Incommunicado – The Bolians of New York
by Lieutenant Rex Mett

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Title   The Bolians of New York
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant Rex Mett
Posted   Fri Aug 24, 2012 @ 2:31pm
Location   USS Rose Transporter Room, DS5 Transporter Room
Timeline   Present

"Have you remembered everything Mia?" Rex spoke calmly to his daughter as they placed their final luggage case onto the transporter pad.

"Yes daddy!" Mia replied who turned to the transporter officer who was currently holding Benji, the family dog, "Come on Benji it's time to go!" She called out as the young, white, Westie terrier leaped out of the young ensigns arms and ran over to the two Bolians.

Rex paused for a moment as he began to retrace his journey to DS5, after a five year extended leave of absence he was anxious and nervous about returning to active duty, even more nervous about taking Mia out of school but Starfleet had persuaded him to take this assignment. The USS Rose had provided Rex and Mia with a home for the journey and Rex felt a familiar warmth with being on an Oberth class.

"Time to put Benji in his crate Mia, you know he can't transport while you are holding him!" Rex smiled at his daughter, who had begun to show the features of her deceased mother.

"But daddy, Benji doesn't like his crate!" Mia protested attempting to pull the 'puppy eyes' on her father. With a simple slightly stern look from Rex, the dog was placed in his crate.

"Whenever you're ready ensign!" Rex nodded to the transporter officer.

The two Bolian's, their luggage and Benji the dog beamed over from the USS Rose to Deep Space 5. Rex was worried that DS5 would be quiet compared to the hustle and bustle of New York city. Bolian's prefer living close quarters and Rex and Mia previously lived in an apartment block with 136 other residents.

The transporter rematerialized them and the usual tingly sensation made Mia giggle profusely as she rematerialized. The transporter room was busy with the hustle and bustle of several officers, people awaiting transport and porters who began to scurry their luggage onto a hover dolly.

"Benji!" Mia screamed as several Ferengi porters had already scooped the crate up and looked the small dog up and down attempting to value its worth as profit or dinner. Rex strode off the transporter pad over to the two Ferengi males, his 6ft 4
frame towered over them and with a stern paternal look they quickly scurried off. Rex rescued Benji from his crate handing him to Mia with a smile, despite Mia being not that strong she loved to carry Benji around.

As soon as the luggage was loaded, Rex gazed over the data pad he had in his satchel, "Deck 28 quarters 1165 if you please!" He commanded as the luggage was swiftly scurried out the door and off on its way around the station. "Come on Mia, shall we find Benji some grass to play on?" Rex said taking his daughters hand in one hand and the dog lead in the other.

"Dad?" Mia asked elongating the word as she liked to do.

"Yes Mia?" He replied looking down at his daughter as they weaved easily and naturally through the crowds of people.

"Won't Benji miss central park, I know I will!" She spoke seeming disheartened about being on DS5.

Rex suddenly stopped in the middle of the busy corridor, kneeling down and turning to face Mia, "Don't worry Mia, I'm sure Benji will be fine!" He said reassuringly, petting Benji who jumped up and licked Rex's face.


Lieutenant Rex Mett
Chief Diplomatic Officer