Beg, Steal or Borrow – Stand off
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Stand off
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sat May 30, 2009 @ 12:26am
Location   Security office
Timeline   Shortly before Freedom's depature
Silonez lead a small group of Freedom officers down the corridor to Deep Space 5 security. He'd met Dorian Gabriel once about three years ago, he didn't particularly like the man, but he had to put that aside to complete the task at hand. Collect all the evidence concerning the saboteur, the attack on Da'Nals' family, and the assault on DS5. His team was armed due to the nature of what was going on, and also because they were bringing back the saboteur. "Cortice, let's make sure this doesn't get too out of hand."

Gabriel sat in his office reviewing the piles of padds that were beginning to set up base camp in his office. The more he tried to avoid them, it seemed the more they multiplied. He was using the brief pause in chaos to handle the administrative muck. He needed a secretary, badly. He was deep in thought when the doors to his office slide open.

Silonez walked in his team followed him in, he saw an intel uniformed man sitting at a desk, he walked over and address the man,"Lieutenant, I'm Lieutenant Silonez Ericson from the Freedom, I'm here to collect the evidence from the attack on Commander Da'nals' family as well as the sabotage, and your prisoner Joran." he handed the man a PADD with what he had just listed off.

Gabriel looked up from his padds as the men walked into his office in a solid formation. ~Why can't I ever be accosted by an attractive female?~ Gabriel thought to himself as he looked at the men who were giving a sweeping surveillance of his office. ~Great, security or intelligence~ He thought to himself.

Since he recognized what he was dealing with he also knew that his typical demeanor would not work in this situation.

"Hello Gentleman! Please, take a seat. No need for you all to strain yourselves." Gabriel said with a smile as he reviewed the Padd placed before him. "Ok, I'll forward you a summary of my interviews with the Family and Station's Diplomacy Officer, and my reports on the station sabotage, however I'm afraid I won't be able to give you my prisoner." He said while maintaining his smile.

Silonez looked at the man, "Lieutenant, he's on the list, and he's critical to connecting all the dots here since he was directly involved in the sabotage, and indirectly involved in the attack. Plus, he's named in one of our interviews with one of the survivors from our pursuit of the one ship." Silonez thought he'd make that point extremely clear.

Gabriel sat up in his chair. "Pursuit" is such an interesting word for Silonez to use, considering they "allowed" the damn ship to get away in the first place, now they wanted to try to fix their mistake on the back end.

"Well, I'd hate to be a Donald-Downer, but I can't allow release the prisoner since he has charges pending against him for his crimes onboard this station." Gabriel responded. "But I will allow you to sit next to me while I interview him." Gabriel offered in the alternative.

Silonez didn't like his attitude and didn't have enough time to sit through an interrogation "send me a transcript of the interviews, I don't have the luxury of time right now, I'm going to collect the rest of the evidence that Admiral Rittenhouse has released,." Silonez saw the clock on a display he had 45 minutes left.

Gabriel nodded as he tapped several buttons on the console before him. "Alrighty, I'm transmitting a summary of the initial interview that my department carried out with Joran to you as we speak, in addition to a summary of our conversation with the Romulan Commander." Gabriel responded.

As the Freedom Security detail and Warrant officer Cortice loaded the computer servers and other pieces of evidence onto anti-grav carts, he looked over at Dorian and half expected on more protest for what was next. "We're also repatriating the two Romulan bodies, the morgue has already released them."

Gabriel observed the men beginning to leave and stood to address the head of the motley crue. "In the future, I'd advise that avoid marching into my office and demanding prisoners unless you have authorization from my Commanding Officer. I'd hate for the next conversation to be less pleasant." Gabriel said with narrowed eyes.

"Admiral Rittenhouse has final say on this matter, not some lowly lieutenant in security." Silonez looked to his team "let's get going, we have a starship to catch." with that they left, somewhat relieved that this didn't end in a more aggressive stand off.


Lt. Silonez Ericon (played by Andy)
CIO USS Freedom

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence/Security Officer