Unity – What Next?
by Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   What Next?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Thu Dec 03, 2009 @ 11:15am
Location   CAG's Office. Flight Deck
Timeline   SD16 08.00 (Back Post)

Though he had been grounded pending sign off of his injuries suffered at the hands of the temporal anomaly. There was still allot of files to log and paper work to push. However Dunham really wasn’t one for that sort of thing, and so he was procrastinating, by touring the flight decks and the fighter bays of wing command. He was glad to see things were getting back to their regular routine, deck crews, engineers, pilots and flight control personnel were all going about their business. As he walked the gantries over hanging one of the fighter bays he couldn’t help himself but to take a moment’s pause to take it all in. He grasped the railing and looked down to the hive of activity below and nodded to himself, thankful to be a part of it.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted the CAG’s office. Dunham mused to himself that it had been a little while since last he saw Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian and he should probably check in. So he made his way down to the office and headed in.

Rianni raised her head slightly when she heard Rick enter her office, "Hi." She smiled, "How are you?"

Dunham flashed her a grin and sat down in the seat opposite. "I'm not bad boss. Still a bit saw but other than that I am in ship shape. How are you?"

Rianni briefly considered telling him she'd been a lot better, but decided not to bore him with the details of her destroyed love life, and lied, "I'm good, Rick."

Dunham crossed his legs and put his feet up on the desk and nodded his head in thought. "You see i think were both not being totally honest here. " he said with a bit of a sad smile. "Being grounded until sign off by medical is driving me nutts."

"You're telling ME about that?" Rianni laughed hard, "And how long did I fight them to get flight status back? Bunch of idiots, can't accept that pilots know their limits. I've always said that every fighter unit needs it's own doctor, one who flies. It's the only way we'll ever get one that understands."

"It not the doctors I'm worried about Chelsea..... I mean Lieutenanant Commander Adams has given me the all clear. Its the bloody station Counselor who needs to asses my flight status, make sure I'm not suffering from post traumatic stress or something like that." Dunham smiled. Took out a chewing gum and offered it to the CAG. He chewed on his bit of gum in thought. "I don't blame the new counselor though. She is just doing her job. Did you know she is a Romulan? Cool huh"

Rianni, chewing the offered gum happily, paused for a second to consider her answer, "I guess so, once ou get the hang of it." She groaned when another realization hit her, "Crap! That means Dorian Gabriel is going to be making this poor girl miserable for her race. Is the counselor full Romulan?"

Dunham gave a little shrug. "I think so. Is that Mr Garbriel really that bad? I didn't think they allowed that sort of behaviour in starfleet? Hasn't he heard of equal opportunity? Doesn't he relies that Starfleet is about exploration, science and diplomacy......?" Dunham reflected a little on that. he held up his hands. "But we live in interesting times, and in those times we need officers like Gabriel. But me? I hope one day I'm out of a job. That they no longer need men and women like us. Fighting battles in the depths of space. That we can live in peace together."

"There are no times when we need officers like Gabriel." Rianni sighed, "Racism is never a good thing. But, enough about Gabriel, I'm losing my appetite."

"So what you been up to lately?" he said

"Not much really." Rianni sighed, "Just spending a lot of time catching up on things around here. Got a lot of time to myself these days."

Dunham took in a bit of a breath then let out a sigh. "That doesn't sound like the high spirited CAG I know. Their must be some one in your life?"

"Not anymore, Rick." Rianni sighed sadly, "She left to chase some Klingon who may or may not love her. Threw away the one who did, to chase the one who may. There's logic for you, huh?"

"Love sucks huh? It brakes your heart to see them run off with somebody else. Its happen to the best of us. So what do you want to do now?"

"Find out how much Ouzo and Romulan Ale I can take in without dying?" Rianni offered, "Want to join?"

"Sounds like how we do it in the fighter core. But what the hell is a Ouzo?" he said with a grin.


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt.Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian