Database: Mnhei’sahe

At the center of the Rihannsu code of behavior is the importance of “mnhei’sahe.” It is an abstract measurement of a Rihannsu’s personal honor and is often used as a status symbol in their culture. Mnhei’sahe, which translates loosely to “the ruling passion,” centers around a strong respect and appreciation of honor, duty, courtesy and strength. In all interactions between Rihannsu, it is imperative that all parties leave afterward feeling that their honor and “face,” is intact. If not, it is paramount to denying mnhei’sahe to the offended party. If the offending party feels he can apologize without himself losing face, he does so. Wars, executions and deaths of entire households can be required to satisfy mnhei’sahe. If mnhei’sahe is always intact within the Empire, the Rihannsu believe that they can never lose.

If the disgraced party is beyond redemption, those present may simply execute him or recommend he commit ritual suicide by sending him swords in order prevent further disgrace and loss of mnhei’sahe. Above all, mnhei’sahe is sensitive to the context of the situation and is a rather interpretive concept. It is not a specific codified set of rules, but an unspoken understanding which guides the actions of all Rihannsu throughout life. Rihannsu honor their word when it is given to another Rihannha. To break with one’s word means dishonor and a loss of mnhei’sahe, a fate worse than death. Politeness, respect, and quiet dignity are always required if mnhei’sahe is to be satisfied.

Rihannsu honor power as much as they honor loyalty. The goal of each Rihannha is power. If not for one’s self or House, then always for the Empire. Rihannsu are always loyal to the Empire itself, not to any one person. For the Rihannsu, power can not be defined in the standard Terran terms, but is the power of mnhei’sahe, and it defines the structure within Rihannsu society and the daily decisions each Rihannsu makes.

If you show respect for those around you and are polite in your interactions with other Rihannsu, chances are you have shown mnhei’sahe in your actions. Good roleplaying involves knowing how to properly roleplay a Rihanha and knowing just what the typically Rihannsu citizen is.

Becoming a troublemaker affects not only yourself, but every other Rihanha with whom you come in contact. It is expected that at all times, you will behave in an honorable way. Inappropriate childish and immature behavior will be dealt with with disciplinary measures. This doesn’t mean that you can’t joke around, but when a situation is serious act accordingly. Failure to treat your superiors with respect and acting without mnhei’sahe is a sure way to earn the wrath of the Tal Shiar and a path to a slow and painful execution.

As a citizen or eredh of the Rihannsu Empire, your behavior, manner, and conduct reflect upon our Empire. The one true goal and duty of all Rihannsu is the glory of the Empire. Wherever you are, your behavior reflects upon the training that you have received at the Phi’lasasam and upon the Empire in general. Do not forget that our duty is to the Empire and that the pristine face that is the Empire should never be marred by your actions. You are to serve the Empire to the death if the Empire so requires it, regardless of the reasons. It is not the place of citizens of the Rihannsu Empire to question their orders or the word of their superiors and the Praetorate. As a Rihannsu, your life is service to the Empire.

See also: Mnhei'sahe.

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