Interlude – A shot at friendship - Part 1
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   A shot at friendship - Part 1
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sat Sep 25, 2010 @ 11:32am
Location   Holosuite 24
Timeline   SD34 - 19:45 hrs

As Sotar burst into the central chamber of the cave complex he and Arrienye had chosen for that night's training simulation, he saw Arrienye sitting on one of the crates there, looking quite comfortable. She looked up at him and flashed him a dazzling, very self-satisfied smile.

"I win again," she announced, as if it weren't obvious.

"You cheated!... Again!" He said as he placed his hands onto his knees and began panting."You should wear your heels again... Just to level the playing field."

"Oh, so you finally decided to admit I'm so much better than you. That's good. Such denial isn't healthy," she said, shaking her head at him as she slipped from the crate. "And I would think twice before accusing me of cheating, if I were you," she warned.

Sotar stretched a grin across his face. Testing fate, luck and anything else that would help him with his next few words, he spoke loud and clearly. "You chea... " He was cut off immediately.

He felt pressure on his arm, and then a sharp burning sensation as Arrienye fired her holographic disruptor at him. The safety was on, to a point. So the shot wouldn't severely injure him, only cause a burning sensation. A painful one.

"Ow!" He yelped, aiming his disruptor back at her leg, and firing a shot. "Payback’s a bitch." He said as he was very ready to run and find cover from an angry Romulan.

"Ah!" Arrienye yelped as well, but shot him a look. "This is childish," she said through her teeth.

He shot her again. "And?"

"Ow!" Arrienye was louder this time. "You're gonna pay for that!" she shot him back, hitting his chest before hopping over the nearby crates and taking cover.

"Not before you pay first!" He mimicked her actions and jumped behind a boulder. Aiming over the large rock, he fired off two blasts.

Arrienye lowered her head as the shots came over her. Looking around, for a moment, she fired of a couple of shots before lowering her head again.

Sotar ducked for the first blast, and raised his head to fire off some of his own at her. Unluckily, one of her shots caught him straight in the forehead, and sent him tumbling onto his back. "Ow." He said in mild surprise.

Taking advantage of the situation, Arrienye rushed with great speed over to him and finally jumped over the boulder and landed square on his chest, straddling it. She readied her disruptor, pointing it at his face. "Surrender," she said, looking down at him.

"Never!" He exclaimed, as he pushed her over and switched the roles. Now he, was aiming the disruptor at her face. "You surrender."

"You'll have to shoot me," she told him, looking defiantly up at him, her blue eyes holding a fire despite their icy color.

Sotar contemplated it in his mind, but weighed the consequences of shooting her in the face with his life. He stood up, and offered a hand down to her. "Draw?"

Arrienye smiled too sweetly before lifting her disruptor back up and shooting him several times until he was on his back. Then she pushed herself up quickly and ran back to get cover. She found some behind one of the cave walls. “You should have shot me when you had the chance!”

"Bah, you'll regret that t'Merek!" He yelled as he regained his stance with speed. Aiming his rifle, he shot off a barrage of bolts, only one or two hitting their mark.

"Oh really? And what do you plan on doing to make me regret it?!" Arrienye yelled back, waiting for a pause in his fire before firing a few well-aimed blasts of her own.

Again, t'Merek hit her mark. "Dammit! I'll win one yet. You wait." He quickly jumped into the centre of the cavern, and fired several well-placed shots at the Romulan.

Arrienye hissed through her teeth at the burning in her arm. She pulled back into cover. "I'm waiting!" she challenged, moving slowly through the short tunnel so he wouldn't hear her.

Sotar smiled at his miniscule victory. "Coming, ready or not." He stated as he hulked up his heavy weapon into his hands, and jogged off into the direction Arrienye had fled.

As he walked hastily after her, Arrienye waited. Once he passed her hiding place, Sotar felt sharp pain in the side of neck, shooting through the ridges up to his head, making him see stars for a moment. Arrienye had aimed at the tender spot with the butt of her rifle for a clean hit.

Sotar turned around, the haze clearly present in his eyes and the quickly forming sweat on his forehead, around his crest. He pulled his rifle back and jabbed it hard into her ribs. "That, Arrienye t'Merek, hurt." He said, as he staggered off quickly into the darkness.

Not expecting such a quick comeback, Arrienye was caught by surprise by the blow to her side. Grabbing the area with a loud yelp of pain, Arrienye reached down and took up a hefty stone. Aiming for a moment, she tossed it straight at the back of Sotar's knee, bucking it and making him fall.

He lay face down on the floor of the cave, and let out a muffled 'ow'.

"Serves you right," Arrienye told him from her position behind him. She'd sat down with her back against the cave wall, nursing her bruised ribs.

Sotar remained sat face down in the dirt, and attempted to let out a sentence. The noise created was inaudible.

Arrienye shook her head at him, wishing she had some ice. "At least I didn't hit you in a sensitive spot," ~I think.~ she added the last mentally. She had no idea about Cardassian anatomy.

"You got me in the ridge, you bitch." He said as he turned face-up.

"So what?" Arrienye asked, taking in a deep breath and feeling very little pain. Finally, some good news. At least her rib wasn't broken.

He slowed his voice, and raised it. "In. The. Ridge."

"So. What!" Arrienye repeated as well. "In the ridge means absolutely nothing to me."

"It's like taking a Ferengi and slapping it around the lobes you cow."

"Stop calling me names you little sissy!" Arrienye snapped, attempting to move her torso. It hurt a lot, but nothing she couldn't handle.

"No." He said defiantly, as he tried to raise himself, but thought it more comfortable and less painful on the floor.

"Fine..." Arrienye said firmly, adjusting her own position on the floor.

Sotar laughed gently to himself as Arrienye joined him on the floor. "Comfy?"

"Shut up," she told him, though her heart wasn't in the words as she tried hard to keep from laughing with him.

"You know you wanna laugh." He exclaimed. "Oh, you’re still buying the drinks. Call it payment for hitting me in the fucking ridge."

"You hit me in the ribs!" Arrienye argued. "You didn't even break them, by the way," she criticized.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for not causing you pain."

"Did I break anything?"

"My ridge. I think you might've sprained the interior cartilage, beside that, your works sloppy." He criticized back.

"I still won," Arrienye pointed out.


JP by

Arrienye t'Merek
Sotar Telet (NPC by Getal)