Small Things – I Can be Doplomatic
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   I Can be Doplomatic
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Mon Mar 24, 2014 @ 1:02am
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 74 : 1209

Akamu hurried into the Box, glancing around in earnest. He didn't immediately see his quarry, but that didn't mean she wasn't around. Yolanthe might be useful. She might be able to get some information out of the Orion slave girl he couldn't. She was so charming and easy to relate to, especially for a girl in the Orion's position, it would be a cake walk. He hurried up to the bar, flagging down the young man currently on duty.

Rosh Pelin, the young bajoran barman saw the telian and nodded a greeting. "What can I get you, Colonel?"

Akamu resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the title. Shi’enna’s revelations about their shared history seemed to have led to a storm of almost-respect around here. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the appearance of decorum he suddenly had found himself a recipient of. Wasn’t even sure he wanted it.

“Nothing today, Rosh.” He smirked at the looks that got him. Akamu Makani never came to the Box without ordering a drink. Usually a strong one.

“Actually, I was just looking for Yolanthe. Have you seen her?”

The bajoran pointed towards the gaming tables. "She's over by the dabo." He indicated a large crowd around one of the tables, where a head of purple hair could just about be seen, leaning over the spinning wheel.

"Thank you," Akamu nodded politely, then turned and headed over to the dabo table. Someone had just won, judging by the rambunctious cries of "DABO!" If the stack of latinum strips beside the player was any indication, the petite Trill was on a role.

"Yolanthe," he said, trying to push his way through the crowd. When he got no response, he tried again, louder this time. "Yolanthe!"

She looked up, head moving from side to side as she scanned the crowd for whoever had shouted her name. Spotting Akamu she tapped one of the apparently endless suply of pretty faces on her staff to take over at the wheel. "Colonel," She smiled when she came over to him. "Its good to see you again. What can I do for you?"

"I need your... help." Briefly, Akamu wondered if the request made him sound needy. He always seemed to be coming to this woman when he had a problem. "No worries. I'm willing to pay this time. " He added quickly. After all, it wasn't his money.

"Sure, sweetie. What do you need?" She put a hand to the small of his back and guided him towards the booths. It amused her how much he kept asking her for favours. For all his military training and experience, he was still like a little lost boy sometimes. Bless his little socks.

"I'm having Ferengi troubles," he began. "Ever heard of a freighter captain - I use the term very loosely, mind - named Lise?"

She shook her head. "No. But theres some people I know who do cargo shifting if you want someone to keep an eye out for him?"

"No," Akamu said. "I've already spoken to him. And therein lies my problem."

"oh?" she raised an eyebrow.

"He has some... merchandise," Akamu explained. He doubted very much if many on DS5 would understand his interest in a collection of cultural icons, so he was trying to avoid saying much about what he was after. "Some artifacts I need to obtain, at any cost. But he's avoiding me like the plague. I can't seem to pin him down." He took a deep breath.

"But he has this Orion slave watching over his ship, and the... merchandise. But she won't talk to me either. She keeps pretending she can't understand me, but the way she reacts. She knows exactly what I'm saying, she's just choosing to avoid me. And that's where you come in."

"Doing what exactly." Yolanthe wasn't sure what crazy scheme he was enlisting her for. "Do you need a distraction while you search the ship?"

"As tempting as that might be, I've been encouraged to go about this in a diplomatic," he fairly near growled the word, "manner." He crossed his arms, frustrated. "No, I need you to speak to this little... um... young woman. I think she has a thing with males. A scared thing, if you get my drift. And let's be honest, you're about the only female on the station who even sorta likes me, and thus, the only female who would even consider helping me out."

He shrugged helplessly. "So..."

"So. Well since its you. when do you want me to talk to her?"

"As soon as possible," Akamu said, trying his best not to breathe a sigh of relief. "The Ferengi ship is scheduled to depart tomorrow afternoon. I just need you to get me ten minutes with the merchandise, alone or otherwise. I have to authenticate the artifacts before I do anything else."

She looked around the bar. Everything seemed okay. "Alright. Led the way."

Akamu nodded, turned on the balls of his feet, and headed for the door, Yolanthe hard on his heels.


A JP by

Yolanthe Ibalin


Akamu Makani