We All Fall Down – Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 6
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Who Guards the Guardians? - Part 6
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Tue Jul 22, 2014 @ 5:30pm
Location   Various
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1


In OPS, Leonora felt her gut sink as she heard the XO's plan for her computer core. She'd be fixing it for a month. But there wasn't time to stop them, she had to deal with the platforms. "Lash, try and using the aft platforms. Bring them around, and use the AHDA to give these ones another target, something more dangerous than Jem'Hadar." her hands flew over her own console as she shifted power from waste processing up to boost the tractor beams.

"More dangerous?" Lash tapped at his console. "Borg cube coming up."

"How long?" Dell wanted to know

"Thirty seconds?" Lash said. It sounded more of a hopeful guess. They both felt sure it would be too late.


"Captain," the Antaran looked up from the helm suddenly. "One of those damn platforms from DS5 has locked Phasers on us!" Antaran said anxiously as he tried to transmit a "friendly" message to the approaching devices.

"It's saying that it is detecting that we're a Jem'Hadar vessel!?" Antaran said confusingly.

"What the hell?! Dodge!" Belitsio stood and grabbed his comm and Rep heaved the ship suddenly down and starboard, trying to evade the platform locks. =/="Sol, I need comms, right - "=/=

The whole freighter shuddered as the first beam hit it. The Captain realized that the Platforms were detecting their "cargo" as some kind of Dominion signature. He knew he never should've allowed the client to use his ship as a transport.

=/="We've just been shot!"=/= was Sol's panicked reply. =/="We've got no-"=/= The line went dead as a second beam hit. nothing but static came from the captain's comm unit.

Amblitsio stared at it, frozen in shock. Then he shook it off, He wanted to live. "Launch the emergency beacon. get us out of here!"

"I can't we've got no engine." Rep sounded slurred. A sheet of blood had washed across his face where his head had slammed the helm console.

"Do something, anything, flash the lights. Just get their attention. I'm going down to Sol." He ran for the stairs to the cargo deck. "I don't want to -"

He felt the sudden stillness, heard the roar, the sudden heat. "No!" he whispered.

And then the exploding warp core took them.


The crew onboard the OPS department looked in surprised and unmitigated horror as the vessel's reactor went critical, causing a blue light to be emitted before being consumed by a large explosion. The immediate after-shock caused the two tractored Guardian Platforms as well as a Marine fighter which had drifted too close to also be consumed in the explosion.

Swallowing hard, Welshy bit down hard on her lower lip in an effort to hold back the emotion and frustration of the situation. "The freighter has been destroyed... along with the plaforms..."

Leonora felt paralyzed. She'd never been present at such loss of life. Lash was slumped in his seat, stunned by the enormity of it all. She looked up to the Captain, wondering what the Romulan woman would do next

"Someone sent the automation commands to the remaining platforms, fire the main phaser banks with the new settings." Jarred called out.

Trellis looked on in shock and dismay. =/= "Trellis to Marine Fighters, p-p-please assist in rescue operations. The surviving civilian vessel needs help making it back to the station and transporting survivors to sickbay." The shaken Security Officer said into the comm unit.

Communication from the fighter squadron came back garbled, interference from the explosion clouding transmissions in the immediate region. =^= “This…Rhino Lead….Ack…ed…Deep Spa…heav……mage……..uilties…..sustai……recovery……………………request assistance with……downed fight…..over.”=^=

A Marine traffic controller’s voice came over the open line, =^= “Rhino Lead, this is Home Plate. Acknowledged Rhino Lead. Please remain calm, assistance is being dispatched immediately. We have the full wing being outfitted for rescue operations and launched double time. First responders will be with you in about ten minutes. I’ll stay with you on the line until they arrive. Can you get eyes on any escape pods from the freighter, transport or any of the fighters?” =^=

As the Fighters drifted along side the Vor'lah they could see the significant damage throughout the civilian transport's hull. It was a miracle that it was still functional let alone carrying survivors.

The voice of the Marine fighter squadron leader came back on the line, clearer this time and allowing those listening to hear pain in his voice as well as labored breathing, =^= “Home plate, Rhino Lead…I…I’m floating dead in space, engines shot to hell, minimal thrusters. Took most of what I had to stop spinning out into the great beyond. Life Support panel exploded by my left side, leg is burnt up but I’m okay. Operating on suit air. Still have avionics and sensors though…I think…I think we lost three fighters. Definitively lost one when the freighter went up. Detecting…one fighter distress beacon. It is on an outbound trajectory, will need recovery. Also detecting several escape pods from the civilian shi- AHH!” =^=

=^= “Rhino Lead, say again.” =^=

=^= “Home Plate…it’s nothing. A, uh…body. A body just hit my canopy. Just came right out and hit it. Lots of them, just floating in space. I think that one of the compartments on the transport must have been breached and just blown out into space. It’s…it’s pretty gruesome. Can I uh...get an update on those Wyverns?” =^=

=^= “Rhino Lead, they are inbound to you. Stand by.” =^=

=^= “Acknowledged Home Plate…I’m not going anywhere.” =^=


Bad, worse, disaster. It was all here in detail before Isha's eyes.

She turned back to the room.

While her attention had been on the screen the grandees had removed themselves - to her Ready Room, Isha presumed, where they could detach themselves from the carnage.

In all her years Isha had never lost a ship, and now, on tentative ground it seemed she may have lost two. Her internal pragmatist chuckled at the prospect of being sent home too soon - it was almost contrived - but as someone who had lost family she could not listen to the cynic.

"Medical!" she called, "Report on transfers and casualties."

[Platform control room]

Jarred sat back, against the wall. "Found the problem!"

An ironic statement after all of the devastation, he held up a program isolinear chip, "Someone left a simulation in the master program systems and because of it we have one of the stations key defense systems disabled for a week, maybe two?"

"Wanna go get a drink or six?"


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Leonora Dell
Acting Chief of Operations
(NPC by Notty)

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Engineers Mate
Deep Space 5
(NPC by Corey)