Interlude – Chief of the Boat
by Commander Richard Dunham & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester

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Title   Chief of the Boat
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester
Posted   Sun Aug 15, 2010 @ 11:51am
Location   Chief of the Boat's Office
Timeline   Back Post

Dunham exited the turbo lift onto the main bridge of Deep Space Five. He briefly looked around getting his bearings. He saw the door he was looking for and headed over, weaving through the busy starfleet personnel that ran the stations day to day business. Eventually he got to the office of the chief of the boat. He was about to press the button to the entry chime, when he noticed that the name had change to Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Jester. "Hmmm" said Dunham to himself in thought, wondering when that had happened. Lines of communication always did seem to stall when it came to change. He pressed the entry chime to announce his presence outside the office.

Jackson was deep into his work. Going over enlisted crew assignments, as well as regimenting training programs as per his apparent Boatswain duties. However he was of course dedicated, and steaming through his duties with much haste.

"Come in." he said simply, his southern accent apparent.

Dunham entered the room, briefly taking it in with a quick passive scan. He walked up to the man's desk. And offered a 'hello' handshake. "Lt Richard Dunham, pleasure to meet you chief.....?"

Jackson immediately shot up as the officer entered. He stood at attention, looking down at the man as he extended his hand. Reaching out, he grasped Richard's hand firm and shook it, "Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester, Sir." he said simply. Jackson then retracted his hand and stood at attention, awaiting further orders.

"At ease chief, sit down please." Dunham also sat down, making himself comfortable in the chair opposite. He thought briefly that the man before him seemed only in his thirties. Young for a chief warrant officer 1st class. He obviously had great skill and capability to of reached such a prestigious rank. "I came to have a chat with Chief Petro about some of my NCO's, when did you replace her?"

"Yesterday morning, Sir." Jackson replied, "I was called in from my previous post to serve as DS5's CoD and Boatswain. I never was acquainted with..." Jackson thought for a moment, remembering the name, "Petro."

"Yeah Petro, good woman that one, good senior NCO. Knew her stuff. I came to talk with her.....and now you about this." Dunham handed the chief a data padd containing information on deep space fives Starfighter Wing non commissioned officers on the deck hand side of things. "Actually before we continue, do you deal with the Marine NCO's at all, as chief of the boat?"

Jackson took the padd from Richard and began reading over it, "No Sir." he replied simply, "The Marine First Sergeant is their senior non-com." Jackson looked up again, "I'm in charge of all Naval enlisted and warrant personnel." Jackson thought for a moment about the extent of his duties, namely his training duties due to his Boatswain position.

Dunham nodded in approval "Excellent. Well as you can see from the padd I just gave you, we have had a series of 'confrontation between the junior NCO starfleet personnel and the Junior Marine NCO's. I'd like you to look into this, and bring the boot down on our starfleet boys if needed."

Jackson continued to nod as he read the padd, "Aye Sir." he replied simply, "I've seen problems like this before." He sighed, "There's always slight animosity between Naval and Marine non-coms." he explained, "It's as if they're always off to prove their career path to each other...or maybe themselves." Jackson shook off the thought and looked up, "Either way, once I deal with them it won't last long."

Dunham scratched the stubble on his chin in thought. "Can you please advise me as to how you will deal with the situation?" He asked politely.

Jackson smiled slightly and began to speak quietly, his accent shining through almost more than any tone, "The ones I can will be dealt with by a stern voice. Some people merely need to be reminded that there are rules to follow. Some I'll have to counsel to some extent, because their aggression will be moderately based in their own lack of self confidence. Then of course there are those who will be reluctant to comply. People of which I have no qualms docking rations, upping duties, taking away holodeck times, and busting down."

"Hmmmm, interesting." Said Dunham in thought. Then an idea occurred to him. “Surely if counseling is involved, that would be in the remit and the responsibility of Lieutenant JG Kreallia t'Jay, Deep Space Fives Chief counselor?” Dunham didn’t really want to step on any cross department toes, but Starfleet had a reason for having counselors stationed on board ships and space station. “Perhaps I should speak with her about chatting with a few of the deck hands?”

"That's alright sir." Jackson commented simply, "I'd prefer to review the men and the problems myself before deciding if any of them in fact require counseling." Jackson thought for a moment, hoping sincerely he could solve the problems without involving officers or other divisions of command.

"Your call Chief." said the pilot, with nod of respect. He took out a stick of gum from is pocket. Unwrapped it, then stuck it in his mouth and began to chew. "Well unless there is anything else you wish to discuss, I'm off?"

Jester shook his head as he placed the padd on the table, "No sir." he replied simply, "That should be all from me, thank you for making me aware of the situation, I'll deal with it prudently."

"Thank you kindly" said Dunham with a smile and another nod.

Chief of the Boat
Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Jackson Jester


(Acting) CAG / Wing Commander
Lieutenant Richard Dunham