Database: The Romulan Judicial System

The Rihannsu Judicial system serves the function in the Empire of dispensing justice to all citizens. It serves this function in three areas: first, by trying suspected criminals; second, by sentencing them; and third, by settling civil disputes.

In the criminal system, we abide by the principle of guilty until proven innocent. This ensures that criminals are never set free to wreak havoc on the Empire.


A. When a person is suspected of a crime, they will be arrested. If the crime is civilian, the arresting officer is to file a request with the Rihannsu jurist in the planetary jurisdiction where the arrest is to be made.
      1. The jurist may request to see evidence showing sufficient suspicion before arriving at a decision.
       2. A decision must be reached within seven days.
    3. The authorities may reserve the right to detain the suspect before arrest for up to three days before a decision on warrant is issued.
    4. Decisions may be appealed to the Director of Justice.
    5. Decisions of the Director of Justice can be appealed to the Fvillha.
B. Requests for surveillance of civilians by the Authorities follow the same system.
C. Upon arrest, authorities are required to notify the jurist assigned to the jurisdiction in which the arrest took place.
    1. The jurist then has the following responsibilities.
        - To use the Rihannsu jury selection process to select one juror for the trial.
        - To set a trial date.
        - To notify the Authorities, the accuser (Usually the chief investigator) the planetary governor, and the juror of the trial date.
        - Preside over the trial, ruling in matters of law and protocol.
        - After verdict (Verdict is determined by a majority vote of the three members of the tribunal) sentence the criminal if guilty or order the citizens release and determine whether there is sufficient cause for a trial of the accuser for false arrest.
       - Set the date and time of any public corporal punishment.
        - Carry out the sentence.
    2. Trials must take place within one week of arrest.
    3. Sentences must take place within one week of the trial.


A. If a citizen has a grievance against another that cannot be resolved between the two of them, they may request civil arbitration.
B. House disputes must be resolved between the houses or through Senate action. The
C. Department of Justice will not act in these cases unless crimes are committed.
D. Requests for civil arbitration are to be made to the local representative of the Department of Justice by all involved parties.
    1. A fee is assessed at the time of the application from all parties requesting arbitration. This is nonrefundable.
    2. If the jurist sees cause for arbitration, a hearing will be called.
    3. Each opposing party may select one arbiter to serve on the civil tribunal.
    4. The tribunal will be ruled by the jurist and decisions will require a majority vote.
    5. Decisions will have the binding force of law and parties not abiding by the decision of the court may be found to be in contempt.
    6. Opposing parties shall be responsible for paying their arbiters.


A. The accused represents self.
B. All parties are guilty until proven innocent.
C. If an executed Rihanha is exonerated, their accuser may be put to death.
D. The accused have the right to call witnesses in an attempt to prove their innocence.
E. The accusers have the right to call witnesses to maintain guilt.
F. Breaches of mnhei'sahe are ruled upon by the presiding jurist.


A. Mnhei'sahe is the guiding principle of all Rihannsu law.
B. Acts committed in accord with mnhei'sahe are by definition not criminal even if they otherwise would be.

Prepared with reference to information from the site formerly located at No infringement of copyright is intended.

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