Beg, Steal or Borrow – Power Play
by Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Power Play
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Jun 07, 2009 @ 12:41pm
Location   U.S.S. Pendragon / DS5 Operation
Timeline   SD8 - 1415 (Backpost)

Deep in the bowels of the Excalibur-class Pendragon , in the CIC, Rear Admiral Zheng leaned forward to study the high resolution sensor records of the battle. He and his fleet had arrived slightly too late to be anything but the clean up crew, but in reality that wasn’t what they were here for.

He turned his head slightly to the side to send a quite glare discreetly to the only green suited officer in the room, Major Makay. Short but relatively young and very trim and tidy, the only thing he knew about her as a soldier was that she had made a name for herself during the failed siege of Oori'llana IV. She and her company had held out against the attack for an entire night, severely outnumbered, outgunned and out positioned.

There were rumors that it hadn’t actually been her in command. That it had in fact been some bad-ass special forces guys who had come out of the shadows and helped out. But nobody dared challenge the official story, especially not after the medals had been awarded and it had become part of Marine lore.

He wasn’t please having the Marines on his Fleet that was for certain. But he did grudgingly acknowledge their usefulness for the mission at hand. If they were going to be storming the pirate base, he would rather have the leathernecks go up as cannon-fodder rather than his own officer. Rather uncharitable, but he had his reasons for hating the Marines.

What he couldn’t understand though was why they had to stop at Deep Space 5. The Major was in command of the mission, and had stated that they would come here as a waypoint to receive the coordinates before heading to the base. “Why couldn’t they have just put them in a secure transmission?” he thought

Suddenly, the Major turned and headed over to him, “Admiral,” she said in a clipped and officious tone, “I think its time we headed over to the station…wouldn’t you agree?”

His face darkened, “Major, I hope you are not presuming to give me orders on my ship.”

She smiled as she lowered her head to cover her eyes with the brim of her duty cap, “Of course not sir. But I feel it would be for the best if we were to go over there. I have business to conduct, and I think that the CO would love to meet you.”

“What is your game, Major?” he thought as he stared hard at her. Finding nothing he let out a small growl and said to one of the enlisted men, “Yeomen, contact Deep Space 5 operations and request permission to come aboard.”

The man nodded and turned to his console, =^= “Deep Space 5 operations, this is the Pendragon Rear Admiral Zheng is requesting permission to come aboard.” =^=

Bill tapped at the console, the comms were still buzzing from the other ships in the battle and those who wanted to leave DS5 now the attack had passed.

[Deep Space 5 Operations]

=^= "Operations, Ensign Harris. I am afraid that we respectfully ask the Pendragon to hold docking pattern India 4, until we clear the debris from the inner docking ring. If the Admiral wishes to transport over, we will gladly accommodate him. The Pendragon is a high priority for docking." He advised, looking at the list of ships and could see that the ships status was yellow, so would be directed to the repair station.

"USS Pendragon, be advised that your status is flagged and you are to proceed to the repair station on the West quarter. The USS Freedom is currently docking and you will be allocated the next slot, in approximately 8 minutes." He said, bending the truth a little, as it would be more like 20 minutes but he also needed time to advise Commander Davies.

[Pendragon CIC]

The enlisted man frowned as he stared down at his console, then turned and relayed the message to the Admiral. A few seconds later he turned back and said into transmitter, =^= “DS5 Ops, we do not show any damage to the ship, and believe that the repair flag was applied in error. Also, please be advised that we and the fleet are only here for a short layover, and will not be docking. However, the Admiral wishes to transport over immediately and meet with the Acting CO.” =^=

Officer Harris acknowledged the request and relayed it to Commander Davies. A few moments later, the request was approved.

=^= "USS Pendragon, request approved. Co-ordinates are being transmitted to the Captains offices here on operations. Will the Admiral require an honour guard, or will discretion be preferred?" Harris enquired.

=^= “DS5 Ops, in this case the Admiral will prefer discretion. He will be accompanied on his trip by his aide de camp, a small security detail, and the ranking Marine Officer on board.”

=^= "Understood. Commander Davies is ready to accept your party. =^= Harris replied.

Davies scanned the captain’s office, which was more than a mess. PADDs strewn across the desk, half drunken cups of tea & coffee, a warm pitcher of water and also what remained of his lunch. He scooped up what he could and was already at the replicator when the hum of a transport beam began to vibrate the room.

The Commander pulled at his tunic as the party of 6 materialized in the office.

As the transporter beam deposited him and his away team in the CO’s office, Zheng flicked an imaginary piece of dust off his uniform and glanced around the room, giving a slight sneer at the apparent messiness of it, but moved past it.

Even though he was easily the shortest one here, amongst his hulking security detail, the Commander, and coming in just shy of the Major, he extruded a regal air about him. He moved towards the replicator with an oddly graceful movement as he greeted Davies, “Commander Davies,” he said in a steady tone with just a hint of an accent, “It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Rear Admiral Zheng…behind me is my security detail, my aide-de-camp Lieutenant Commander Havon, and the Marine Commanding Officer of the Pendragon Major Makay.”

Davies stood and extended his hand in greeting. "Admiral. Thanks for your assistance. Deep Space five is grateful for it. Is there anything I can get for you or your attendants?" Davies asked politely.

The Major stepped forward and removed her duty cap, “Commander, I am very pleased to make your acquaintance…however, I have business elsewhere on the station with the AO commander…so, If you would be so kind to excuse me Admiral?”

Zheng had a look on his face that indicated that he wanted to do nothing more than disregard the request, but he waved his hand indicating that she was dismissed. Makay tossed off a quick salute to both him and Davies, spun on her heel, and strode with a purpose out the door.

He turned back to Davies after watching the Major leave and said, “Commander, I believe you must have some questions for me…may I sit? I have much to discuss with you.”

Davies racked his brain, but the only question was where the Pendragon had appeared from so quickly, so he asked, "Not really sir, though if I may be so bold, where did you come from?" Walking towards the replicator, David gestured towards it, silently offering to obtain something for the Admiral.

Zheng gave a small sigh of contemplation as he formulated an answer, then said, “We were scrambled out of the Dayos system in the middle of a joint training exercise with the Klingon Navy, under emergency orders from Major General T’Sol from Marine High Command. It was co-signed by Starfleet, so I had no option but to comply. We were to form up with two Normandy class carriers, and then make best speed for Deep Space 5.”

David wondered who dispatched an emergency call, as none had been issued from ops. "I can only assume that the order came via Captain Tahir, but I don't think that she had reason to panic, after all, she would not have been aware of the stations failing during the battle. Sir, would you know who sent the original request to Star Fleet for assistance?" Davies enquired, his hand subconsciously stroking his arm.

He grumbled, “To be honest, I’m still not sure why exactly we were deployed here…and it annoys me to no end. I believe that Major Makay knows what’s going on…she received a highly encrypted transmission from Marine Command while I was receiving my orders, and since then has been doing nothing but talking with the other Marine CO’s in the battle group…planning something.”

"Planning something!" Davies responded, "Planning what?" Came the rhetorical question, as if the Admiral were a soothsayer who had all the answers.

“Whatever it is Commander, its big. They assigned an entire regiment for this…a regiment! And not rookies either, battle hardened combat veterans, most of whom saw combat during the Dominion War. Between the two carriers and the amount of supplies that they’ve been offloading, they have enough arms and ammunition to run a small war, or occupy a planet. And that is what worries me. Besides not knowing what we are supposed to be doing, I have reservations about giving the Marines this much power...they are dangerous enough as it is."

"Aye Sir." Davies gave an agreeing nod, not fully comprehending what it was the Admiral was implying, but to save his own misunderstand, it was easier to agree. "Is there anything we can do in preparation, to assist?"

Zheng shook his head side to side slightly, “Thank you Commander, but there will be no need...however, I was ordered to remain here until we received our next set of orders…the Task Group will depart as soon as I obtain them. With the way things are going, I suspect they may even be delivered by whomever is the ranking Marine on Deep Space 5…who would that be, exactly?

"Sir, that would be Major James Darson. Shall I announce you or would you rather call on him?" David offered without concern for the admiral, who seemed very relaxed.

At the mention of the name, Zheng straightened up and his face tightened as an expression of pure hatred passed across his features. His hand grasped the handle of the chair in a deathgrip, “Darson?” He growled out, “James…Darson?”

David swallowed, such was the ferocity of the transition in the admiral.
"Yes sir." He replied, trying to sound confident and sure in his response, but he felt the tremor in confused reply.

Zheng looked angrily around for a few moments than turned quickly to his confused Aide, “Commander, you are dismissed. Wait outside for me…and take the security detail too.”

The aide seemed about to protest, but thought better of it. He quickly and efficiently directed all of the burly security guards to leave through the door, and with a slightly concerned look on his face left. The door whooshed shut, leaving the Admiral and Commander alone.

David watched as the small entourage left, leaving the Admiral and himself together in the captains office.
David took the initiative and ordered the doors sealed and the communication dampening field that an old friend had given him the use of, before settling back into his chair, his stomach knotting as he clasped his hands in his lap.

"Sir?" David queried, not wanting to push the Admiral for a response, but he knew he was about to be embroiled in the Admirals subversion for the Major.

Zheng took several deep breaths, and ran his hands over his face, “James Darson,” he hissed with venom in his tone, “is a monster…a terrible fiend, who has no regards for the rules of warfare, and will kill anyone who stands in the way of his own worthless agenda…that filthy dog should have been put down a long time ago!”

David blinked, this was not the man that David knew, or at least appeared to David. He thought him comical, a bit of a character, especially in the manner in which he dressed, but he would never have pegged him as a monster, but then again, he was a Major and he must have earned it somehow.
Davies head bowed, not wishing to aggravate the tenseness in the Admiral.

He gave one last snarl, than stood and took several calming breaths. A few seconds later he turned back to face the bewildered Commander, “My…apologies Commander, for the outburst,” even though he was speaking softly the anger was still there, hidden behind the words, “Forgive me, but…I…must return to my ship…there is much planning to do…”

With a careful nod, Davies acknowledged the Admiral.

"Of course Admiral, if there is anything I can do ...." David repeated finding it to be the only thing he could say in his confusion. The Admiral was obviously extremely angry at Darson and he had hoped to have a reason for it but it was neither his position or place to question an Admiral.

With a pronounced stiffness in his gait, Zheng headed out the door to gather up his security detail and beam back to his ship.


Admiral Zheng NPC'd by Major James Darson

CO: Commander David Davies