Incommunicado – Arrivals
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Arrivals
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jan 01, 2012 @ 2:50am
Location   DS5 Starboard
Timeline   When he gets there, you'll know.
Riov J'Tar tr'Khellian had never been to Deep Space Five before, but his father seemed to enjoy it. I wonder how much of that is him actually enjoying that human woman. He thought, the fact that his father of all people had departed from the Khelliana tradition of Romulan racial purity had always stuck in his throat. Of all people to dilute the blood lines with a human....

Of course, he liked Eleni Monteros, even could understand what would have attracted his father to her in the first place, It's not as though she's unattractive. She'd probably have made an excellent consort. What was it those damned spoonheads called them? Comfort women? He liked her well enough, he respected her marriage to his father, but he was definitely having a hard time getting used to the idea that there was now a halfling in his family tree, especially one he was now being forced to accept as an equal, even though she had both versions of human weakness: genetic and environmental. I might have more hope for her had father taken her to Ch'rihan to be raised amongst us. As it is now.....

As DS5 came closer into view his mind turned from his family issues, what he called "The Halfling situation," to more pressing military business at hand. His father had summoned him in an official capacity, not a paternal one, with nothing more concrete than the promise of 'something big' coming and the possibility to slugging it out with the damned Cardies soon enough; that had been more than enough to bring J'Tar and his ship, the IRW Ahadi, to this lowly Federation outpost at maximum warp. I only hope it's worth the trip.

"Riov tr'Khellian." His XO, Centurion T'rmok, spoke up, "We are in transporter range of DS5. Shall I begin deploying landing parties?"

"No." J'Tar replied, a wry smile on his face at the idea of making the humans think they were being invaded and watching them scurry for cover, "As it stands right now we're here on a social visit, my friend." He laughed as he stood and straightened his uniform, "But I love the way you think."

T'rmok smiled and nodded to his oldest and dearest friend, "Perhaps we can do what your halfling sister did? Decloak beside the Cardassian Embassy?"

J'Tar raised an eyebrow at this new information, maybe this.... Rianni had potential after all, "She did that, did she?"

"It was quite an incident according to my cousin, D'Rek." T'rmok laughed heartily, remembering how overwrought his cousin was after what he called 'that lunatic's stupid stunt.' He had to begrudgingly give the halfling credit, though the idea of an Earth raised halfling commanding a Romulan vessel, when he himself had been unable to attain command of one in over 100 tries, turned his stomach.

"Yes, we'll do just that." J'Tar laughed, he might not hate his new sister after all. Then, in a moment of flair typical of all Khelliana, "And after you and I have met with EnRiov tr'Khellian, land the first group of our Marines for shore leave right outside of this Gul Getal's door, won't you, my friend?"

"Of course." T'rmok laughed, "A little sibling rivalry?"

"Why not?" J'Tar smirked, "We've a lifetime of it to catch up on after all."