Lieutenant JG Malak Muz’s Personal Log - Stardate: 67708.66 - New Beginnings

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Title   Stardate: 67708.66 - New Beginnings
Author   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Thu Feb 07, 2013 @ 12:55am
"Begin Log.."

Malak stood in front of the recorder. His hands in front of him steepled. He slowly began to move back and forwards as thoughts went through his head. There was a slow shake of his head as he thought back and forth. A soft sigh as he glanced to the recorder for a moment and then back forward. He talked as he paced..

"Stardate 67708.66. Supplemental.."

Malak hit a fist into his hand as he thought things through. His head dipping from left to right as the different ideas and points were coming up. There was a soft chuckle as he stopped mid center and turned to address the screen.

"..New Beginnings. That's what this is about? A new start. I even have a new fancy rank.. Lieutenant.. Junior Grade." A slight grin. He slowly dips his head,"10 previous lifetimes and it's not as exciting. I still have a twitter though - of excitement at receiving the rank. It's a new beginning and hopefully a relaxing one at that. I can finally put everything behind me that had to do with ... well the War. I am looking forward to meeting my new CO. Starfleet has saw fit to make me the Executive Officer." He shakes his head and looks at the ground,"Zorana would use this time to try to study up all about the base. I think I'll take a cue from her - even if she never had as much fun as I will.." A smirk,"I guess that's what happened when you're the fourth host. You don't get to learn from the next 6." Another chuckle and he looks at the computer with a nod,"Here's to you.. End Log."