Judgement – Warm Welcome?
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Warm Welcome?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Feb 28, 2011 @ 8:00pm
Location   Internal Docking Bay
Timeline   SD36 16:40

Ka'er had changed out of his old clothes into something a bit cleaner and more appropriate for a first meeting. Gazing at his own scarred face in the mirror, he tied his ebony hair back, then examined his own features.

Despite the web of tiny white scars traced across the right side of his face, Akamu was a handsome man. Light grey eyes peered out from beneath a prominent browline and a high forehead. The tunic he'd chosen had a low neckline, revealing another, larger scar tearing across his chest; a memory of a battle that had nearly taken his life.

"Akamu," Prince said, breaking Ka'er's thought process. "We have docked."

"Time to go meet my hosts," Ka'er said, drawing himself up to his full, impressive height. and hurrying to the airlock.

He stepped out into the smooth lines of the sanitary Federation starbase. There were two people before him, a man in Security yellow, and a woman in command red(not sure if Tasha would be there?). A few engineers were already going to work on the Selen'ai's outer hull.

Ensign Kel'tor stood idley as he waited for the vessel to finish docking. He was not too thrilled at being assigned to "Welcome Duty" by Lieutenant Trellis. Who the hell does he think he is? The SOB wasn't even Chief of the Department! Hell, Kel'tor could name at least five other guys more qualified to be Chief compared to that pompous Trill.

Either way, he had more important things to deal with. All he wanted to do was shake hands, smile politley, and move on.

"So what's so special about this guy anyways?" Kel'tor asked in a low tone to the Red suit standing next to him.

Tasha was heading off shift, but the report about a relatively unknown species from the Gamma quadrant and their strange craft intrigued the Captain, so much so, she had asked Trellis to meet her at the docking bay. She was surprised to find he had sent an Ensign in his place.

The ship did look a little worse for wear, having been in a battle or two, but this was the reason for having a Station this far out, to help those that needed it.

"Unknown race, unknown ship hailing from the Gamma Quadrant." She spoke aloud, voicing her thoughts. "Thoughts?" Tasha asked Kel'tor as they watched the ship connect to the docking ring.

"Gamma quadrant, eh? Hmm. . .maybe this will be interesting." he responded with a bit of surprise. He snapped to as he saw the visitor step through the docking corridor and proceed towards the two officers.

"Hello," he said, waving, then reaching out to shake his welcoming committee's hands. "Akamu Makani."

"Welcome to Federation Starbase Deep Space Five." Kel'tor responded as he observe the visitor's attire and more importantly, the ship he departed from.

"I'd like to thank you for your assistance," Ka'er said, indicating the engineering team. "I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for you guys."

Tasha smiled. "Glad we could help. What happened to your ship?" She enquired as she extended her own arm in greeting and she averted her eyes from the scarring along his face, though they appeared old, she was not about to make an assumption.

"The Breen," Akamu said simply. He knew that was likely to raise a few eyebrows, but he figured it was better to be honest now than lie and get called out on it later. Not that planned on informing the Starfleet officers why the Breen were firing on him. His client had paid a bit extra for discretion.

"The Breen, huh?" Kel'tor asked as he took a step towards the the vessel's corridor. There was no telling what a vessel like this was like on the inside. There were certain perks with wearing a yellow uniform.

"Well, Mr. Makani, before our Engineering team can board your ship, station security will have to perform a cursory evaluation of your vessel just to ensure the safety of our crew." he said as he took out his tricorder.

"I'm sure you won't mind." He said with a smile.

Ka'er grimaced; he was pretty sure no one had called him "Mr Makani" since Professor Jeliden at the Academy. He grinned at the Security Officer. "I'll give you the guided tour," he said. He turned to the woman. "Would you care to join us..." he checked her neck for the rank pips... "Captain?"

Her first reaction was to wonder what the Breen had attacked for, or was it the other way around. Whatever, the pilot and his ship were now a guest on the station.
She spied the grimace. Did he have something to hide? The questions were building but she also did her best to reason them away and she was curious as the offer was very tempting. Her hand came to her lips as a finger rested on them, as if to shush herself, but she was considering ramifications, the pros and cons as it were and finally, after some searching of her conscience her curiosity got the better of her and as Commander Dunham had not pointed out anything out of the ordinary in his brief report so she felt secure in her choice.

"Yes," She agreed, "I'd love to see the inside but I hope it's better in than out and I do hope you're ready to receive guests!" Her face bore an apprehensive smile.

Ka'er grinned, then turned and headed up the ramp. The other two followed him up.

"Welcome," Prince's voice intoned. "Akamu, are you sure it's wise to allow these people to poke and prod me?"

"They'll trust us a bit more if we're honest, Prince," Akamu answered.

"Just so long as they don't violate me in any way," Ka'er could imagine Prince glaring darkly at the guests. "I am a sentient being."

Tasha felt like Alice in wonderland. Unsure of her surroundings yet feeling that this was quite comfortable. Her eye fell to Akamu.
"Not computer?" She abridged the question, her eyes the leapt from corner to corner to corner then up to the ceiling before coming back to the security ensign at her side.

"You are a being of flesh and blood, I am one of circuitry and binary code," Prince responded. "I even know that, in the end, I have been created by the gods, the same as you."

Tasha had not expected the ship to respond to her query, but the man who she regarded as Captain stayed silent with a smirk on his face.

"I am not one to theorize on the aspects of God, but I was not created by a god, but simply of man." She cast a look to Makani. Did the ship have a complex by design, or through experience. "I am Captain Tasha Tahir and you are?" She queried, not sure where to look or where to aim her question. She could only assume that the ship was similar to an EMH, but this to her was something new, something wonderful.

"I am honored, Captain Tahir," Prince answered. "My name is Dark Prince, though I prefer to be called Prince."

"Well," Ka'er said, not particularly interrupting, just adding his own voice into the conversation, "this is the primary deck; deck 2. Crew quarters, torpedo bays, weapons locker, and sickbay. Below is deck 3; engineering level 2, cargo bay, and hydroponics; and deck 4, primary engineering. Above we have deck 1, the cockpit and battle control." He paused. "What do you want to see first?"

Tasha replied without hesitation. "Battle deck!" Her excitement hardly contained and far removed from a Captains normal demeanor. "I rarely get the chance to see normal starships, let alone an alien one." And as she said it, she felt she had to apologize to Dark Prince and the Captain. " I mean no offense." Her eyes already looked upward, to what was just a ceiling.

"I am unique," Prince agreed, a bit arrogantly.

Ka'er lead them up the nearby ladder, which exited out into the only corridor on deck 1. He immediately veered left, entering a relatively large chamber with a bank of consoles around the edge and an empty middle space.

"The Harbinger class," he explained, "is designed to fulfill a variety of purposes; everything from troop transport to heavy weapons platform. The most common use is as an agile 1-3 man fighter, capable of delivering a high-yield attack, but quick enough to evade the enemy. The battle deck is used by the commanding officer as a sort of bird's eye-view of the engagement. Sensor readouts, enemy movements, tactical information, and communications are all relayed through this room before passing onto the pilot in the cockpit."

"Prince, display tactical." A great holographic globe appeared in the center of the chamber, right where they were standing. At its center was a wire-frame of the Selen'ai, around that, a wire-frame of DS5. Beyond that the frames of several ships moved to and fro about the station.

Kel'tor was amazed by the capabilities of the vessel. However, his primary concern was the life-like Artificial Intelligence. There was no telling how much such a device could go for if it could be replicated.

"How many vessels like Prince exist currently?" Ensign Kel'tor asked.

"Ships possessing EI computers exist in the tens of hundreds," Ka'er answered. "But self-aware ships? Fully developed? Perhaps a hundred."

"At the last count," Prince said, "there were 82 self-aware E.I.s in the Telian Unity. That was 16 years ago."

"Why so long since the latest update?" Kel'tor further inquired. He had never visited the Gamma Quadrant, but he knew that G-quad technology had been scarce since the end of the War due to the Treaty of Bajor and Starfleet's campaign of not allowing Dominion technology to be used on Federation vessels. However, this posed as a new opportunity for a variety of reasons.

"Where's the rest of the fleet?" he asked.

Tasha had the very same thought, along with the length of time and Akamu didn't look that old.

"Two questions, one answer," Ka'er said dryly. "There was a war, no one bothered to count much of anything. And the rest of the fleet? Well, most of them are like Prince; trying to figure out what to do with them selves after loosing most, or all, of their crews."

"May I?" Tasha asked, her hands draping across the back of the chair that she assumed was the battle station command chair and her eyes were still dancing around the room. Weapons beyond their own, a powerful little ship that could well be used by Starfleet to further their own development but Tasha knew that under the accord, she could not even suggest it, let alone think about it. ~Can it read minds? ~ She thought to herself, wondering just how much of a partnership the ship and Captain shared.

"Of course," Ka'er said jovially, waving a hand. He rarely used this room anyways. His particular skills were always needed up in the cockpit. Prince was no pilot; he lacked the intuition and the willingness to make gambles. There were few instances when Ka'er trusted the actual flying to Prince and made his base in the battle catrole.

Tasha glided around the battle chair and began to ease herself backwards into the seat. The chair was warm, like sitting on a family horse and she began to feel the display beginning to surround her. Before she knew it, it seemed that Prince had activated some form of sensory perception filters and the display appeared to move towards her, encapsulating her within the wire-framed world of what could only be described as a full digital immersion.

Her vision was was filled from every conceivable angle with data from both the station and the closest ship to them. She shivered, feeling physically sick and leant forward, pushing herself from the chair. She sensed rather than saw the two men come to her aid, but her arms shot outward, as if to repulse the help.

"I'm fine." She stated looking at the floor and felt the room spin and her arms were lifted with the refused help.
She tried to focus, but she couldn't. Both men had become a blur, despite everything around now moving in slow motion. As quickly had she had felt set upon, everything snapped back into a crystal clear reality, a switch had been thrown.

"Thanks for the warning!" Tasha remarked, feeling a little abhorred by the violation upon her person and knew she had to take more care on alien vessels, despite her curiosity. She ran her fingers backwards through her hair, pulling at the back tightly making sure her scalp was still attached to her tingling scalp.

"I'm sorry," Ka'er said, taking a step back once he was sure the captain was steady on her feet. "I didn't think Prince would do that without permission." He glared up at the ceiling, directing his anger at the computer. Prince remained silent, feigning innocence.

She glanced upward as well, as if the intelligence were somehow going to reveal itself. She shook her head.
"Thank you Akamu, but I think Prince was just trying to impress me." She explained and that is what she genuinely believed, though now she was going to be a little more restrained as she moved to Security mans side. "You have a very proud ship and we are grateful to you for taking the time to show us around," Tasha said, now beginning to feel a little nervous in the unseen presence of Prince, "but we must get back to the station. Once you have settled the ship," She again looked upward and held her thoughts in check perhaps I can show you around some of our sights." She offered with a warm smile.

Tasha needed time to collate her thoughts and put into perspective what had just happened. It was not invasive, not at first, but once she was immersed, she felt as if her hair was being pulled from their roots and something was intent on getting inside her mind, maybe not to control or infiltrate, but to discover just what her inner most thoughts were.

Kel'tor had seen more than enough. He knew that a ship with an intelligence system like this would be more than beneficial to anybody interested in reverse-engineering this type of technology.

"Captain, I think I'm going to stay onboard and just keep a watch over the Engineering team. Just in case they have any problems or need assistance with anything." He said with a reassuring smile.

"Besides, I'll need to submit a compliance report since this is a Gamma quadrant vessel." he added.

Ka'er remained silent for a moment, unsure of how to react. This man seemed... off. Something wasn't quite right about the way he talked, the glint that came into his eye whenever Prince spoke. And now this insistence to remain aboard? It didn't seem right. However, there was no real reason to deny his "request", beyond Ka'er's gut instinct. The captain would undoubtedly think he was being paranoid, so Ka'er simply nodded. "Very well," he said, "whatever I can do to help." Besides Prince wasn't stupid enough to just let this security officer exploit him.

Tasha nodded, though her head was still felt a bit fuzzy and began to make her way back down to the docking area.

Ka'er flagged the captain down before she had a chance to leave. "Captain, once I'm finished here, where's the best place on the station to get a drink and a meal?" He chuckled ever so slightly. "Haven't had anything but emergency rations in three days."

She stopped and considered. "There are a number of restaurants on the Promenade, but it depends on what you prefer. There are many to choose from. Any particular dish take you fancy? The Qu is a good Klingon restaurant, but the 'In' place at the moment is the Box of Delights. You can't miss it. Lit up like the Paulson Nebula." She smiled warmly.

"The Box of Delights?" Ka'er echoed. "Sounds... delightful. I think I'll try it out." He started to lead the Captain down the ladder. "Prince... play nice."

"I was about to say the same thing," Price said dryly.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Assistant Security officer of questionable motives

Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Civilian Mercenary

Dark Prince
Civilian Artificial Intelligence