Incommunicado – A Special Present
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   A Special Present
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Wed Aug 08, 2012 @ 10:35pm
Location   Science Labatories
Timeline   SD61 2000-2030 hours
"Well" Saria sighed, "I hope he'll like it." She said, looking at the enhanced warp core standing in front of her. "He needs it more than I do."
She walked around the coil graciously, checking the overall condition of the coil. It was brand new, and totally built up from the ground. She ran the core a dozen times in simulations, to remove any bugs and implent adjustments. The core also had a prototype slipstream drive incorporated, however it remained to be tested in real life. Finishing her inspection, she tapped on her combadge.

=/="Lieutenant Rex to Ensign Straggard, please report to the Science Labs at once."=/=

David heard Saria, "Acknowledged, on my way." David stepped into the turbolift, "Deck 61." As soon as he arrived he stepped out and saw Saria. "Yes, Lieutenant?" David smiled at her as they were becoming good friends ever since their first meeting.

Saria smiled back at David. "Follow me, Ensign. There's something I'd like to show you." She said, and walked trough the doors of the science labs. She stopped at the hoverplate where a coil was installed on. "I thought you might find it interesting." She said

David's eyes lit up. He walked around the coil and examined it as he also brought out his tricorder and scanned the coil. David read out his tricorders data. "Concentrations of Verium Cortenide as well as an inner core of Tungsten Cobalt Magnesium..." David continued. "These are basic component compounds found in a warp coil but they are in higher densities and arranged to form stronger molecular bonds..." David studied his reading closer and smiled to himself. He walked over to Saria and asked, "where did you find this?"

"Starfleet requisitions... and some friend back on Trill that owed me some material." She said. "Building warp cores used to be my speciality, but it faded away for a bit. I had to get help from some manuals." She chuckled.
"But... the best has yet to come..." she said, as she nervously turned toward David.
"David..." she stuttered, "since we're such close friends, and since I have no way to test it on my own... the core is all yours..."
She was a nervous wreck at the moment, but at last it had been said.

David looked at Saria and moved closer to her. He had one large smile before he reached out with open arms to Saria. He gave her a big hug. "Thank you." He said softly. He almost lifted her up as he hugged her tightly. He stepped back a bit while still having his arms around her. He looked into her eyes and smiled.

Saria returned the hug graciously, holding David for the time. "There's something special about you. Sometimes, I can only think about you. You're my port in the storm, you understand how I feel. In all my lifetimes of having friends, you're a very special one." She said, nervously. "This core is a token from me... for us two. For what we stand for." Her eyelids begin to vibrate a bit, but she still held her smile, looking straight into David's eyes.

"I know." David said. He gently pulled her toward him and kissed her on the lips.

Saria swung her arms around David's neck, kissing him as well. She pulled him closer. After half a minute, she gently pulled her lips off his, and pressed her nose against David's. "I knew from the beginning, it would be you." She said, as she kissed him again.

David put his forehead against hers and looked into her eyes. "Me, you, here, now. Remember this." David had an even larger smile than before. He stepped back and went for the coil while still looking back at her. "Do you have a lab that I can use this in? I'm not going to work on it yet, I'm still in process of acquiring necessary tools and parts to build the engine."

Saria seemed a bit confused from the rapid action, but was clear enough to answer. "Uhm... yeah, the lab on your right is available." She said, as she pulled back a few hairs from her forehead. "Take your time on it, it won't fly away." She joked. "It'll be here, waiting for you."

David picked up from Saria that he was a bit quick to change to subject. David felt awkward. He walked toward Saria and got close to her. David put his forehead against hers again. "Sorry, I shouldn't be worried about it being here." David kissed her again. He should cherish this moment. David continued kissing her.

Saria enjoyed the kissing as well. Though, it was a known feeling for her, the host of Saria did enjoy the moment he was with David, alone in the labs with him. She seperated her lips from his again. "Do you also have the feeling we've known each other for years?" She asked.

"I do. It's been awhile since I've felt this about anyone..." David looked passed her off into the distance. He looked back at her and smiled.

Saria smiled back. "I think I can arrange something for us two. I usually practice my sniper skills every Thursday in the holosuites, but I guess we could have another program then." She said, leaning against a console, putting a leg of her pants back into her boot.
"I guess that makes us a couple now, doesn't it?" She smiled.

"The holosuite, huh?" David leaned toward her ear and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

"Yep." She said, quickly. "I have enough experience with the rifle to skip my training for once. Maybe a few more, but I guess we can't spend our free time in the holosuite all time." She smiled.

"Well, you haven't been to my quarters yet. We haven;t had that Cardassian Sunrise you told me about." David said.

"Indeed" Saria said, looking into David's eyes. "Shall we?"

"Sure thing." David put him arm around Saria's and walked her to the turbolift. "Deck 26." He said as they stepped in.
