Interlude – Near and Far
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Near and Far
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Aug 04, 2010 @ 6:52pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   Day after the Party
Kreallia had been leaning against the reception desk of the Romulan Consulate for what had seemed liked minutes or hours, her dazed and mellowed mood made it hard to tell her perceptions apart. She carried with her the small knapsack that accompanied her to the consulate on her visits, made it easier to carry PADDs. "Where is i-Orinwen?" She said aloud. "If these guy's weren't here I could have torn the place up." She sighed, making a reference to the muscle clad guards around the room.

Saren looked the lloan'ha over with a shake of his head noting the Starfleet uniform. She might have a tinge of Rihannsu blood but she was a lloan'ha all the same. "i-Orinwen is at lunch. Who are you here to see?" he said with the blunt tone of one who did not commonly keep appointment books up to date.

"The Ambassador, and i-Orinwen too, had something to give her, but I guess I can wait." Kreallia said, not making direct eye contact, just continuing to stared blankly at a space on the wall.


"Lieutenant Junior Grade Kreallia t'Jay." Kreallia told the gaurd, sighing through half of it.

With a jab of a heavy finger Saren called up the ambassador's schedule. "You're early," he told her. "Please remove any weapons or comunications devices," he requested pulling out an shallow empty tray from beneath the desk, "they will be returned to you when you leave."

Kreallia lightly probed her COMM badge from her uniform and placed it in the tray. "So do I just go in?" Kreallia asked, slightly more awake. "Or am I detained until my appointment?"

Saren waved a hand-held scanner. "You'll still be a little early, but she's in," he said as he checked for any hidden weapons. They were following one rule the moment - trust no-one - and though they did not know the precise reason why nobody was planning to take any risks. Eventually he allowed her to pass.


Isha was gazing out of the massive curved windows that ran from floor to ceiling down an entire wall of her office. She did not really know what she was looking for out there, answers perhaps, or even a reason would do, for she found fewer and fewer reasons for everything that was happening.

Seeing a reflection move in the glass Isha turned, her gown of the palest ice-blue rustling softly as she moved. "Lieutenant t'Jay," she said with the slightest undertone of relief. Isha never really knew if he would find a way back in here even with all t'Merek's precautions.

Kreallia nodded politely. "Yes Ambassador, I have come to........... ask a favor or well ask a..... well actually it is more like a favour." Kreallia said, almost in a whisper silenced by being so close to the woman she had come to respect in the last few months.

As she crossed to her desk and sat Isha was struck by how long it had been since anyone had come to her without issuing orders, making demands, or shouting, or arguing, or threatening. "Sit down, t'Jay," she said softly. "You attended my niece's adoption yesterday," Isha observed as the young woman sat.

"Y..yes Ambassador, and I prefer Kreallia. t'Jay is just an omitted name that means next to nothing to me." Kreallia stated softly as she sat down gently. "It was a beautiful ceremony," she continued.

Isha chuckled softly. Funny she should say that when talking about the adoption of someone raised among humans. "One's name is part of oneself, whether one wishes to accept the responsibilities it imparts or not," Isha said, it was very clear to her at least. "I hardly think that using your given name is the favour you wished to ask of me," the ambassador said with a smile.

"No it's not." Kreallia said in a hushed tone. "I came to ask if you would........ help me with a problem I have with........ my grandmothers and by extension, the rest of my Romulan family." Kreallia stated, quietly and hushed, "Rihannsu rather," she quickly corrected her self.

"Child, it is their duty to try and bring you home," Isha said. "Like it or not you have a name which ensures you with a certain postion in a House and in society. While you are alive mhnei'sahe demands that your family do all they can to persuade you to join them. From their perspective you are in a world where you do not belong, living among aliens who by their very DNA are beneath you. They likely take it as a great insult that you would put such worthless creatures above them, but it is an error that would be forgiven in an instant," Isha explained. Perhaps it was not what t'Jay wished to sayh, but as the Head of a Great House it was her duty to explain.

Kreallia considered the words of the Ambassador, she might not agree with them but still they had merit. "The problem with that is, there are two houses , well kind of three, vying for my affection." Kreallia said with a huff. "The great houses of Riheon, Jay, and not to mention my grandmother Shiarrael i'Ramanu Rllaillieu-t'Jay's precious combined house."

"You are born who you are born," Isha shrugged. She had little sympathy for this dilemma. Her own familial background was equally complex but she faced it and dealt with all the necessary demands on her time and loyalty, as did the members of all Great Houses.

Kreallia was faced with what mostly everyone was telling her balance of sorts, balance Rihannsu and Federation, not easy to do. She had once presented interested in her Romulan blood, and had it shattered ten years ago. "So what do you reccomend?" Kreallia asked, curious abou the Ambassador's answer.

Isha linked her heavily jewelled fingers together in her lap, "It all rests on who you are, t'Jay," she said purposefully ignoring the request to use the girl's given name. "If you know that you will never be a Rihanna then you should shed that name and make it known that you have turned your back on your blood. Do that and your decision will be final, you will achieve exile, and exiles are as good as dead to their families. Become wholly and unequivocally part of the Federation, be Kreallia." The suggestion was both harsh and challenging, but Isha had never had much room for sentiment and that which had once had had been crushed out of her in recent weeks.

"Exiles have been some of the most important people in Rihansu history as I recall." Kreallia said softly, not intending for it to sound smart. "But what if neither option is acceptable?" She asked. "I'm sure there is some sort of honor bound loophole that allows me to stay on this side of the neutral zone?"

"Not among honourable families," Isha said bluntly. "There is no loophole, only that you cease to resent who you are and the attempts of your family to persuade you return home," she said.

"But I have no desire to return home, and I am not reverse defecting, isn't there some sort of "Ruling Passion" thing that can get me an extention of my time here, like a....... the fact that I'm serving a passion of mine, that's good enough right? My mother's mother isn't whooing me as hard, she might accept that."

mhnei'sahe had led Isha to cover up a vicious crime against herself, and to force friends to keep a distance whilst she followed the path she must follow; the demands of mhnei'sahe were blind to personal wishes. It was not a 'loophole' to be employed on a whim. "You are free to follow your mhnei'sahe if that is what it dictates, but it should never be used as an excuse simply to justify doing what you want," Isha said her tone still soft. "You must accept that even if you are following your own path, mhnei'sahe will demand other things of your family as I have already explained. Following yours does not diminish theirs."

Kreallia's questions kept leading to the same answer in different forms. "Exile or defection eh?" Kreallia pondered. "In one last attempt," Kreallia continued. "Can I stay in the Federation in anyway, Liaison Officer to the warbird parked outside maybe?"

So that was it, Isha thought, an attempt to find a half-way house. Isha spoke, though her tone carried no hint of what she was thinking, or of how this could fit in with her plan to pull the metaphorical rug right out from beneath Getal's feet without him having any idea what was happening until he was flat on his back. "There is nothing preventing you from staying in the Federation, had my niece chosen to do so I would have understood, but it would not have stopped me from suggesting to her that there were greater things to be achieved elsewhere," Isha said, her fingertips lightly rubbing the skin of her left wrist through the fitted sleeve of her gown, the injury was gone, but like other recent wounds, Isha felt from time to time that they were still there. "Tell me, t'Jay, what makes you think that my Flagship would have need of a Federation Liaison Officer?"

"It's my understanding physcologists aren't a common sight on Romulan ships, I'm also a Federation trained Diplomat, a Federation Officer on the bridge might send a better message. After all, the Federation isn't now to uncloak and open the disruptors." Kreallia explained lightly.

"I have never met a Rihanna who required one," Isha countered in an even tone. She ignored the second point having met very few Federation diplomats worthy of the role. "You will also find that a ship present with the express permission of the Federation is also unlikely to decloak and fire, particularly when that presence has been granted with my personal guarantee," Isha continued. "I simply do not understand why someone who would prefer to be named Kreallia than t'Jay, and who wears that uniform thinks that they would find a way to serve alongside men and woman who esteem their Empire and their way of life above all else," the ambassador said tilting her head very slightly to the left as though indicating that she was listening.

Defeated Kreallia sat back in her chair. "So I'm screwed right?" Kreallia asked in a defeated tone. "No way out is acceptable to me and sooner or later if I don't go back I'll be kicked out anyway either by my mother's mother or my father's witch of a mother." Kreallia sighed.

Isha examined her fingernails, the glossy dark green polish shining in the office light as she gave a moment to allow the girl to pull herself together. "I am astonished how readily you accept defeat," she said seeing that a despondent cloud appeared to have settled over the girl. "If this is how you face a challenge you would not last a day on the Dhelan, good that we know that now," Isha added.

"Defeated I maybe," Kreallia started, slouching over her legs. "But only temporarilly, who knows, a giant revolution might shake up the Romulan society once again and I'll look for alternatives then. But right now, consolidating my resources and though faced with tangable alternatives, I believe I must look for others." Kreallia said, defiant at Isha's claim. "The Humans have a saying though I believe they stole it from us.... options present themselves to those who wait."

"So does death," Isha replied without a fraction of a second's hesitation. "Why should I open a door for you," she asked, "You are not of my blood, you offer no service or skill that I do not already have to hand. You made a request and have not yet backed up your claim to the position. You have also disparaged your elders in front of me. If you will do that why should I believe that you will not do the same to others about your Superiors and your betters?" she asked. If t'Jay had thought that Isha was an easy touch then she was quite mistaken and should realise that now, though if she had any sense at all she would recognise that she had not yet been dismissed.

"Isn't that how it always goes?" Kreallia muttered. "Our ancestors defied their elders and stood defiant, they waited for a resolution that eventually came to them, and with that they survived and now they control one of the three echelon powers of the quadrant. But I have come here today to ask your favor in finding my resolution to the problem that has plagued me since I was a little girl. I wish to find some respect among my people for my choice to remain, they abandoned me on that planet when they told my mother and father they would be Jay in name only. It's there fault that I'm on this side of the neutral zone and they must come to terms with their respective choices and come to respect mine." Kreallia stated.

"If this is your position, child, you will outlast them only because they will die while you still have a hundred years to live," Isha told her, but the central issue was now clear and had not been presented until now; the girl's parents had been exiled and she could not understand how her family might want her back. "that is hardly a victory. Even if one bides one's time one must work toward a goal, actively arrange the threads of one's tapestry, and be detached enough from it to see how it will look when it is finished."

"I will be working towards a goal Isha! My grandmother is on the station for a few more days before returning to ch'Rihan." Kreallia said, saying her homeworld's true name. "I will present her with my position, if she does not concur on any level I will search for others but if she does, I will work for her respect as she must work for mine." Kreallia stated, sensing she had finally come to a resolution. "She want's me back to reconnect with an unfortunate choice she had to make, or so she claims. While Khrein Arahe i-Havaran t'Riheon want's me back for her own devious ends."

"t'Jay," Isha said in the same even tone that she had used throughout the interview, "You may call me t'Khellian, you may call me t'Illialhlae, you may call me Ambassador or even lhhei. You are not a close relative, nor an intimate of mine, thus unless I give you permission, you may not call me Isha." The admonishment was without rancour, Isha's intention was to instruct, and to advise, not to lecture. "If you think that you are worthy of a place on my Flagship in any capacity that is something that you would do well to remember."

"Yes Ambassador, I'm just never a formal person, I make people feel comfortable all day and I prefer given names, but should you wish, you are an exception to that directive." Kreallia said, she wasn't bothered by the woman, but everyone else seemed to be, well she might be slightly annoyed at her responses but not bothered or afraid as much. But then again the Ambassador was always pleasant around her and other females for some reason, though one could detect an undercurrent of something under slight benevolence.

"It has nothing to do with making me comfortable, it has to do with having proper respect for my age, rank and station," Isha said simply. "Did you listen between the words to my last sentence?" she asked sharply. "If I am to be persuaded to request a Liaison Officer from the Federation, I have to be convinced that such an officer will benefit my ship and crew, and conduct themselves with the decorum expected on board one of my ships."

"I see, so it will not be a question of what I do but how I do it?" Kreallia muttered to her self. "I know a great deal of both Federation and Romulan customs, I may not like the Rihannsu way but I respect it, hru'Llaudh t'Khellian ." Kreallia said, the last part in Romulan.

Isha rested her fingertips on the edge of her desk. She already had an idea about how this would paly out, about where this gesture fitted in to the wider plan, and of how it was going to benefit her in her own private war. "You see," she said to t'Jay, "You do understand after all. Few people like everything that happens to them, or the people they have to deal with, but with acceptance, and as you say, respect, they find themselves quite able to do what is required of them."

Krealla nodded in short succession, "It is the way of our people, one does not have respect if not earned." She continued.

"I believe that Captain Tahir is due to return to her space station," Isha observed, the one that she had taken care of in Tahir's absence. "I will make a specific request for a Liaison Officer, and she will present to me the person she thinks would best fit the role. She will, of course make the correct choice because the entire conversation will guide her to the desired conclusion, though I will not dictate to her who or what I require."

"Ie, khlinae arhem hru'Llaudh." Kreallia said in perfect Rihannsu, she had always liked the language if she acknowledged it or not. It had a certain passionate flair to it and made it utterly hard to pronounce for a novice, but lovely when spoken with it's true form. "Oh, and Ambassador." Kreallia asked. "Since you have pointed out a counselor is not a position on a Galae ship, I am understandably curious about which position I will fill as a liason officer usually serves another purpose." Kreallia said respectfully.

Isha chuckled softly in her throat. "Your role will be to liaise," Isha said, "to foster a greater understanding between the Stelam Shiar and the Federation. We should not have secrets, t'Jay. Your remit, as I direct it will be to underline the synergies, the common ground between our peoples - a unique opportunity to explore among us, whilst maintaining your exisiting obligation to the Federation. What your superiors in Starfleet will demand of you whilst you hold this role I cannot dictate, but if you are open with me about what they request of you I will see what I can do to accomodate," Isha said. There was another purpose too - she had been forced to accept a Tal'Shiar presence, and so a Federation presence would negate it. Isha did not look forward to the discussion that R'Vek was going to have at her when he found out.

Kreallia raised an eyebrow. "So I tell you what Command tells me, and you tell me what the High Command tells you," Kreallia said, sounding it out. "Interesting to be sure, but there are conditions to every agreement no?" She asked aloud, this would be a large condition though, borderline treason it might be. "I will tell my Grandmother of this, she will abrove, on her own conditions. Which might include knowing the house inside and out, it's standing, it's legacy, it's history and not to mention I'll have to craft a bloody sword." Kreallia dragged on.

"What you have to do to accomodate the whimsey of your relatives is your own business, not mine," it would not figure unles it interfered with her plans," However you are correct in your assumption as regards your superiors in Starfleet. I will already know their intentions thorugh means of my own. And t'Jay," Isha added, "You are not in a position to negotiate with me. If you wish for conditions, you may request them once you have proven yourself, not before."

"Ambassador I have no desire to negogiate with you, I've just played the last of my cards to even get into this conversation. You've already done enough Ambassador." Kreallia said as she walked towards the door. "Jolan'tru t'Khellian." Kreallia said, using a slightly more informal greating, or goodbye in this case, but saying it as an inferior to superior.

"Kreallia, you did not have any cards to begin with," Isha said twisting one of her rings around and around on her finger.

"Perhaps Ambassador, Perhaps." Kreallia said as she turned around to get to the door.

Isha merely smiled to herself and added another name to her list.