Beg, Steal or Borrow – Wheels within Wheels
by Colonel James Darson

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Title   Wheels within Wheels
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Sun Jan 25, 2009 @ 4:18am
Location   Deck 72 - Marine HQ - MTAC
Timeline   SD 06 - 1200 - (Directly Following "Time and Paitence")

Darson held up a hand to stop her, and then extended it to the screen, as if he was trying to grab the ships and station, “Time has indeed taught me patience Lieutenant. I can outlast somebody trying to outlast me, and when they falter,” His hand clenched into a fist, “I will make them SUBMIT!!!” He sat in silence for a couple of seconds, before returning to a more introspective position.

“…” The Vulcan wisely chose to remain silent.

“You are dismissed, Lieutenant.”

As she saluted and walked away, Darson’s internal communications package beeped. Colonel Manheim was sending him a message.


Darson reached up and quietly deactivated his helmet’s external speakers so he could speak with the Colonel in private, as the communications device in his armor worked fervently to set up an encrypted channel through which to communicate.

Darson authenticated his identity, both by voice pass-code, and by the armor's internal sensors verifying that it was in fact him. The display wavered for a moment, and resolved itself into a small audio level display. There was a moment of static, and then, “Good day Fenrir.”

The androgynous voice was the same as it always was. Keeping in line with the pleasantries, Darson said, “Good day Odin.”

The voice sounded a bit scratchy and faint. No surprise there, the room he was in was the equivalent of a hardened bunker, and made it very difficult for personal communications devices to make links, even one as powerful and sophisticated as the one in his armor.”

“I have some urgent information to you, pertaining to the Romulan sitting right off your base courtesy of Loki…his agents have been having a field day with this one. I assume they’re still out there?”

“Yes sir, as far as we can tell. They’re still cloaked, so we can’t maintain exact tracking on them. I’ve deployed fighter patrols to compensate,” Darson replied clinically.

The voice gave a muffled grunt, “Good, very good. We can’t have them leaving the party so soon, now can we? Now, from what Loki’s been able to obtain and analyze, we’ve been able to confirm that there are only three ships. Two diplomatic and one military. The lead diplomatic one is the Rhiandhaell commanded by Commander H'daen tr’Rehu. He seems to be operating on his own…but…”


“Well, it’s a Romulan ship, so nothing is ever really as it seems. It’s almost a given that there’s at least one Nraehhi'Saehne on board pulling some strings, maybe more. He’s just the pretty face we get to see, while the others work in the background.”

Darson’s fingers drummed a beat on the armrest of the chair, “Yes sir, I’ll keep that in mind. I’d like to reach out to my contacts in the Tal Shiar, and see if there isn’t anything more I can gleam from this…at this crucial juncture, it would be prudent to gather sufficient evidence to proceed with our objectives. However, I do believe that I will be able to proceed within…12 hours.”

The voice was silent for a moment, “12 hours? Isn’t that pushing it just a tiny bit?” he said, with a bit of sarcasm mixed in.

Darson’s came back strong and sure, “No sir. I believe that this will be the perfect opportunity. And either way, it must be completed before Captain Tahir leaves the station.”

“Ah yes,” the voice said introspectively, “The court-martial of that officer who preceded her…O’Dwight, O’Rourke, or something like that, wasn’t it?”

“Yes sir.”

“And why does the objective need to be completed before she leaves?”

“Because, she will act as my courier to you.”

A hint of excitement crept into Odin’s voice, “You’re going to use her as a courier? My, your audacity knows no bounds Fenrir.”

Darson’s head bowed almost imperceptibly before he remembered that the Colonel couldn’t actually see him, “Yes sir, I apologize for –“

He was interrupted when the voice said, “No, no, I like it…I like it a lot. However, that is only one of two matters that I asked you to attend to. What of the other? What of Iawaain?”

Darson’s voice contained no hint of pride, only humility, “I have already completed that task sir.”

“Really? Well, I worried for nothing. Tell me, did you already…extract…what we needed from her?”

“Yes. While she was unconscious.”


“The device preformed as it was supposed to. Sif and her technicians are to be commended. I will include it in the shipment to Earth.”

The colonel’s voice became stern, “She can never know, you understand? She can never know how we used her. The hand we had in the murder of that Galae officer. That she was merely a transport; to be used and discarded…she thinks that you represent a safe haven, so keep her there and maintain that illusion.”

“Sir, they will try to extradite her.”

“Who? The Romulan Consulate?”


“Will they now?”

“Yes sir. Isha t’Khellian said as much.”

The voice sounded worried, “t’Khellian? I know of her…she is the new ambassador for the Romulan consulate. How was she involved with Iawaain?”

Darson briefly related the events that had transpired in the dark and dusty cargo bay in the bowels of the station. At the end, there was a moment of silence. Suddenly, the Colonel spoke, “Rh’vaurek Raedheol,” He said, spitting the name like it was poison, “He is quite a troublesome character if our intelligence is anything to go on.”

Darson thought for a moment, and then said, “Yes sir, I realize this…he will not let this slide. It is my belief that even after walking out of that cargo bay, he still wants Iawaain quite badly. I think he may even stoop so low as to obtain the services of the despicable CIO on this station, Lt. Gabriel.”

“Will that be a problem?”

“No sir…it won’t. In fact, it may be just what I need to make the deception complete. However…I did want to bring up a matter concerning Raedheol.”


Darson’s voice darkened, “I believe that he may become a significant threat. I would like a sanction for his termination.”

There was a pause and then he said seriously, “Hmmm…to remove someone like Raedheol would be noticeable, and may raise some suspicions that might be better left alone…are you sure you want to make this a formal request?”

Darson didn’t waver, “Yes sir.”

“I’ll have to bring it before the Committee. And even then, no promises. But, if circumstances warrant, then you may remove him from the field of play.”

“That’s all I can ask for sir.”

They shared another moment of comfortable silence, before the Colonel said, “So, that’s all I had to say. I’ll leave you to your work. I expect another masterpiece, as usual.”

“Of course sir.”

A faint air of humor entered the voice, “You know, I can’t help but love the irony…Captain Tahir delivering to us what we have obtained right under her nose.”

“Sir, I don’t think that it’s ironic, merely coincidental.”


There was another pause.

“Well, whatever it is, I have faith in you Fenrir. But then…you don’t put much stock in faith, now do you?”

“I do not. However sir, you may rest assured that I will not fail you.”

The voice took on mirth once more, “There is a reason after all for why you’re my top agent. Just do what you do best. Odin out.”

As the communication disconnected, Darson reengaged his helmet speakers and began categorically sorting what he needed to do in his head.

He had a long afternoon ahead of him.