Unity – Let'em cool his heels
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Let'em cool his heels
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 8:04am
Location   Security Detainment Center
Timeline   SD 16 - 14:00hrs
Gabriel was doing his regular exercise regimen when his concentration was disturbed by the sudden increase in the detainment area's lights. Station policy was to keep the lights on a low setting when the prisoners were the only ones int the are in order to conserve power. The arrival of any outsider would increase the light setting to provide for proper illumination for the Security Officer to direct the prisoner to their cell and to leave.

Gabriel's eyes eventually adjusted to the light and he saw who was being escorted into the area. He cocked a brow as he saw Lieutenant Dunahm being escorted by Lieutenant Duquesne. Certainly an odd occurrence, considering his Seniority amongst the station's Fighter Wing.

Duquesne escorted the officer over to the cell and lowered the field so that he could step into the cell. He raised the field again and turned to leave. He wanted to avoid any awkward conversations and just get the investigation over with as soon as possible.

As the other officer left, Gabriel sat on his cot and looked at the other man for several moments before speaking. "So what are you in for?" He asked.

Dunham sat down on his cot, head in both hands. So engrossed was he in the turn of events that brought him here that he had thought he was alone. “My own good apparently” he mumbled into his hands thinking he was just talking to another drunk sleeping it off in the cells. It wasn’t until he raised his head from out of his hands that he saw he was talking to a superior officer, and that superior was Lieutenant Commander Gabriel. Dunham apologized quickly his upper body coming to some sort of sat down attention “Sorry Sir. I didn’t see you their”

“The Cardassain’s want to extradite me for destruction of their property and possible murder of civilians, so rather than let them take me, the commander locked me up down here for my own protection.”

Dunham scratched the growing stubble on his chin. "Their was this Cardassian freighter. It was well.....I don't know what it was doing. But it was all powered down in the upper atmosphere of this gas giant. As soon as my wing picked it up on sensors, it powered-up and made a 'B' line straight for DS5. So we kick in the engines and go after it. Our sensors can't get a thing off it. She doesn't answer her hail and she does not respond to warning shots across her bow. The station even tried to beam people of it. Nothing was working. So I shot it down." Said Dunham remorsefully. He shrugged. "One shot, that's all it took. The thing was so old it blew up with one phaser shot. Hell" He put his head back into his hands.

Gabriel huffed, "How typical, Davies abandons his own kind just because it has become inconvenient to his career. Damn coward." Gabriel responded.

"Better than being dragged away by the cardassains though." Replied Dunham. "We all know how their 'trials' work. Guilty before proven innocent, and even then everybody knows the outcome. Still don't now why they couldn't of just stuck me under house arrest. I'm going to go crazy in here"

"Regardless, that Cardassian vessel was a threat to this station and the Federation citizens onboard, your men did the right thing by shooting that garbage scow into oblivion. Now our 'leader' is kow-towing to the whims of Cardassians." he said as he sat up in his bunk.

"Bloody Cardassians think they can just turn up and run the place." He shrugged. "Guess its just in their nature. Call me naive but after the war I thought maybe just maybe the alpha quadrant species could all get along. That we could all work together to make fairer, safer community. Now tensions are higher than ever." Dunham shook his head in despair. "It's bad Karma sir. Bad Karma. I'm not cut out for this line of work you know. I've always had a bit of a problem with killing people"

Gabriel signed as he leaned his head back against the wall and listened to the um of the power relay that was located just behind his cell. "As long you are wearing that uniform, the Cardassians can't touch you, Security will see to it." He replied.

Dunham smiled to himself. ~Starfleet is family and what a brilliant family it is.~
"Thank you sir."


Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader