Deception: The lesser part of Valour – A relationship of convenience.
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   A relationship of convenience.
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 6:35pm
Location   Hallway to Romulan Embassy
Timeline   circa 1945
Dorian leaned back against the wall as he looked around the dimly lit corridor. It always bothered him just how dark and dreary this part of the station was. Most Federation installations were bathed in light and other forms of illumination. However, the Romulan Embassy inherited the same gloomy ambiance as the Romulan Home world.

Raedheol’s pace slowed slightly as he turned the corner, the change in gait giving him just enough time to think; what is he doing here? Has Isha’s Doctor Adams run straight to him? Was he going to have to re-evaluate his strategy with the Doctor? That would be inconvenient..

Raedheol fixed a pleasant smile on his face. “Why, Gabriel! You weren’t going to give in to the temptation to get into the embassy in my absence to investigate that alleged disruptor discharge you mentioned, were you?” he said.

"You don't write, you don't call, I'm starting to feel unloved Raedheol." Dorian said with a certain emphasis on his name. Dorian knew that his pronunciation of the Romulan language left much to be desired, but he figured that as long as the universal translators worked, there was no need.

”I didn’t know you wanted that sort of relationship,” Raedheol said with a leer as suggestive as any he had directed towards Doctor Adams, “Alas, my interests lie elsewhere,” he added with a regretful lift of his hands. “Anyway, he continued,” bringing them sharply together, I would have thought our business was concluded, if you cannot make something out of the information you were supplied with you’re not the man I think you are.”

"You lie, Romulan," He said as he withdrew a Padd from his jacket pocket. "There was an "accident" onboard the USS Soval, which conveniently put Commander Monteros in a coma. At the same time, her mother and her Romulan lover have both decided to take an impromptu getaway." Dorian added.

"What do you know about all of these coincidences?" He asked.

”You have a suspicious mind, Gabriel,” Raedheol said. This one was much too free with accusations of lying, he thought, not for the first time, He suspects so many falsehoods that he probably wouldn’t spot a truth if it were offered to him on a padd. “Though in the case of that vang'radam (traitor), your suspicions are probably well founded; forced retirement under unclear circumstances and this sudden unexpected reactivation, just when his whore happens to be passing by,” Raedhoel added on reflection.

"Interesting." He responded. "I'm sure Isha was not unaware of this turn of events. I'm even more sure that she plans on doing something about it, seeing how close her and the Monteros were. . .are" He said with a smirk.

”Isha will do exactly what she’s told,” Raedheol said, noting the skepticism with which Gabriel viewed that statement. “There are a lot of things about the empire and about we Rihannsu that you do not understand, Gabriel, things that will override even t’Khellian’s caprice. Surely you weren’t hoping that she had a plan,” he added.

Dorian quirked a brow. From Raedheol's tone it seemed as if there was a conflict of interests. Dorian wasn't intimately aware of the Romulan's policies on how they handled such grave indiscretions, but he was willing to bet money that what the Romulans had in mind were not the same as what Isha desired.

"Let's not kid ourselves, we both know that Madam t'Khellian does as she pleases." he said. Evidence of her defiance could be seen just by watching how close she had become to Raedheol. Dorian knew enough about Aristocracies to recognize the social taboo of the fraternization between the "privileged" and the "worker" classes.

"I'm sure you are more aware of how close Isha is with R'Vek and the Monteros. If either of them were to reach out and contact her, I'm pretty sure she would find a way to skirt around 'what she's told'. " Dorian said.

"I would hope, Raedheol, that you would inform me of any news that you receive." He added with a smile.

“An association she has been aware of for barely longer than you yourself, Gabriel,” Raedheol reminded the Starfleet officer. “I have never been part of a House, Greater or Lesser, my only loyalty is to the Empire, but I do know that if the hru'Hfirh, that's the Head of the House, issues a decree any member of the House will adhere to it – and that includes that erei'Hfirh the appointed heir. Isha's mother has issued such a decree and there is nothing that the lhhei t'Khellian can do about it while her mother lives,” but he had said too much; this havam was offering too little in return.

Still speaking in Standard Raedheol returned Gabriel's insincere smile, “this is a one sided relationship, I need more from you. Why should I neglect my duties in order to answer your inappropriately timed questions?”

"Because, you know that you would love nothing more than for Isha to have no choice but to run into your arms for safety. Your kind typically enjoys being in charge of all the moving pieces." He said as his smile began to fade away. "Just remember the convenience of our 'relationship' ". Dorian said as he stared into his eyes.

As Raedheol met Gabriel's gaze, his smile thinned, “Our kind does enjoy being in charge,” he agreed, “As well you know. You know what I am, Gabriel, because you're of the same mould, and I can ensure that this relationship convenient for both of us. If you prefer to be disruptive, I'll look forward to observing the fallout.”

Gabriel's remarks about Isha, Raedheol would not comment on any further.

“This embassy – Consulate, strictly speaking, is a fixture here, no matter how much of an affront it is to you personally, I can see just how fond of us you are. But Gabriel, I need to be sure that when I need you, you will be as accommodating as I have been.”

There was something in his tone. There was something in his tone in regards to heirs and houses, particularly Isha's house that just wasn't on the up and up. Obviously there was history between Raedheol and Isha's House, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten so worked up over the "power" of Isha's mother.

"Thus far I haven't given you any reason to believe that I would be anything less than accommodating if I were needed. If I were against you, then you'd know it." He responded.

“True,” Raedheol agreed with a nod. He had no doubt about the latter point and had no need for the inconvenience of having to watch his own back every minute of the day. “Listen, Gabriel, my government do not plan to do anything unless they return to Romulan space; their disappearance has been very convenient for a number of parties who don't want to see them back and wouldn't lose sleep if they met with an accident - certain members the House of Khellian are among them. As for Monteros, a coma is the best place for her; Isha has more than enough little Federation friends hanging around and it seems to be them who Isha is running towards at the moment. She's much too comfortable to look for support from me; one word to the commander of the station and she has better quarters, other members of your crew are eating out of her hand and taking her advice – lunches, shopping trips and coffee - give her a month and she'll be so well established she'll be beyond either of u!
s!” Raedheol complained.

Dorian smirked. It was funny that Raedheol was so concerned about Isha's "new friends" considering that he seemed so gung-ho to go on those lunch and coffee trips. However, both men shared a concerned about how easily she held the station commander's ear. An outsider should never curry more favor with Federation Officer than a Federation citizen themselves.

"I'm glad we're on the same page. Isha has Commander Tahir wrapped around her finger. But the more important topic is Admiral R'Vek and Mrs. Monteros. Exactly where did they disappear to? I find it hard to believe that Monteros would leave the Federation forever without her child." he said in a careful manner. It didn't make sense that R'Vek would appear out of retirement, take his lover, but not his child and then ride off into the sunset.

“Maybe you should do something to drive some distance between Isha and her lloann'su friends, then, assuming they trust you more than they trust her,” Raedheol suggested.

He glanced toward the close-by door of the consulate, not that he expected anyone to emerge. He was more concerned about having this conversation in a corridor down which anyone might legitimately be walking. “Its not the only thing that doesn't make sense. I find it hard to believe that R'Vek's legitimate daughter went with them; why would she willingly abandon her career to set up house with a man who rumour has it felt more genuine passion for his alien lover than his Rihannsu wife?

“They headed for Kzinti space, though we do not yet know if that is their final destination. They are aboard a fully staffed and armed warbird on which we have people who will report as required for as long as they remain undiscovered, sooner or later we will learn where they have ended up. My government may not plan to pursue them, but rest assured we will know their movements. Was the girl scheduled to meet with them later? We don't yet know but I suspect so. I have concluded that something went wrong.”

He didn't like skirting around the issue. He wanted to get straight to the point. "Stop dancing around the issue, I'm sure you know more than you are letting on. Why would you think something had gone wrong regarding Monteros? Who would have something against her enough to attack her while serving on a Star Fleet vessel?" he asked. He knew that whoever was involved in the bombing was well-connected enough to get the bomb onboard the ship, and obviously not afraid of provoking a response from Star Fleet.

Nice tactic, Raedheol thought. The man was appealing to his vanity, hoping that the assertion that he must know something more would provoke him into demonstrating that knowledge. Well, as far as Raedheol was concerned it was both useful and preferable for Gabriel to think him vain and easily provoked.

“The sister, of course,” Raedheol said, as if he thought Gabriel an idiot for not seeing it himself, “Can’t you see it’s obvious! She had the means and most certainly the motive, areinnye (hell), its probably why they took her with them. Of course it could just be coincidence and the explosion caused by shoddy Federation workmanship, don’t you think?” Raedheol added somewhat casually.

"I want to be able to keep tabs on the Warbird and where it is headed. They're headed to Kzinti space, but I want to know where they and their crew plan on remaining permanently." he replied.

“All in good time,” Raedheol replied, “You cannot read a report before it is written, and our friends on that ship will not risk exposure by transmitting one prematurely. What do you hope to do with that information? The only person on that ship who is a citizen of your Federation went there willingly, as far as we can tell; the others are Rihannsu, and no concern of yours.”

*All Romulans should be a concern of the Federation* Dorian thought to himself before pushing himself off the wall and beginning to leave the area. "Contact me the second you hear something from either party, I have a feeling that your precious jewel will try something in the near-future, I'd like to respond to it accordingly." He said as he began to walk away.

With a short laugh, Raedheol said, “Sure, Gabriel, the very second. Imirrhlhhse’hr kriheis'ei” he added under his breath.

Though Gabriel was not wrong, Raedheol was not going to tell him so. From their meeting earlier it had become apparent to Raedheol that Isha had moved off her emotional plateau but not in the direction in which he had been trying to push her - that would have left her subdued, withdrawn and vulnerable - no, she had gone quite the other way, all effervescent charm and beguiling intrigue and Raedheol knew from experience just how impulsive and difficult to control she could be when she was in that sort of mood.

It left only one pressing question; what it was that had tipped the balance against him?