, keeping to a single, uniform pace. "What a stunning dress. It really brings out the colour of your iris'."

Kreallia turned around. "Thank you I picked it up a few hours ago, now I'm sure you had a reservation, after all this is a..........buisiness meeting." Kreallia laughed.

"That it is." Tharek smiled deviously. "And yes, I have a reservation. I made one earlier on today." He stated. He held out the crook of his arm to Kreallia. "Shall we?"

Kreallia smiled. "Of course."

Tharek matched her smile and took her gently by the crook of his arm. He then walked into the restaurant known as 'Casion Royale' with Kreallia by his side. He approached the table clerk and gave him a passing glare to show him who he was. The table clerk snapped to attention and began waving at waiters and chefs alike in preperation for Tharek and Kreallia.

They sat at a rather stunning table by the window looking out to the promenade. A waiter came to their table and held two menu's toward Tharek and Kreallia. "What will you be ordering tonight?" He asked, scared of the Cardassian sat at the table.

Kreallia looked around the menu. "Ahh, how about the Fettuccini Alfredo?" Kreallia told the waiter.

"Good choice." Tharek said with a smile. "I'll have a hot plate of Tojal with Yamok sauce." He said toward the waiter too.

As the waiter nodded hesitantly and scurried away Kreallia turned back to Tharek. "So what exactly do you need me for?" Kreallia asked.

"Your chief counselor onboard this station. You can have anyone put into medical care because they aren't mentally stable enough to do their job. Gabriel, is this type of unstable. If you catch my drift, my dear." Tharek said as he waved over the wine waiter.

Kreallia stared at him. "I'm not the chief Counselor on this station, I'm just one of twenty four counselors on this station, and I cant just relive personel of duty, I need a legit physcological reason." Kreallia explained.

God damn intelligence sources. Tharek muttered under his breath. "Your going to get a physcological reason to. Me, along with the Cardassian Government, are willing to do or give you anything. Latinum, a place to retire early, a hated one you want taken care of. You name it my dear."

"And you realize all of this is illegal and against the hypocratic oath?" Kreallia asked.

"If a superior officer asked you to kill a person, would you do it? Would that not be seen as illegal in someones culture? What is illegal in yours, might be legal in mine." He then noticed the wine waiter. "One Kanar please, and for the lady... ?"

Kreallia nodded. "Of course, but I wouldnt kill someone, its not the kind of person I am." Kreallia explained. "And I hate kanar."

"I was mentioning for you to choose something my dear." Tharek said with a small life. "Well... If a superior officer asked you to give your life instead of their own, what would your response be?"

"The odds are I wouldnt be put in that situation. but yes I most likely would. Would you?" Kreallia asked.

"I'd do whatever was required of me, if ordered by the mistress Cardassia herself. If ordered by someone of a higher rank to give my life, I would shoot him where he stood." Tharek said, no mercy coming from his eyes or his soul.

"An.........Interesting montra, is there any specifics that you want?" Kreallia asked.

"Call him clinically insane, unfit for duty. Anythign to keep him from moving more than a metre." He said. "A Bajoran spring wine for the lady." He said to the waiter, ushering him away with a swift flick of his hand.

"Thats not that hard to do actcually." Kreallia explained.

"So, you'l do it? You'll lock Gabriel up?" Tharek said in excitement, like a child in a sweet store.

"Of course." Kreallia said in a sweet seductive voice.

Tharek smiled giddily. "Great!" He said, but in a lowered tone. "What do you want in return?"

"Nothing that you dont." Kreallia smiled.

A Joint Post By:

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dignatary

Lieutenant JG Kreallia t'Jay