Judgement – Nebari Diplomat
by Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   Nebari Diplomat
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Sun Jul 10, 2011 @ 6:03pm
Location   Cala's office
Timeline   SD 38: 14:00 hr

Cala had returned from her meeting with the new Ambassador, her superior, and fellow officer. She found that Cyi was quite and interesting being and couldn’t help but feel like a little school girl around him. She found him to be slightly attractive but young for her taste. She was going to have lunch with him or dinner or what ever met his schedule. It should have been her schedule. She totally forgot about her dealing with two cultures that decided to join the Federation and well as peace with in themselves. She sighed thinking of this thought and then struck her even more so that an old friend had shown up after thousand years. She had hoped that her being her would e peaceful, for at lest five months, but the gods had something else in mind.

When she reached the Diplomatic Corp she was quickly greeted by her daughter Roselyn. “Sir,” you have a guest in her office.

“Who,” Cala questioned.

“Warrant Officer Melken from the Nebari sector,” Roselyn stated, “The Nebari sent him here to assist you in your mission.”

Cala nodded her head to her daughter, “Thank you Lt.” Then hurried to her office to meet you guest. When she reached her office she stated, “Welcome Warrant Melken. I’m Ambassador Cala Lurn. An officer has told me that you are here to assist me on are way to peace.” Then she placed her hands in front of her dark blue dress. She titled her head slightly and gave a soft smile.

The Nebari took up from his seat and turned to face her. He was slightly tall, with white pale like skin; almost ghost like. Wild shaggy black hair, dark sunken in dark black eyes. He was wearing a black leather uniform with the Nebari symbol on his left breast. He bowed to the ambassador and replied in a melancholy voice, “It is my honor to work with such extraordinary being.”

Cala walked further into the room and headed for her desk, “No the honor is mine, Melken” Then she sat down in her chair and stating Melken can sit as well. Melken took her offer and sat back down in his seat. Cala pulled out a few PADDs and stated calmly, “I’ve been reviewing over terms and needless to say. There is hope of peace. The problem I’m having is mining industry not agreeing to let go of there lands that is rightfully the Nebari’s. Perhaps you may know a good idea to cool things down?”

“As I can recall the Ardana are a warrior like race,” Melken stated, “They aren’t going to give up anything that they have conquered.”

Cala nodded her head, “I know of a certain race with the same characteristics.” Thinking of Klingons.

“Perhaps we can talk to the my chancellor on perhaps making suck decision ces to exist. Maybe the Ardana might have something better they can offer us in return to keep the land,” Melken finished.

Cala sat back in her seat and thought for a moment, “Perhaps it would be a good idea to do so. I’ll leave it to you to talk to your Chancellor about this and I’ll talk to the Ardana’s Chancellor. Hopefully we’ll come to some even grounds.”

Melken nodded his head to her command. Cala smiled and stated, “I’m glade your aboard DS5. I hope that you make this a temporary home or at lest until we establish peace.”

“Thank you sir,” he replied.